Used Research essay topics

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  • Scientific Research
    1,005 words
    If there is one thing life teaches us all everyday it is that learning never ceases. It matters not if the subject is a foreign language, understanding abortion laws, or writing about love. We learn whenever we participate in anything. Therefore it is worthy of understanding. We learn many ways, through many means. Some listen, some read, some ignore and other study till they cry, but the true learners learn through enjoyment and savor every moment of it. To understand writing we need to: A) kno...
  • Descriptive Research
    884 words
    Descriptive research involves collecting data in order to test hypotheses or to answer questions about the opinions of people about some topic or issue. This kind of research is also called survey research. Salkind (1997) states that descriptive research is used in most of the fields, including education, political science, sociology, and economics. A high percentage of all research studies are descriptive in nature. Descriptive data typically are collected through a questionnaire survey, interv...
  • Final Phase 4
    522 words
    Educational Research Single-Subject Critique Establishing Discriminative Control of Responding Using Functional and Alternative Reinforcers During Functional Communication Training Wayne W. Fisher, David E. Kuhn, and Rachel H. Thompson Appropriateness of research question or purpose: The purpose of this research was interesting and of value as it focused on problems that often occur when Functional Communication Training (FCT) is in use. This study sought to find effective solutions as desired '...
  • Status And Humor In Task Discussions
    583 words
    Robinson, Dawn T., Smith-Lovin, Lynn. (2001). Getting A Laugh: Gender, Status, and Humor in Task Discussions. Social Forces, 80,123-158. Background and Purpose: The general purpose of this study is to show how humor operates in task-oriented group discussions. The researchers used the opportunity to study the dynamic occurrence of humor during group conversations. The researchers are using the functions of humor to come up with ideals about who it is that actually does the joking (male or female...
  • Development Of Research Methodology
    460 words
    The key components are: m A description of the research problem. m An argument as to why that problem is important. m A review of literature relevant to the research problem. m A description of the proposed research methodology. m A description of how the research findings will be used and / or disseminated. DESCRIBING A RESEARCH PROBLEM 34 Empirical Research MethodologyHypothesesSpecific research hypotheses to be tested during data analysis. Research Design Should the researcher plan to use sev...
  • Sociologist Use Surveys
    688 words
    Methods For Acquiring Information A sociologist's goal is to identify recurring patterns of and influences on social behavior. Sociologists use nearly all the methods of acquiring information, from advanced mathematical statistics to the interpretation of texts to study social behavior. The sociologist use surveys, direct observation, experiments, and existing sources. They use these methods to solve problems about social behavior in human groups as well as individuals. In their research, they l...
  • Author Of A Scientific Paper
    1,446 words
    The Purpose Of The Publication Manual Of The American Psychological Association The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association is the manual used by most students and authors of psychology and behavioral sciences. Frank D. Covington 2563 Navy Road Fayetteville NC 28306. The American wrote this paper. Psychological Association spent ten years collecting data for the latest edition (the fourth edition). The reward of publication of a paper out weighs the stresses of writing it. O...
  • Topic Of Stem Cell Research
    855 words
    Who has the Power to change life? The topic of stem cell research does not affect me so much at the moment. It might in the future, but for now it does not. I do believe that stem cell research should be used for cling organs that will be used for organ transplants. I do not however think that parents should place the doctors on pedestals just because these "mad scientists" supposedly have the power of God. The topic of heated debate does intrigue me, but not to the point as to where I would mak...
  • Questionnaire Design The Researcher
    2,511 words
    CHAPTER 3 Reward systems RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1. INTRODUCTION The aim of this chapter is to explain, justify and account for the research methodology that has been selected in this study. In conducting the investigation, the researcher intends to proceed from a quantitative-descriptive design. A number of issues related to the research methodology will be extensively discussed below. 3.2. METHODICAL ACCOUNT (RESEARCH: QUANTITATIVE-DESCRIPTIVE) Ther as cited by De Vos and Fouch'e (1998: 77), de...
  • Drugs To Patients Without Their Knowledge
    661 words
    What Is the Price Knowledge I feel there is a definite need for knowledge in today's society, but there is also a definite point when it has gone too far. It has gone too far by conducting experiments on people without letting them know the consequences and side effects that will place upon them. It has also reached an extreme when the person becomes physically or mentally impaired after the experiments. I see this treatment as both immoral and unethical; there is no reason to harm a normally he...
