Vote In The Senate essay topics

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  • Edmund G Ross Of Kansas
    1,204 words
    Profiles In Courage - John F. Kennedy Profiles In Courage Summary Profiles In Courage is a collection of short stories about acts of courage in politics. An entire summary of the book would actually be eight different summaries of eight different people. So, I have chosen one of the eight different stories to base this report on. I am going to summarize, quote, and reflect on the story of Edmund G. Ross. It was 1868 when Edmund G. Ross, a senator from Kansas, had to choose between his career and...
  • Reforming Canada's Senate
    3,127 words
    Reforms Are Need In Canada's Government Canada is a country who's future is in question. Serious political issues have recently overshadowed economic concerns. Constitutional debate over unity and Quebec's future in the country is in the heart of every Canadian today. Continuing conflicts concerning Aboriginal self-determination and treatment are reaching the boiling point. How can Canada expect to pull herself out of this seemingly bottomless pit? Are Canadians looking at the right people to la...
  • Voting In The Plebian Council
    549 words
    Senate- The Senate was the true seat of power in Rome. Senators were appointed for life, and voting was done by seniority. The Senators were responsible for ratifying laws which the general assemblies had passed, along with providing government appointments and appropriating government funds. The Senate also voted on other issues which concerned the city, and provided guidance. Because they held their positions for life, the Senators held immense power, and the other government leaders would pre...
  • People Including Senator Feingold
    537 words
    On March 2, 1953, in Janesville Wisconsin, a United States Senator was born. He was named Russell Dana Feingold, and he grew up shaping, and discussing his political views around the dinner table with his father, Leon, a founding member of Wisconsin's Progressive Movement. 51 years later, Feingold is a third term U.S. Senator known for work both on Campaign Finance Reform, and on other issues critical to the people of Wisconsin. Feingold first ran for office at the age of 29, and immediately beg...
  • Observations Concerning Supreme Court Justice Confirmations
    326 words
    The task of the Senate to confirm nominations made by the President for the position of Supreme Court justice has become increasingly difficult in recent years especially since each Senator must assess the stance of the nominees as it relates to certain issues-political party, race, gender, ideology, judicial philosophy, etc. In 1987, when Justice Lewis F. Powell, Jr. retired from the Court, President Reagan nominated Judge Robert Bork to replace Powell. Since Bork previously had published some ...
  • Better Idea Of Senator McCain's Ideological Tendencies
    780 words
    U.S. Senator John McCain's Ideology Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona announced his candidacy for President on April 14, 1999. His stated positions on most issues are fairly conservative. Senator McCain would like to cut taxes and simplify the tax code. Senator McCain opposes using Social Security funds for deficit reduction or other uses, and would like to set aside 62% of the budget surplus to keep Social Security from becoming insolvent. Senator McCain's education plans include suppor...
  • First Form Of Government In Rome
    899 words
    In tracing the history of Roman government, one would find that the first form of established rule was by that of the monarchy. This meant that one king held imperium over the mass of the people. However, by 510 B. C, with the elimination of the monarchy, this imperium was granted to two consuls who shared it equally, thus allowing for a new process of governing with division of power. The consuls held highly authoritative positions, dealing regularly with military and legal matters, and with ge...
  • Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
    355 words
    The United States, once a defender of world peace and an international police power, seems today to be loosening the grip that has in the past prevented so much violence through out the world. At a time when "renegade" nations are arming with nuclear weapons, the Senate has voted not to ratify the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, a document that in the President's words "is critical to protecting the American people from the dangers of nuclear war". This is a gravely erroneous decision by ...
  • Two Impeachment Trials
    762 words
    Andrew Johnson vs. William Clinton The definition of impeachment is the removal of a high ranking official in the United State government. In this case, these high-ranking officials are our own presidents. Andrew Johnson and William Clinton were both impeached on more than one count of the articles of impeachment. They both under went the impeachment process, and both were acquitted. Who would have known that one hundred and thirty years could pass by and still have the same process working the ...

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