Virus Infection essay topics

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  • Thirty Computer Virus Programs
    1,203 words
    Truth and Lies About the Computer Virus Walk into any computer store today and there will be at least twenty or thirty computer virus programs. From the looks of it computer viruses have gotten out of hand and so has the business of stopping it. The computer user must cut through the media hype of apocoliptic viruses and shareware programs and discover the real facts. Before we even start the journey of exploring the computer virus we must first eliminate all the "fluff". The computer user needs...
  • File Viruses A File Virus
    2,623 words
    Table Of Contents Introduction What is a computer Virus How a Virus Infects History Of Viruses. Virus Types... File Virus... Boot Virus Multi-Partite Virus Polymorphic Virus Virus Prevention Rule 1 Rule 2 Rule 3 Rule 4 Virus Statistics. Trojans. Worms. Conclusion... Diagrams Chris Ruc i ITM 280 Dr. Jeffries 14 Dec 2000 Computer Viruses Introduction If you buy a new computer these days, it's likely to be shipped with an anti-virus package. This fact, more than anything else, should convince us of...
  • Spreading Of The Ebola Virus
    440 words
    The virus is active in monkeys and they acquire it every second fall. The virus is not deadly to the monkeys. In Africa many people eat monkey meat as a source of protein and this is how they get the Ebola virus in their systems. There have been theories that the Ebola virus can be transmitted from bats to people and that the bats have the Ebola virus in them. It has never been scientifically proven that bats carry the Ebola virus. The Ebola virus is spread from person to person much like the AI...
  • Infection With Ebola Virus
    1,605 words
    What is Ebola hemorrhagic fever Ebola hemorrhagic fever (Ebola HF) is a severe, often-fatal disease in humans and nonhuman primates (monkeys and chimpanzees) that has appeared sporadically since its initial recognition in 1976. The disease is caused by infection with Ebola virus, named after a river in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire) in Africa, where it was first recognized. The virus is one of two members of a family of RNA viruses called the Filoviridae. Three of the four...
  • Types Of Viruses Sometimes Virus Hackers
    2,574 words
    Julio Contreras What is a computer virus Sometimes the term "virus" is misused. Some people tend to use the word "virus" to refer to anything undesirable that can happen to a computer, but this is not completely accurate. Viruses are short programs that are not accidental. Someone, somewhere, has purposely designed them, usually with malicious intent. It is usually copied and passed along many times before it reveals its existence. "A virus is any program that reproduces itself by using the reso...
  • Several Form Of The Aids Virus
    484 words
    AIDS VIRUS The AIDS disease is a complicated illness that involves several phases. It is caused by a virus that can be passed from person to person. AIDS impairs the human body's immune system (the system responsible for fighting off diseases) and leaves the person vulnerable to various infections. AIDS was first identified in the United States in 1981, when 189 cases were reported to the Centers for Disease Control. Within a decade the disease had spread to almost all populated areas of the wor...
  • West Nile Virus
    1,135 words
    Virus Overview The virus was first thought about in 1883 when A. Mayer was seeking to find the cause of the tobacco mosaic disease. Though he was unable to see them with the microscopy of his day, he postulated that a small agent caused the disease. D. Ivanowsky, later tried tests as well and also concluded that it was a disease caused by something smaller than they could see. The virus was first found and discovered in 1935 by Wendell Stanly. He was able to crystallize the virus, now known as t...
  • Anti Virus Program
    1,383 words
    Computer Viruses and their Effects on your PC Table of Contents What is a Virus? ... 1 HOW A VIRUS INFECTS YOUR SYSTEM: ... 2 HOW DOES A VIRUS SPREAD? ... 3 BIGGEST MYTH: 'I BUY ALL OF MY PROGRAMS ON CD ROM FROM THESTORE'. STORE BOUGHT SOFTWARE NEVER CONTAINS VIRUSES... 3 INFECTION (DAMAGES)... 4 PROTECT YOUR COMPUTER, NOW!! ... 5 A virus is an independent program that reproduces itself. It can attach itself to other programs and make copies of itself (i. e., companion viruses). It can damage or...
  • Extremely Deadly Virus
    304 words
    Ryan Rodney Jan Decker March 24, 2005 The Hot Zone Synopsis: Discussion: The Ebola Virus is an extremely deadly virus that can kill its hosts with in a few weeks. The infected starts by having dizziness and headaches, then proceeds to give fatigue, sweating, and red eyes caused by bleeding of the veins. Internally all of the organs begin to swell and bleed profusely. There is extreme clotting in the heart, liver, and kidneys. Internal bleeding takes over and eventually shuts down the entire bodi...
