Violence In Movies essay topics

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  • Stone's Natural Born Killers
    1,322 words
    The Tie between Violence, Adolescence, and Directors Many controversial issues have risen since the release of Oliver Stone's Natural Born Killers. Many people believe that because of this movie children have been given the ideas of mass murder, insane outbreaks, immoral decisions and so on. Oliver Stone has been held morally responsible for many children rebelling against ethical standards because of his directing and his role in making the violent yet shockingly true film Natural Born Killers....
  • Violence In The News And Violent Movies
    1,087 words
    Violence is the Answer Note: This is a satire, please do not take it seriously. All contractions are intentional and are included to set the tone of the essay. As Bob Taylor drove through the ghetto on his regular route home, he looked to his left and saw two people with Japanese-looking symbols tattooed on their bodies beating the living daylight out of each other. Bob chuckled at the sight and continued driving home. When he got home, he turned on the TV and watched the news. Bob laughed hyste...
  • Violence And Sex
    465 words
    Violence in the Media In the world we live in, violence is a way of life for many people. Chances are, most of the people reading this live in nice, upper-middle class suburbs, just like I do. But, just because we don't see this violence doesn't mean it doesn't happen. We all know it happens, we " re not stupid, we watch the news, we read the newspaper. So why does the government try to censor violence? Why does the government try to censor sex? Is it because we can't handle it? No. I can handle...
  • Power Rangers Movie
    415 words
    In our society today, movies and television shows are being broadcast all over the world to many genders, races, and ages. Some of these shows involve many violent topics and situations. For example, the news qualifies as a violent shows because three fourths of every broadcast involves a violent situation. The next generation of adults is exposed to this violence everyday, thinking its cool or acceptable. I think that if teenagers witness the violent actions in person they would react different...
  • Violence In Movies
    1,764 words
    Watching violence in movies increases the risk of some people's acting aggressively. Many people have problems linking media violence with violence in real-life. Only small percentages that watch violence are responsible for violent acts. Most people unaffected by it. Even though doctors, lawyers, juries, and judges cannot establish a direct link between media violence with violence in society, they still can make conclusions from data. Media violence is one thing that causes people to do violen...
  • Old West
    312 words
    Produced and directed by Clint Eastwood, Unforgiven is simply the most realistic western ever put to film. Never before has a movie so faithfully captured what the old west was really like, while at the same time delivering a message about how nothing good ever comes from violence. It's no surprise that the film easily walked away with the Best Picture Academy Award for 1992. When a customer cuts up a prostitute and goes unpunished, the women put out a bounty on his head and his partner's. Eastw...
  • Violence In Movies
    702 words
    Once again, Quentin Tarantino outdoes himself. The movie True Romance was excellent. It presented real issues that some people are forced to deal within their lives. The title of the movie is misleading. You would think this was going to be a love tory. Actually it is, but unlike any love story I've ever seen. It's filled with violence, action, blood, guts and gore. Like most other Tarantino movies it revolves around the violence we rarely see or experience in our lives. He also incorporates rug...
  • Importance Of Family And Relationship
    1,538 words
    The 1940's were a time when most were living with the effects of war every day. Whether it be stomaching the violence of war or trying to deal with the absence of male family members in the family unit, everyone was shaken by World War II. Therefore it is easy to see how a movie such as Meet Me in St. Louis was born. It takes us back to a time that is associated with wholesome family values and a world with less major problems before war had directly affected Americans of modern times. A film of...
  • Violence In Movies
    597 words
    If you watch movies these days you know you " re sure to see some sort of violence whether it be a killing, beating, or some kind of cruel act. Now every time you watch TV, you are likely to see a commercial promoting a new movie with a catch title such as "Scream" or "Fear". Whether you think these movies are necessary or not, production companies know they will get the viewers and this is why they keep making them. I was watching a movie the other day, with my lovely girlfriend of course, by t...
  • Impact Of Televised Violence
    401 words
    With every passing day people await the next big box office hit, the next episode of their favorite sitcom, or the latest news, but do they realize how what they are viewing could be effecting them. With violence growing in our media and entertainment could it be effecting the way people behave toward each other. Could there be more to the blood on the screen or the shove witnessed by the television viewer? When the evidence says that it does why are there so few people doing something about it....
