Used Techniques essay topics

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  • Beth And Jake
    4,679 words
    Filmic technique plays a vital role in the way an audience looks at a character or society in a whole. Lee Tamahori's film "Once were warriors" uses filmic technique in the crafting of the characters, the roles they adopt and the society they live in. Filmic Technique helps to exhibit the Heke family as trapped in society, with a vicious cycle of alcohol, violence, male domination, unemployment and pointless parties. In order to try and free themselves from the vicious cycle or to just find peac...
  • Technique In His Writing
    1,218 words
    Much can be learned about Dave Barry's personal life by reading his books, which are compilations of the articles that he has written. His articles can be seen every Sunday in the Daily Break section of The Virginian-Pilot. He is a comedy writer who often points out annoying aspects of everyday life and makes fun of them. All of the following excerpts have been taken from the book entitled, "Dave Barry is not making this up" (unless otherwise noted). He uses a lot of parentheses to add asides, w...
  • Black And Red Figure Techniques
    1,011 words
    Greek Vase Painting In modern society, Greek pottery is considered an art which is regarded as much for its aesthetic splendor as its historical significance. However, the role of pottery in ancient Greek culture was far more functional as its primary use was for the transportation and storage of such liquids as water and wine (Encyclopedia Britannica). Due to the durability of the fired clay material, Greek pottery is the only remaining art form that allows us to explore the evolution of this a...
  • High Resolution Separation Of The Specific Components
    1,671 words
    Journal Article Review HIGH PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY Journal Title: Journal of Forensic Science 1996; 41 (5): 804-811 Article Title: Identification and Quantitation of source from Hemoglobin of Blood and Blood Mixtures by High Performance Liquid Chromatography Authors: Edward O. Espinoza, Dr. P.H., Mark A. Kir ms, Ph. D., and Maureen S. Filip ek, B.S. Introduction: The high frequency of occurrence of bloodstains at crime scenes has resulted in an increased need for sensitive identificat...
  • Pollen Analysis A Technique
    970 words
    The remains of ancient plants can provide a wealth of archaeological information about a site, with many methods being available to the archaeologist engaged in extracting this data. Perhaps one of the most widely-known of these techniques, possibly because of its attractive nature, is pollen analysis - a technique developed in the early years of the twentieth century by, like so many archaeological techniques, a geologist -- the Norwegian Lennart van Post. To understand the technique and the us...
  • Documentary Absolutely Ballroom
    679 words
    Good Morning / Afternoon Mr. Strath dee and fellow English scholars, today we take a journey into the world of ballroom dancing. Ballroom dancing, although not a dance of individualism, it also rebels against the label of conformity often thrown at it. Our task was to compare the documentary 'Absolutely Ballroom', and the movie 'Strictly Ballroom'. To properly undertake our task we were compelled to lose ourselves in the plots, music and techniques used in both films. Both show us the highs and ...
  • Ancient Techniques And Jiu Jitsu
    1,658 words
    The Japanese have always been known throughout the world for their excellence in battle and warfare. Since Japan is such a small country they needed to use their situation to their advantage. For example, to get an edge over invading attackers they had to use there island as a defense fortifying defense. But that was the strategy of it. What everybody thinks about when they hear "Japanese warfare" is the Samurai. The samurai were the members of the military class, the Japanese warriors. Their im...
  • Still Life With A Peppermint Bottle
    972 words
    ANALYSIS OF CEZANNES STILL LIFE WITH A PEPPERMINT BOTTLE Paul Cezanne is considered one of the greatest and most memorable artists of the Post-Impressionist period. His techniques were admired and greatly influential in the development of Cubism and many other modern art movements. He employed several styles in his works, such as his still life productions. In 1894 he produced a brilliant piece of work entitled Still Life with a Peppermint Bottle. Through this work he used elaborate techniques t...
