Water Supply essay topics

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  • Toxic Effects Of Chemicals In Polluted Waters
    998 words
    Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to conserve and protect our oceans and fresh water supply. Central Idea: Our water is a treasured resource that should be protected for our future generations Introduction I. About 70% of the earths surface is covered with water. (show globe) A. Of all this water, only. 3% is usable by humans, the remaining 99.7% is either unusable salt water or unavailable fresh water. (show graph #1) B. Much of the useable. 3% is out of reach and locked up in icecaps a...
  • Water Supply Pipelines Corrosion
    1,657 words
    TERM PAPER TOPIC: CORROSION AUDIT AT IIT CAMPUS Index 1. Introduction 2. Main materials used in IITK 3. Inspection 4. Causes 5. Life of a material and remedies provided 6. Cost 7. Conclusion 1. Introduction: Corrosion is the electrochemical deterioration of a metal because of its chemical reaction with the surrounding environment. While new and better materials are continuously being developed, this progress is offset, in part, by a more aggressive operational environment. This problem is compou...
  • Unicef's Ted Chaiban In Sri Lanka
    405 words
    New Risks Begin to Surface COLOMBO, Sri Lanka, 29 December 2004 - The devastating tsunamis that struck south Asia on December 26 have left over 21,700 dead and thousands of children, women and men missing in Sri Lanka, one of nine countries that were affected by a 9.0 magnitude earthquake and its aftereffects. More than 700,000 people have been displaced from their homes. These survivors face an array of dangers -- disease, lack of clean water and sanitation facilities". We are very concerned in...
  • Gel Box From The Power Supply
    1,018 words
    BACKGROUND Before learning about electrolysis and electrophoresis it helps to become familiar with the power supply and gel box. The electrode at which electrons enter the gel box from the power supply (along the black wire) is called the cathode, negative (-). The electrons at which electrons leave the box and re-enter the power supply (along the red wire) is called the anode and carries a positive charge (+). The flow of electrons sets up a potential energy difference between the electrodes. T...
  • Projected Increase In Water Demand
    313 words
    Water: Global Common According to James E. Post, common is a shared resource, such as land, air, or water that a group of people uses collectively. In the article title, Water: Critical shortages ahead? -water is a resource shared globally and its consumption has raised six fold between 1900 and 1995-more than double the rate of population growth. According to a 1997 United Nations assessment of freshwater resources found that one third of the world's population lives in countries experiencing m...
  • Adequate Fresh Water Supplies To A Population
    3,745 words
    The World Fresh Water Report Year 2025 Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Year 2000 Opinions 3 Global Warming Issues 5 Technical Advances 6 Academic and Research Interviews 7 Scenarios 9 Best Case isnt Utopia 9 The Probably Outcome 11 The Worst Case 12 Conclusions 13 References or Bibliography 14 Introduction Water... Water... everywhere, and not a drop to drink, or so it will seem. While seventy one percent of our planet is covered by water, it would seem that we could never run out. But of tha...
  • Water For The Citizens Of Rome
    2,712 words
    Part A: Basilica Julia In 54 BC Julius Caesar began constructions on a basilica that would out shine all others in Rome, the Basilica Julia. Construction was still underway when Julius Caesar was assassinated two years later, and the work had to be finished by his heir, Augustus. A fire in 12 AD severely damaged the new basilica, but the emperor Augustus had it rebuilt at a grandiose scale. After Basilica Julia had been rebuilt it was dedicated to the grandsons of Augustus: Gaius and Lucius. The...
  • Communities With Fluoridated Water
    638 words
    When you push the button or turn the faucet, you expect clean, pure water to come out of the tap. That is something that will not be found since unpurified tap water contains more than 500 chemicals. One of the most controversial issues regarding our tap water is the fluoride that is added to it. Approximately two-thirds of the population of the United States are ingesting fluoride into their bodies every day, if they use tap water in any way. There are arguments that support pros and cons of wa...
  • Different Effects Of Water Fluoridation
    1,318 words
    The United States government considers water fluoridation one of public health's "great wonders" (Newman, WSJ). However, this view is not shared by all. For the past 27 years, Darlene Sherrell has lead a campaign to both stop the fluoridation of U.S. water supplies and inform the public of the harsh realities of fluoridation. There have been many studies conducted that analyze the different effects of water fluoridation. Based on these studies, it appears that any benefits of fluoridation will n...

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