Used For The Study essay topics

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  • Mdma Users In Our Study
    1,059 words
    Nadia A S hash Earleywine / Todd Haskell Can there be a Relationship between Ecstasy and Memory in the Human Body Target Article: Parrott, A. C & Lasky, J. (1998) Ecstasy (MDMA) effects upon mood and cognition: before, during and after a Saturday night dance. Psychopharmacology, 139,261-268. Additional Article: Parrot, A.C., Lees, A., Garnham, N.J., Jones, M., & Wesnes, K. (1998). Cognitive performance in recreational users of MDMA of ecstasy: evidence for memory deficits. Journal of Psychopharm...
  • Results Of The Second Study
    899 words
    The Instrumental Side Of Corporal Punishment - Parents' Reported Practices And Outcome Expectancies Summary The subject of corporal punishment among children is a controversial issue. A vast amount of research has been performed to evaluate the effect of corporal punishment on children. However, rarely has the motivation to use corporal punishment been explored. The studies included in this journal article focus on the parents, and the outcomes they expect to get from different types of punishme...
  • Effect Of Sleep On Memory This Article
    747 words
    Effect of Sleep on Memory This article is from The Journal of Experimental Psychology, and was written on an experiment performed by psychologist Bruce R. Ekstrand, from the University of Colorado. He experimented on the effects that sleep has on one's memory, after learning a particular bit of knowledge, in this case a certain list of twelve three-letter words. There were several different ways Ekstrand went about discovering whether sleep would facilitate memory or not. Out of the entire group...
  • Temperature And Skin To Skin Contact
    1,528 words
    Abstract The authors (Chiu, Anderson, & Burkhammer, 2005) of the article present all the essential components of the research study. There will be a decrease in temperature in the newborn if having difficulties breastfeeding while having skin-to-skin contact with the mother. That was the inferred hypothesis. The method used to gather the information was a pretest-test-post test study design and the sample consisted of 48 full-term infants. The key findings showed most infants reached and maintai...
  • Useful Research
    944 words
    Review of APA Statistical Guidelines: 'Predictive Value of Alexithymia: A Prospective Study in Somatizing Patients' The August 1999 article in the American Psychologist discusses proper statistical methods and how they should be utilized in journal articles. Using some of the guidelines put forth in the article, I will attempt to show the extent to which Bach & Bach (1995) follow these principles. The article in question investigates the role of alexithymia as a predictor of persistent somatizat...
  • Research Study
    1,417 words
    Running head: ACKNOWLEDGING FATIGUE OF TIRED WOMEN Acknowledging Unexplained Fatigue of Tired Women The title "Acknowledging Unexplained Fatigue of Tired Women" indicates a qualitative study. This study is applicable to women (aged 18 years or more) with the symptoms of fatigue, depression, sense of powerless, and body aches. The problem is stated clearly throughout the introduction. The background information illustrates that fatigue is not well understood. If the patterns associated with fatig...
  • Resurgence Of Medicinal Marijuana Use
    781 words
    1) Russo, Ethan M.D. (1998). Cannabis for migraine treatment. Pain, 76, 3 - 8. This particular journal entry is actually a historic review on the benefits of utilizing cannabis for the medicinal use of relieving migraines. In an attempt to find a journal that might actually have a case study or something on the affects of marijuana on a human, I forgot that there probably would not be many studies done due to the hazardous impact that comes with inhaling marijuana smoke. Although I am a proponen...
  • Physical Chemistry
    334 words
    Chemistry is the study of the nature, properties, and composition of matter, and how these undergo changes. There different kinds of chemistry which are organic chemistry, Biochemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, theoretical chemistry, analytical chemistry. Organic chemists study compounds of carbon. Atoms of this element can form stable chains and rings, giving rise to very large numbers of natural and synthetic compounds. Biochemists concern themselves with the chemistry of the l...
  • Friend's Substance Use And Participants Substance Use
    837 words
    The Dynamics of Alcohol and Marijuana Initiation Alcohol and Marijuana are the most popular substances among adolescents in the United States. To prevent our youth from ever using marijuana or using alcohol too early, we must find out the exact age they are most likely to be initiated to it. Alcohol and Marijuana are often considered as gateway substances to other deadlier drugs. By delaying the onset of use by youths, we can prevent them from ever using other drugs. Many factors play into wheth...
  • Braden Q Scale And Skin Assessments
    545 words
    The Braden Scale is a clinically valued tool that is used to predict pressure ulcers. The scale is broken down into six sub-scales; these sub scales determine the risk factors associated with skin break down. Multiple aspects of a patients condition are examined, (sensory perception, moisture, activity, mobility, nutrition, friction and shear), to limit the patients susceptibility for skin break down. Since pressure ulcers are a financial burden and a cause for patient discomfort and possible in...
