Vote For A Candidate essay topics

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  • Electoral College Vs The Popular Vote
    1,094 words
    The Presidential Election of 2000: Fact or Farce When the subject of the Presidential Election is brought up, most people think of all the chaos that was caused between Florida and the rest of us. What I would like to state to you today is about how our electoral system is out of date and how it goes against everything that we should do to elect the proper president. The election of 2000, will for many reasons, go Down in history as a complete farce. No one can deny that the race between Vice Pr...
  • Old People Votes Gore
    1,320 words
    1. How elect a US President The rules of US Constitution specifies that a president must be elected every four years. Candidates must be at least 35 years old and a US citizen born in the USA. American politicians say the way they elect their president is one of the most open and democratic processes in the world. But to outsiders it can also be one of the most baffling. The election race in some countries takes just a few weeks, but US presidential candidates undergo a political marathon, negot...
  • McCain Campaign
    1,144 words
    John McCains campaign for the office of president of the United States has been carefully thought out in order to attract the largest possible amount of voters. As in all campaigns, everything that the candidate has said and done has been screened and planned so as to not offend or scare off any potential voters. Because of the campaigns thoughtfulness and attention to detail, the McCain campaign has been mostly successful up until this point. Until now John McCain and his closest competitor for...
  • 135 Votes And Vice President Gore
    790 words
    The Bush vs. Gore campaign was at its climax in late October of 2000. The people of the nation were casting their votes, and the two leading candidates were neck to neck. The tension was sky high on election day November 7, 2000. Behold, we were to have a new president; some thought. Election experts have called for 'evolution' instead of a 'revolution' in changing the way the country goes about its elections. Never in history has such controversy risen as in the election 2000; Bush vs. Gore. El...
  • Vote For An Electoral College Member
    3,664 words
    The Electoral College: Is Attendance Smart A common misconception among Americans is that when they vote they elect the President. The truth is not nearly this simple. What in fact happens when a person votes is that their vote goes for an Elector. This Elector (who is selected by the respective state in which a vote is cast) casts ballots for two individuals, the President and the Vice-President. Each state has the same number of electors as there are Senate and House of Representative members ...
  • Vote For A Candidate
    538 words
    This activity is rational because candidates must gain and maintain public support. The extensive campaign that most candidates go through requires large sums of money. This money is used to become visible to the mass by the media. The media is responsible for linking the elites with the mass. This is why the elites use the media so much. The media portrays the candidates in a light that will get the most ratings. Candidates spend more money to help put a positive spin or a higher approval ratin...
  • Electoral College With Popular Vote Bonus
    5,254 words
    Options for Electoral College Reform The recent presidential election has re-raised the question of electoral college reform, since the presumptive winner of the electoral college lost the popular vote, like Benjamin Harrison did in 1888. Many are saying that if the loser of the popular vote serves as president, he will (like Harrison) be very weakened by a lack of mandate. Therefore quite a few people, including Senator Hillary Clinton, are calling for a constitutional amendment that would elec...
  • Basic Consensus On The Issues
    290 words
    Voting Everyone in my family who is old enough to vote, registers, and takes a privilege in voting, and knowing that their voice counts. That is why everyone who can vote does vote in every election. Both of my parents have not missed an election, and don't plan on it. My family votes neither democratic nor republican, they vote for both. What I mean by that is that they vote for the best candidate who they think will get the job done. So they would be considered non-partisan. They go about pick...
  • Popular And Electoral Vote
    1,906 words
    Since the fiasco that was the Presidential Election in the year 2000, many Americans have been calling for a reform of the Electoral College. Most of these people were Gore supporters; disillusioned by the fact that Bush won the office of the President while, in fact, he lost the popular vote. The American people did not elect George W. Bush; the Electoral College did. Last year's circumstance was the first of its kind in over a century. There have been many close elections, but none have result...
  • Electoral College Votes
    794 words
    When Americans vote, each and every vote is not counted, they are voting for the 538 individuals who make up the Electoral College. Most states award their electoral vote to the candidate who has won the popular vote. Let me emphasize, "Most". The campaign for 2004 that was directed towards my generation was "Vote or Die" (MTV 2004), with words as strong as those, a person like myself, would assume my vote actually counted. But, as I learn more about politics, and the whole Electoral College pro...
  • Tie Between Bush And Gore
    767 words
    The 2000 Presidential Election was one of the most suspenseful and unclear presidential elections for more than a century. For weeks after November 7, it had been uncertain to America who had won the presidency. The election's closeness and bitter words between parties over the results will leave controversy for years to come. When the elections began, the Republicans and Democrats chose their candidates. Caucuses were held in each state to choose delegates. It had begun like any other election,...
  • Amount Ken Bentsen
    2,158 words
    GENERAL BACKGROUND INFORMATION We are not a democracy, yet we do have a voice in our own government. Elections are the choice microphones for many citizens. There on Election Day, they have the right of making their voices heard; however, many interest groups and a few individuals seem to have a louder voice due to campaign financing: No U.S. official should be beholden to one or a few groups. And no group or individual should have a greater claim on our elected leaders than any other. That's th...
  • Petitions For The Recall Of Statewide Officers
    1,049 words
    In order to fully describe the recall procedure and how it works we will elaborate on Governor Gray Davis recall in California. The first step in a recall effort is the circulation of recall petitions. The process begins with the filing of a notice-of-intent-to-recall petition written in the proper legal language and signed by 65 voters. Once that is accomplished, the recall petition can be circulated in earnest. Petitions for the recall of statewide officers must be signed by voters equal in nu...
  • Close Between The Candidates A Recount
    371 words
    The election of 2000 has showed America and its citizens a major problem in the election process. There are multiple levels of problems inside this election process. The major problem is with the way that the ballots are cast. Through out America old and tired methods are in use to record and tally the votes of Americans. This creates other problems inside the voting process. When votes are close between the candidates a recount is administered. There are no centralized rules or regulations rega...
  • Their Voting Rate
    1,387 words
    Why Should I Vote? The words "to vote" are merely defined as "to participate in an election" but in my opinion, these words have a much greater significance. I feel that by voting, I exercise one of my most important civil rights - the right to vote, which is the essential element in keeping our democracy alive. Most of our ancestors came to this country to escape monarchs, dictators and corrupt governments. It would be only natural to assume that each and every citizen of America would grab the...
  • Increased Voter Turnout
    4,115 words
    Introduction Throughout our nation's vast political history, there have emerged many candidates for political office that one would consider extreme. These "extreme" candidates influence the perceptions of the constituency, which in turn influences voter turnout. There have been such infamous names as David Duke, George Wallace, , and Elaine Brown, who have provoked large public uproars over their political beliefs such responses translated into increased voter turnout to keep these candidates o...
  • Candidates Run A Ad
    694 words
    PERSUASION All ads, no matter what they are advertising, someone or some organization is trying to persuade you and a bunch of other people in this society. Ads can vary from television, radio, newspapers to magazines and the very famous ads that are in person, called campaign parties. Ads can be in any shape or size, the point of them is to pass a message to the people that will hopefully persuade the people to vote, buy, change there habits on a certain issue. We may not think of what is going...

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