  • Revisionist History Of The Mad Revisionist
    784 words
    The Mad Revisionist's The Parthenon: A Post-Hellenistic Fabrication is an interesting piece, of which there are many different arguments are made in order to prove that there is no apparent evidence that (the Parthenon) was the majestic temple which the authorities claim. The Mad Revisionist is an individual who puts an extraordinary amount of effort into poking fun at Holocaust revisionists, but, at the same time, he also indirectly poses another intriguing question: What if this is true You ca...
  • Maharaji's Meditation Techniques
    2,004 words
    Maharaji " "Know thyself" has echoed through the ages. This simple statement has been revised and updated, but has never lost its charm or intrigue. We all, in our own ways, want to better ourselves, be it in our career, our family, our friends, our skills whatever our chosen endeavor may be. So we should, and to this end many avenues are available to us. However, one cannot forget one's self. Knowledge of the self is important to some, indeed, paramount. Knowledge of the self begins with the se...
  • Mexican Ceramic Art
    1,444 words
    Mexican ceramic ware or pottery has existed since ancient times, long before the arrival of the Spanish. However with the arrival of the Spanish in 1521 came an artistic influences from around the world which have been incorporated into Mexican ceramic art. These influences have been traced to the Islamic Moorish tradition as well as to native Spanish, Italian and Chinese ceramic art... Since the appearance of the Olmec culture, ceramics took an important place in the lives of Mexican people. Th...
  • Known Foundational Elements Of Minimalism
    1,688 words
    Minimalism, as used in the context of a musical term, incorporates many different elements that when applied to compositional works, can make their overall classification difficult to define. Within the term itself there exists alternate views and definitions regarding the concepts surrounding it and what it actually is. Is it a style, or a technique -- as I believe, or is it simply a term that can be applied however one wishes? Within this paper I seek to answer this very question, presenting s...
  • Politics And Political Propaganda
    885 words
    Assertion: Assertion is a common modern propaganda technique. Assertion is a wholehearted or energetic statement given like a fact even though it may not be true. Assertions very often are stated with an air of confidence as to ward off questions and make people believe they are in no need of an explanation. This might have been used by yellow journalists when reporting on the Cuban rebellion during the blowing up of the USS Maine- when the reporters were saying it was torpedoed rather than blow...
  • Poem Dawe
    1,031 words
    Composers express their beliefs about consumerism in many ways, mediums and styles, due to its power of influence over the majority of the civilization. Bruce Dawe communicates his views and believes through the medium of poems to emphasise the grave reality of consumerism overtaking our social, ethical and moral issues of our culture. His cynical views are brought forward using numerous poetic techniques some being, figurative language, caricature, imagery and epigraph these clearly outline his...
  • Concept Of Many Obsessions Through Certain Techniques
    1,402 words
    Obsession is a state of mind that can and does affect all individuals in different approaches. It can determine the individuals way of thinking and may be demonstrated through various texts and visual communications. The texts studied, "Sleeping Dogs", an item from the stimulus booklet, the film "Shine" and two related texts, use many techniques to support and create these concepts and aspects of obsession. These techniques include analysing the obsession in relation to the characters involved, ...
  • Peak Performers Work Toward Goals
    341 words
    Becoming a Peak Performer Two techniques for becoming a peak performer as proposed by Charles A. Garfield that I have utilized in my college career are envisioning a mission and being results oriented. Garfield's thoughts on envisioning a mission are that peak performers desire more then simply winning the next fight. They look to winning the war. Keeping focus on a long-range goal, which requires commitment and action. Through my schooling, I have learned that school can be very difficult, but ...
  • Sensors Feedback Information About The Clients
    1,582 words
    Biofeedback therapy is a treatment technique that enables people to use signals emitted from their own body to monitor and improve their health. It is the "use of instrumentation to mirror psychophysiological processes of which the individual is not normally aware and which may be brought under voluntary control (Biofeedback pamphlet). ' These processes include heart rate, respiration, skin temperature, electrodermal response, muscle tension and other bodily functions that are usually controlled...

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