  • Five Different Habitats
    616 words
    A Comparison of Organisms in Different Microhabitats Jessica Hil key Meeker High School, Meeker, CO 81641 Abstract: On September 12 we started a long-term study of the foothills zone north of the Meeker High School. We evaluated the different organisms in different microhabitats, and studied to see if the habitats were significantly different. Our conclusion was that there was not a significant difference between the different habitats. Introduction September 12, 2000 and several other mornings ...
  • Consistency With The Previous Sections The Author
    1,675 words
    We then replaced the Tyrode's solution with a low calcium bath. This caused a decrease in tone of contractions. This occurs because the muscles need calcium to contract. The calcium bids to calmodulin, which leads to muscle contraction. So this low concentration causes fewer and less toned contractions. When 20% calcium is added to the solution it enables more calcium to bind to the receptors, thus causing more contractions. However, when we replaced the low calcium bath with a high calcium bath...
  • Effects Of The Use Of Racial Language
    3,453 words
    Running head: ATTITUDE CHANGE IN VIEWING RACIST TERMS Attitude Change in Viewing Racist Terms as Immoral Using Persuasion Tactics and Group Size Larkin Wood II University of GeorgiaAbstractThe degree of individual attitudinal change dealing with racial terms among individuals when exposed to different group size and tactics was studied. One hundred and twenty University of Georgia students received one of the twelve different conditions, which consisted of one of the three group sizes matched wi...
  • Time Management
    542 words
    Carmen Arias English 102 October 26, 2003 Process Essay Time Management for College Students We all know the sound that is very familiar to us: tick, tick, tick. No, it's not the sound of our favorite movie coming on; It's time moving on. College students often find that time is the hardest goal to conquer. Time isn't really a goal. Finding time to complete all of our task is a goal. As a student there are some basic principals of time management that you can apply. Identify the best time for st...
  • Use Of Numbers And Scientific Data
    1,132 words
    SUBSTANCE USES AND PREGNANCY THE MULTIPLE WAYS OF DISSEMINATING INFORMATION January 1989 the results of a study conducted by Ann Pytkowicz Streissguth were published in the Journal of Developmental Psychology. The study investigated the relationship of maternal use of drugs, alcohol and / or cigarettes during pregnancy on the IQ of her child at the age of four years. Newsweek and Scientific News also print articles later that year reporting the effects of maternal use of alcohol and drugs on the...
  • Knowledge Into Good Use
    747 words
    As reading Francis Bacon's essay, "Of Studies", one realizes of its enduring quality. Bacon's precise ideas were as valid in his days, as they are in the present times. His assertions have that universal quality that not only makes them cross physical frontiers, but also temporal ones. Throughout the essay there are many points in which I agree; but one of my favorite statements is the one that follows: "To spend to much time in studies is sloth; to use them too much for ornament is affectation;...
  • Use Of A 2 Percent Chlorhexidine Solution
    2,644 words
    Background It stands to reason that some type of preparation needs to occur before an IV needle is inserted into a vein. For one thing, even as sterile as the needle might be, this is still a foreign object being introduced into the body -- and as such, the body will likely bring its defenses to do everything it can to reject the foreign object. For another thing, the skin itself is a breeding ground for microorganisms. Once a puncture is made into the skin and vein, this is a excellent entry po...
  • Kava For Prescription Use
    786 words
    Anxiety disorders are the most common of all the mental disorders. An anxiety disorder may make you feel anxious most of the time, without any apparent reason. They can even make you feel as if you are going to die. Jonathan Davidson MD got an idea of taking the natural product of kava kava and using it as a drug to help treat anxiety and daily stress. In the South Pacific kava kava is used to help induce states of clam and as a ceremonial drug. Kava in fact might have clinically useful anxiety ...
  • Controversial Link Between Aas And Violence
    2,166 words
    Anabolic-Androgenic steroids (AAS) are used by many individuals for improved athleticism, strength, or just to look better. Many researchers believe there have been no studies that concretely show that AAS make individuals more prone to commit violent acts, however, a strong argument can be made to show otherwise. According to Forbes, the masculinizing properties of the male reproductive system have been reported since the 18th century. Androsterone was the first synthesized AAS in 1934 (Lamb 25...
  • Oxygen Concentrations Beneath The Drapes
    564 words
    Do oxygen-enriched atmospheres exist beneath surgical drapes and contribute to fire hazard potential in the operating room? Title / Abstract The title accurately reflects the description of the study undertaken, while the abstract describes the study, method, and supported outcome of the study. The research question is presented in an attempt to bias the reader is made by stating", oxygen concentrations beneath the drapes were significantly reduced with the use of the scavenger system. ' Methods...

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