  • Old African Movies And The Movie
    780 words
    Training Day and Belly In 2001, one of the most memorable performance's in Hollywood was Honored with an Academy Award, for Best Actor In A Leading Role. The Oscar, went to Denzel Washington, for is amazing performance in Training Day. A powerful departure from his good guy roles, Denzel Washington, plays Alonzo Harris, a street smart, crocked, undercover narc, out on the mission to save his ass, from the Russian mob. On the day in question, he is giving rookie cop Jake Hoyt (Ethan Hawke) a chan...
  • Violence In Tarantinos Movies
    725 words
    Gangsters, violence, murder and corruption! If these are some of the things that you " re into, then this is your kind of movie. Be ready to watch it more than once to be sure to get all the movie has to offer because it jumps from subject to subject and can be a little confusing. The movie on the whole was really great. It was filled with some pretty gory scenes and extreme violent content, Tarantinos' trademark. The way he portrays the real life aspects of crime and violence are unbelievable. ...
  • Levels Of Violence In The Mass Media
    928 words
    Juvenile Delinquency Jeremy C. Newell Active Learning Activity Video in Class = 20 pts. Wednesday, March 6, 2002 The video hosted by Bill Moyer that we watched in class on March 4th involved violence in the mass media and the effects that it may have on children in modern day society. Video games sometimes display graphic violence as well as violent verbal messages that often convey a message of appeal to children. Movies often combine humor, violence, and / or sex in order to be more appealing ...
  • Way Of Violent Behavior
    802 words
    Violent Behavior in Society It gained through violent behavior is only temporary and it lasts until the time of revenge comes around. Violence was glorified hundreds of years ago. Back then it was a form of apure entertainment. We know how among ancient Romans, gladiators (usually slaves or captives trained for the purpose), fought with swords or other weapons at public 'shows'. The more harm the gladiators inflicted the bigger hero he was, and the more respect he gained. All the crimes they com...
  • Addition To Violence In Movies And Television
    1,521 words
    Theorists argue that violence in the medias influence can lead to an increase in violent behavior in youth. Youth violence is a serious issue, and there are many things that contribute to youth violence. It is difficult to put a finger on just one single factor that contributes to youth violence. One fact is that if a child grows up in an unhealthy household that he or she will be more likely to grow up to be a violent person. Another fact that is linked to violent behavior is if the child grows...
  • Mask The Right Movie For Children
    686 words
    In the movie, The Mask Jim Carrey is playing diffident bank teller Stanley Ipkiss. The movie revolves around Stanley, who is living quite lonely life. Stanley spends his free time with his dog Milo and likes to watch cartoons. He is quite a kind man, who probably cannot do anything wrong to other person. Even when Stanley thinks of suicide, he still remains a warm-hearted person. Stanley attempts to rescue what he thinks to be a drowning person floating down the river, but discovers the body bei...
  • Too Violent News Media
    729 words
    Human nature, not the media, is to blame for the violence that plagues our world. Countless violent acts are blamed on our television shows, magazines, and movies when in reality they only reflect the society that created them. Violence has existed as long as people have been in contact with each other. While the media does not necessarily promote this violence, it does not openly fight it. As long as man has walked the Earth there have been bloody and brutal wars and conflicts. Murder was not i...
  • Movie's Story Line In Some Scenes Violence
    1,305 words
    Boys N the Hood: Justified Violence Violence is a part of our life in today's society. The word violence is used quite often in everyday conversations. Not only is violence used and described in daily conversations, but violence is used in the entertainment world as well. By saying entertainment world, in specific, the movie entertainment business is meant. Violence has been used in movies as far as anyone can remember. The original version of Godzilla was made quite a few years ago and with les...
  • Violence In Movies And Television
    1,318 words
    Lights, Camera, Violence! "Packed with nonstop action and adventure!" We hear this quote all the time when previewing movie trailers. It seems all they show on these trailers are the violent scenes, for example, the blowing up of police cars, the gunfights, and sometimes even worse than that. Why does this interest us? I believe it is because happiness and tranquility does not grasp the attention of the audiences anymore. An example of this is how well Bad Boys 2 did in reviews as opposed to Fro...
  • Moore Believes Dick Clark
    555 words
    After watching "Bowling for Columbine" written by Michael Moore, your mind may be filled with many new thoughts on who to blame for our nation's knack of always acting in violence. Some of the problems that come to mind after watching this movie may be poverty, gun control, media, or even politics. Moore doesn't necessarily place the blame on anything in particular, but through the movie you are able to see that things need to be changed when Americans act in violent ways such as killing 11,127 ...

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