  • Infection With The Ebola Virus
    1,885 words
  • H.I.V. Infections With An Estimated 250000 People
    563 words
    E NEVA, Nov. 24 An estimated 5.3 million people, including 600,000 children under age 15, became infected with the virus that causes AIDS this year, the World Health Organization said today. For the first time the number of new infections in sub-Saharan Africa stabilized, but that was offset by increases in morbidity (the rate the disease was contracted) and deaths in the region. An estimated 3.8 million people in the region were newly infected this year with H.I.V., the virus that causes AIDS, ...
  • Costs Of Virus Infection Computer Viruses
    4,970 words
    Computer Viruses: Past, Present And Future In our health-conscious society, viruses of any type are an enemy. Computer viruses are especially pernicious. They can and do strike any unprotected computer system, with results that range from merely annoying to the disastrous, time-consuming and expensive loss of software and data. And with corporations increasingly using computers for enterprise-wide, business-critical computing, the costs of virus-induced down-time are growing along with the threa...
  • Infection Of The Ebola Virus
    1,291 words
    The Ebola Virus History of, Occurrences, and Effects of Ebola, a virus which acquires its name from the Ebola River (located in Zaire, Africa), first emerged in September 1976, when it erupted simultaneously in 55 villages near the headwaters of the river. It seemed to come out of nowhere, and resulted in the deaths of nine out of every ten victims. Although it originated over 20 years ago, it still remains as a fear among African citizens, where the virus has reappeared occasionally in parts of...
  • Nta Virus Infection
    1,824 words
    The Ha nta Virus The ha nta virus is not a new foe to humanity. This mysterious and sometimes fatal disease has plagued humanity for over 1000 years. This virus, most likely originating in China over 1000 years ago, is transmitted by human contact with mice. Only relatively recently has the ha nta virus captured the attention of the United States. Although the ha nta virus has been known for such a long time, there is little known about the virus. In the United States most cases are found in the...
  • Wild Spread Of Ebola Virus
    1,083 words
    Life is a biological internet in which viruses travel like messages, moving at high speed from node to node and from city to city. They are diverse and wild spread in every plane on the surface of the earth. Ironically, such invisible creatures have a substantially enormous effects on human life and health. In most cases, Viruses are harmful and sometimes deadly. One of these deadly viruses is the Ebola virus, a highly contagious, deadly and mysterious microbe, known to be the most lethal virus ...
  • Susceptible To Infection With Feline Virus
    1,182 words
    FELINE PANLEUKOPENIA VIRUS Virus Classification: Order: Mononegavirales Family: Parvoviridae Subfamily: Parvovirinae Genus: Parvovirus Species: Feline virus Also called feline infectious enteritis, feline "distemper", and feline ataxia or incoordination. Examples of other viruses belonging to the same genus as Feline virus include Canine type 2, Porcine, Mink enteritis virus, and Raccoon enteritis virus. Virus Structure: Feline virus (FPV) is a small (20 nm) autonomous, non -enveloped, icosahedr...
  • Measles Virus
    728 words
    Measles Virus In the 1800's the measles was a very dangerous disease, and when people who come in contact with it will die, if they have never been exposed to the virus before. The measles is transmitted through the air. The way that the virus is transmitted is that infected droplets are released by coughing, sneezing, and by talking. When the infected droplets that contain the measles are in the air, they are taken into the body through the mouth, nose and eyes of the potential person that coul...
  • Boot Sector Virus
    648 words
    Virus and Hack Research Paper: Virus Types, Malicious Code, Backdoor Attacks, and More ActiveX malicious code ActiveX controls allow Web developers to create interactive, dynamic Web pages with broader functionality such as HouseCall, Trend Micro's free on-line scanner. An ActiveX control is a component object embedded in a Web page which runs automatically when the page is viewed. In many cases, the Web browser can be configured so that these ActiveX controls do not execute by changing the brow...
  • West Nile Virus
    358 words
    We are all aware of the presence of West Nile Virus in our nation. The following information is being provided to help you understand this illness and learn what you can do to protect yourself and your family. Risk to individuals on a daily basis is low. By using the following tips you can further reduce the risk that you and your family will be exposed to the West Nile Virus. West Nile Virus is an infection caused by a virus that mosquitos carry. The virus spreads to humans when they are bitten...
  • Virus Hiv Causes Aids
    1,650 words
    The first case of AIDS was identified in New York in 1979. The cause of the disease, a retro virus now called Human Immunodeficiency Virus, was identified in 1983-84 by scientists working at the National Cancer Institute in the United States and the Pasteur Institute in France. These workers also developed tests for AIDS, enabling researchers to follow the transmission of the virus and to study the origin and mechanism of the disease. Close relatives of the AIDS virus infect some African monkeys...

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