Used Metals essay topics

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  • 15 To 20 Percent Platinum Group Metals
    1,760 words
    Platinum: An Invaluable Earth Resource The advent of the Industrial Revolution sparked worldwide large-scale use of minerals in the mid 18th and early 19th centuries, as well as continued growth during the next several hundred years. Over a period of 150 years from 1750-1900, global mineral use saw an increase of roughly 1000 percent while the world population merely doubled. Since 1900, mineral production has increased roughly 1300 percent (Young 6), and the world has become completely dependen...
  • Platinum Metals
    912 words
    I am a silvery metal that is as resistant to corrosion and tarnishing as gold. I am almost as rare and consequently am the likewise highly valued and used in Jewelry. I am also used in chemicals industry as a catalyst, in medicine as an anti-cancer drug, and in catalytic converters for car exhausts. I have an atomic number ok 78, my atomic weight is 195.09 (when rounded 195) and a symbol of Pt. Who am I Im platinum of coarse! Platinum is a member of the six transition elements in Group V of the ...
  • Metal Product From Ore
    1,036 words
    Iron, Steel and Metal Finishing Operations Summary By: Kevin Worley Southwestern Oklahoma State University Production, forming, and cleaning of steel products creates several waste-outputs. These outputs range from the benign to RCRA regulated hazardous waste. Listed below are the steps associated with a metal product from ore to finished product, detailing the various wastes. Production of Coke Converting iron ore into steel involves using coke, limestone, and ore to create the reduced metal. C...
  • Irons Uses Pure Iron
    539 words
    Iron Fe While my study on iron i found that iron is actually an important element. I always thought of it as just a metal but it has many other uses. While reading this report you will learn about these uses. You will also learn about Irons properties and where iron is found. Irons Facts And History Irons symbol is Fe, It is a silvery white metal. Irons symbol comes from the latin word ferrum The atomic number of iron is 26; iron is one of the transition elements. Metallic iron was used for weap...
  • Most Useful Features Of Aluminum
    2,139 words
    Aluminum is one of a number of soft metals that scientists call "poor" metals. It can be shaped and twisted into any form. It can be rolled into thick plates for armored tanks or into thin foil for chewing gum wrappers. It may be drawn into a wire or made into cans. Aluminum is a generally popular metal because it does not rust and it resists wear from weather and chemicals. (Bowman, 391) Aluminum is an element. Its atomic number is thirteen and its atomic weight is usually twenty-seven. Pure al...
  • First Source Of Alkali Metal Compounds
    1,092 words
    The six chemical elements that are known as alkali metals are lithium (Li), sodium (Na), potassium (K), rubidium (Rb), cesium (Cs), and the extremely rare radioactive substance called francium (Fr). Cesium and Francium are the most reactive elements in this group. The word alkali comes from the Arabic word al-q ili, meaning plant ashes. Plant ashes were the first source of alkali metal compounds. The alkali metals occupy the first column of the periodic table of the elements. Since these metals ...
  • Non Metal Element In Our Compound
    368 words
    I. Identifying an Unknown Compound Purpose / Problem: In this lab we had to figure out what our mystery compound was by performing two tests. One of the tests was called the Flame Test, which we use to find out the metal element in the compound. It is used to find the metal because each metal gives off its own unique flame color. The other test is called the Precipitate Test, which we use to find out the non-metal element in our compound by adding silver nitrate to it. It's used to find the non-...
  • Oxide Of Aluminum
    963 words
    Aluminum, symbol Al, the most abundant metallic element in the earth's crust. The atomic number of aluminum is 13; the element is in group 13 ( a) of the periodic table. Hans Christian Or stead, Danish chemist, first isolated aluminum in 1825, using a chemical process involving potassium amalgam. Between 1827 and 1845, Friedrich W"o hler, a German chemist, improved Oersted's process by using metallic potassium. He was the first to measure the specific gravity of aluminum and show its lightness. ...
  • Used Weapon
    362 words
    Medieval Weapons Medieval Weapons were (are) very dangerous. They can kill, puncture, wound, hurt, or anything else. All weapons from the Middle Ages were looked upon as frightening and crucial tools to kill. From a small dagger to a large cannon; all weapons would kill, no doubt about it. A lot, in fact most of the weapons were used for siege and defense against castles. Castles were the most integral part of the Middle Ages. They held the king, the servants and anyone else important. If you wa...
  • Photographers Use Sodium
    752 words
    Sodium, a silvery white-metallic element classified under the alkali metals, has an atomic number of 11 and a mass of about 23 g. Sodium has been known since early times and was used by the people of Mesopotamia and Egypt to make glasses. Sodium is the sixth most common element found on the earth, usually not found in nature but more often in compounds such as salt (Na Cl). It's regularly found in compounds among dry lake beds, underground, and as well as in sea water in such places as: Belarus,...