  • Web's Science Resource Page
    549 words
    Are Mainstream Scientific Researchers Using the Internet to its full Multimedia Potential As a research presentation medium, the Internet has been designed to offer vastly more to publishers than easy text access. It's astoundingly simple to incorporate photographs, diagrams, illustrations, sounds, animations, movies and all kinds of non-text content into a website using today's user-friendly web development software. This subject, Networks and Multimedia in Science and Technology, has been desi...
  • Materials In My Work
    458 words
    Evaluation Introduction I started this project by experimenting with different materials and creating different mark making. I also produced several different still life studies. Research I got my primary research from producing observational drawings of different artists' work, such as Kurt Schwitters. I got my secondary research from looking back over my sketchbook and using the Internet to find more information and studies of Kurt schwitters. I recorded my research by finding a lot of artists...
  • Internal Consistency Of Measure Reliability
    537 words
    Validity These two terms, reliability and validity, are often used interchangeably when they are not related to statistics. When critical readers of statistics use these terms, however, they refer to different properties of the statistical or experimental method. Reliability is another term for consistency. If one person takes the same personality test several times and always receives the same results, the test is reliable. A test is valid if it measures what it is supposed to measure. If the r...
  • Motives For Social Research
    370 words
    Motives for social research: Social research can be motivated by policy guidance and program management needs, academic concerns, and charitable impulses. Policy and management motivations: an example would be that school officials may need information for planning distance learning programs. Academic motivations: Questions about changing social relations have stimulated much academic social science. ie. Durkheim linked social processes stemming from urbanization and industrialization to a highe...
  • Personal Interviews As A Major Research Tool
    837 words
    Research has become a major factor in my life both on the job and at school. The first college experience I had was in 1998 at DeVry Institute of Technology. It was imperative in the college life to utilize all the resources available in order to succeed. At this point in time, a person begins to understand and use the research tools available such as the Internet, periodicals, journals, etc. The first papers presented to me were the worst in regards to getting to know how to use the library and...
  • Research Study
    662 words
    Research Critique Part I The ultimate goal of nursing research is the generation of an empirical knowledge base to guide nursing practice (Burns & Grove, 2003). With this goal in mind, Koniak-Griffin, Lesser, Uman, and Nyamathi, in their article "Teen Pregnancy, Motherhood, and Unprotected Sexual Activity" (2003), conducted a research study that examined the sexual behaviors and attitudes toward condom use of adolescent mothers from ethnic minority backgrounds. The purpose of this paper is to cr...
  • Stem Cell Research With Abortion
    2,055 words
    How should society deal with the stem cell research controversy? Stem cells are specialized cells which are formed at the very beginning stages of human embryo development. These types of cells are very unique because at the stage at which they are developed they are able to transform into many different kinds of tissue types in the human body. Stem cells can be obtained from tissues during a miscarriage or from embryos produced in labs. When the cells are isolated from everything in labs, they ...
  • Ideal Body
    383 words
    I feel scientific "objectivity" supports the oppression of women. Western science presents itself, its methods and its findings as the only way of getting at the "truth". (Study Guide) "The vertical relationship between researcher and research objects, in view from above, must be replaced by the view from below". (Ecofeminism) This passage from, Ecofeminism represents to me the relationship between researcher and the researched, as well as societies perceived relationship between man and women. ...
  • Stem Cell Research
    535 words
    Stem Cell Research: Pro's, Con's and development over the years Senior Division Group Documentary Process Paper For National History Day, we chose our topic of Stem Cell Research for many reasons; it is a highly controversial topic, a very close to heart topic, a very interesting topic and it has lots of conflicts, each with a compromise. Our topic is highly controversial because of all the different aspects of the research itself and all the ways they are being viewed. For example, the moral ba...
  • Large Proportion Of Student Subject Population
    1,434 words
    An Evaluation Of The Types Of Subject sAn Evaluation Of The Types Of Subjects Used In Social Psychological Research Over the past few years there has been a growing concern about the validity of psychological research, due to the fact that an overwhelming majority of studies have used university and college students as subjects who have been tested in academic laboratories on tasks which are quite often academically orientated. Questions have been raised as to the extent to which findings derive...

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