V Chip essay topics

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  • Fight Over The V Chip
    704 words
    Young children watch 8,000 murders and 100,000 acts of violence before leaving elementary school. The V-Chip Controversy Thousands were infuriated... lawyers and the TV Networks called it unlawful as it violates the First Amendment, parents were happy to have the help, and kids were angry because they could no longer see some of their favorite shows. The fight of the century had begun between the television industry and the government over the issue of television violence. In 1991 when Tim Colli...
  • 1996 Vs 126 N 34 P 16
    1,364 words
    The V-Chip In the process of un bridling the burdened telecommunications industry, Congress somehow forgot itself and managed to regulate a new blossoming business. This industry was one that was a true and unadulterated free market. It is the Internet. This market place, which resides everywhere yet nowhere in a place called cyberspace, deals in one thing: information. Each day millions of people trade uncountable letters, memos, posts on newsgroups, photographs and innumerable conventional and...
  • V Chips To Their Television
    1,125 words
    Violence on Television and the V-chip Television programs that generate a great deal of concern among parent and educators are those that contain violence. The questionable violence, sex and language on television have caused the nation to find methods of censoring these problems. Due to television violence, censorship should reduce the ability for children to view violent content. Children have an easy access to violence on television from violent programs through movie channels. The public's c...
  • Standards For V Chip Technology
    689 words
    The V-Chip What is a V-chip? This term has become a buzz word for any discussion evolving telecommunications regulation and television ratings, but not too many reports define the new technology in its fullest form. A basic definition of the V-chip; is a microprocessor that can decipher information sent in the vertical blanking of the NTSC signal, purposefully for the control of violent or controversial subject matter. Yet, the span of the new chip is much greater than any working definition can...
  • Use Of The V Chip
    949 words
    The Use of the V-chip: Insightful Tool or Blatant Censorship Recently, there has been widespread debate over the use of a new form of technology that may be coming to a television set near you in the very near future. In fact, some say this new technology, known as the V-chip (the V stands for violence) may finally filter out the trash programming that infests the average television set and reaches millions of impressionable children each and every day. Many others, on the contrary, believe that...
  • V Chip In New Television Sets
    2,854 words
    THE V (Violence) -CHIP By Mary Ann Banta Board Member, National Coalition on Television Violence BACKGROUND Almost from its inception, television has attracted critics concerned with violence portrayed in prime-time and Saturday morning children's programs. Spokesmen for the broadcast industry took the position that television and the violence portrayed on television had no affect on behavior of the viewer. To many this was a strange position for an industry that was also selling commercial time...

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