Vietnam Veterans essay topics

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  • Use Of Agent Orange
    778 words
    Agent Orange Agent Orange is a plant killer, which was used during the Vietnam War to destroy the massive amount of trees (Nguyen, 1). The destruction that occurred, however, is far more extensive than once believed. Complications in health occur much more frequently to those exposed to the chemical than those who managed to avoid contact (Nguyen, 2). The use of Agent Orange in the Vietnam War affected the American soldier's health and genetics. Agent Orange is a 50: 50 mixture of two major comp...
  • Issue Of The Vietnam War Memorial
    2,304 words
    Streaming jungles. Napalm. Underground tunnels. Agent Orange. Guerrilla warfare. Vietnam. A conflict that started in controversy, ended with controversy, and has made nothing but controversy since. When the men returned home from war, they were not greeted with pride but with uneasiness. The veterans even faced controversy over their own memorial. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial has been an issue of debate since its beginning, a debate that is far from worthwhile. Vietnam is a very important war i...
  • Vietnam Veterans The Ptsd Symptoms
    2,034 words
    Gary Cone was one among many Vietnam Veterans that had a difficult time dealing with the horrors of the gruesome war. Drugs and alcohol became his escape from life. Not being able to deal with the images that continued to fill his mind long after the war was over, he drugged himself up to dull and block out the pain. He also had to deal with his uncontrolled fits of rage and anger that somehow took over his body with out his consciousness. He was depressed with no real understanding of what was ...
  • February 1971 Vietnam Veterans Against The War
    693 words
    My Lai Massacre What Americans refer to as the My Lai Massacre happened in the quiet village of Son My, only a kilometer from the coast of Vietnam in Quang Ngai Province. On March 16, less than two months after the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese launched their famous 1968 Tet Offensive, Bravo and Charlie Companies of the 11th Infantry Brigade of the 23rd Infantry Division entered the hamlet of My Lai and killed at least 347 Vietnamese, mostly women and children. The official Vietnamese death tol...
  • Nurses In Vietnam
    1,674 words
    The 'other' Vietnam Vets Everybody knows about the men who served in Vietnam. They have at least heard of the mentally trying conditions during the war and the resulting 'post traumatic stress syndrome' (PTSD) so many veterans suffered from, or heard of the issues concerning negative public opinion of veterans for their role in a hated war. However, few are aware of the female role in the Vietnam War; women, the 'other' veterans, shared in all of these problems and issues along with the gun-toti...
  • Treatment Vietnam Veterans
    1,398 words
    Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Vietnam Veterans The power of the human brain is a mystery of science. For example, while certain parts of the brain are well known to control certain bodily functions, the brain's memory capacity is just now being discovered. Scientists believe that only a small fraction of the brain is actually used, and its potential power is much greater than one may expect or believe. Its ability to view and store information is still not totally understood by scientists t...
  • Vietnam War Affected Veterans
    1,320 words
    Veterans and the Vietnam War Contrary to President Roosevelt's campaign promise in 1940, young men and women still go to war (Colombo). All wars have harsh results to the service men. They were not only adults, but young adults. It was different than that of trench warfare in World War I. Although what happened to many men in Vietnam did happen to other men in other wars, the cumulative psychological effects were much greater. War, to be sure, is hell. There are other elements that make the Viet...
  • Vietnam Combat Veterans
    4,348 words
    It was not until World War I that specific clinical syndromes came to be associated with combat duty. In prior wars, it was assumed that such casualties were merely manifestations of poor discipline and cowardice. However, with the protracted artillery barrages commonplace during "The Great War", the concept evolved that the high air pressure of the exploding shells caused actual physiological damage, precipitating the numerous symptoms that were subsequently labeled "shell shock". By the end of...
  • Thoughts Of Suicide For Many Vietnam Veterans
    1,451 words
    The deaths that were experienced in Vietnam due to Agent Orange and other jungle diseases have become well known by the general public. However, it is suicide that has resulted in the deaths of over 150,000 Vietnam soldiers during and after the war. An enormous amount of suicides resulted from what most people call "protecting our country". The Vietnam War brought more than fifty-eight thousand deaths and is to some one of the darkest battles in United States history. If not killed during the wa...
  • Families Of Many Vietnam Veterans
    1,602 words
    The Vietnam War was one of the most tragic wars in American history. The affects it had on the American people were tremendous. Even today many Americans have the frightening, unforgettable memories of the war. The war was accounted to be over in 1973, but Americans still suffer the aftershocks of a national trauma that has left the nation bitterly divided and estranged from its ideals. The painful memories will be eased, but they will never be fully healed. Many Americans look at the Vietnam Wa...
  • Veterans Exposure To The Defoliant Agent Orange
    2,828 words
    Agent Orange We must do everything in our power to make the world recognize that our veterans are still paying a high price for fighting the war in Vietnam. Agent Orange is slowly taking the lives of these brave veterans. The government has recognized some diseases but the rules to compensation can be complex. It was in the 1960's that we were in the process of trying to destroy vegetation and brush in Vietnam, in doing so we proceeded to contaminate one of the largest parts of the environment, ...
  • Correlation Between Dioxin And The Reported Illnesses
    2,397 words
    In 1961, the United States began spraying herbicides in its military campaign to defoliate the jungles of southern Vietnam. Mimicking Smokey Bear, American pilots chuckled Remember, only you can prevent forests, as they dropped weed killers over target sites. But as research progressed, the true nature of the chemicals which they were spraying came to light. It is certainly no longer a laughing matter when it is realized that Agent Orange, a fifty-fifty mixture of 2, 4, D and 2, 4, 5, T usually ...
  • My Opinion About The Vietnam War
    847 words
    The Vietnam war is something, that no one can forget. There are a lot of different opinions and emotions involved. They say the war started on August 7, 1964, when Johnson was president, and he sent hundreds of thousands soldiers into Vietnam to bomb North Vietnam. USA's Participation in the war was to stop Noth Vietnam in trespassing into South Vietnam. USA also saw communism as their biggest enemy, and felt that it was their duty to stop communism, America was very committed to a theory called...
  • Memorial To Veterans Of The Vietnam War
    1,191 words
    The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is a national war memorial located in Washington, D.C. that honors members of the U.S. armed forces who served in the Vietnam War. The Memorial consists of three separate parts - the Three Soldiers statue, the Vietnam Women's Memorial, and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall, which is the most recognized part of the memorial. The main part of the memorial was completed in 1982 and is located in Constitution Gardens on the National Mall, just northeast of the Lincoln ...
  • Butler's First Novel
    844 words
    Unlike so many other Vietnam veterans who deal with the war primarily through the eyes of American combatants, Robert Olen Butler, an Army translator in Saigon in 1971, has opted to create a much wider spectrum of plot considerations and characters in "The Deep Green Sea' (Henry Holt, $23) to populate his fictive world. "A Good Scent From a Strange Mountain,' for instance, was a collection of 15 stories told in the voices of Vietnamese refuges, seven of them women, who have been transplanted fro...

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