  • Use Of Cadmium
    459 words
    Cadmium, symbol, Cd, is a silvery white metallic chemical element with a faint blue tinge to it. It is the fifty-seventh most commonly found element in the earth. It was discovered by. Strom eyer, in 1817, in Germany. Stromeyerwas studying a sample of zinc carbonate which separated into a the new element ultimately called cadmium. The only cadmium materials, greenockite (cadmium sulfide) and (cadmium carbonate) are found in zinc oxide and zinc carbonate. Cadmium, which is usually associated with...
  • Chromium Steel Alloys
    527 words
    Chromium Chromium is a very hard, brittle, gray metal, which is sometimes referred to as Siberian red lead. It does not rust easily and becomes shiny and bright when it is polished. The shiny trim on our automobile bumpers and doorhandles is usually electroplated chromium. Most chromium comes from something called chromite which is a mixture of chromium, iron, and oxygen. Chromite is a common rather ordinary black mineral that no one really noticed until more recent times. Nearly all the world's...
  • Aluminium The History Of Aluminium Use Aluminium
    518 words
    Aluminium The history of Aluminium use Aluminium is now one of the most widely used metals, but one of the hardest to refine due to it's reactivity with other elements. Even as late as the turn of the century, Aluminium was considered very valuable and in turn expensive, even more expensive than gold. In some cultures, when a function was held (for example, a party) by wealthy people, only the most honored guests would be given Aluminium cutlery, the others had to make do with gold or silver cut...
  • Pure Titanium Metal
    566 words
    The Reverend William Gregor in 1791, who was interested in minerals, discovered titanium. He recognized the presence of a new element, now known as titanium, in menachanite, a mineral named after Menaccan in Cornwall (England). Several years later, the element was rediscovered in the ore rutile by a German chemist, Klaproth. The pure elemental metal was not made until 1910 by Matthew A. Hunter, who heated Till 4 together with sodium in a steel bomb at 700-800 C. Titanium is used for alloys with ...
  • Use Of Nickel
    956 words
    Nickel is one of the most important elements on the periodic table. It has plenty of history, as well as a huge importance to society. Its has unique chemical, physical, and geological properties. Nickel is used commercially in abundance, as it is used anywhere from simple art products such as ceramics to complex structures such as tubing for desalination plants. It is even used in the American five-cent coin, the "nickel". Nickel was discovered by Axel Fredrik Cronstedt, in Sweden, during the y...
  • Very Useful Metal
    784 words
    ELECTROPLATING The problem was to discover which electrolyte is the best. An electrolyte is a liquid you electroplate in. Water, vinegar, and vinegar with salt stirred in it were the three electrolytes used. Which is the best electrolyte for copperplating a nickel Is there a difference between these electrolytes or are they all the same Electroplating is the process of coating with metal by means of electric current. When electroplating is really used it is more complicated than the process used...
  • Age Of The Metals And Corrosion
    1,876 words
    For centuries, it has been known that elements are separated into two groups- metals and non-metals. Not surprisingly, the larger of the two is the metals. Metals in general can be characterised as hard, shiny solids that can be shaped, and are a relatively good conductor of heat and electricity. The discovery and utilisation of metals is the primary reason civilisations have moved beyond the Stone Age. Today many of the known metal elements are used extensively by society for almost everything ...
  • Production Of Lithium Metal And Its Compounds
    991 words
    THE HISTORY OF LITHIUM What does LITHIUM mean? Lithium is from the Greek word "Lithos" which means "stone". So Lithium is a stone. It got this name because it was discovered from a mineral source whereas the other two common group 1 elements, sodium and potassium, were discovered from plant sources. Lithiums' history goes back not just to the 1800's, but possibly back into time in the Southern Egypt before the birth of Christ. Yet, Swedish student Johan August Arfvedson take credit for discoveri...
  • Sample's Temperature
    297 words
    Summary: Aluminum and steel were tested over three different temperature readings. One of each sample was put into an oven at about 245^0 F, a bath of ice water and finally in dry ice at about -30^0 F. After the metal sample's temperature was changed by exposure to each external stimulus, we proceeded to break each sample. The Impact Test Machine was used to break the steel sample. The CIM-24 was used to break the aluminum sample. Procedure: The pendulum was raised up to the top position just pr...
  • Appearance Metallic Antimony Appearance Metallic Antimony
    270 words
    Appearance Metallic Antimony (Sb) Antimony (Sb) Appearance Metallic antimony is an extremely brittle metal of a flaky, crystalline texture. It is bluish white and has a metallic lustre. It is not acted on by air at room temperature, but burns brilliantly when heated with the formation of white fumes. It is a poor conductor of heat and electricity. Antimony and its compounds are toxic. It is found mostly with other minerals and in stibnite. In crystal form, Antimony is a yellow crystal. Hazards A...

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