Y 2 K essay topics

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  • K 2
    10,978 words
    A Research On Teaching Extensive Writing! SSThe best way to test people's writing ability is to get them to write. !" - Hughes, 1989: 75 in Charles & Bachman (eds), : 1) I. INTRODUCTION This study was set out to measure the writing ability of students in terms of number of words that were written by students in certain time. This study was carried out at the Nong lam University! V Center for Foreign Studies in Ho Chi Minh City. The researcher would like to investigate whether the intermediate st...
  • Y 2 K Bug And Computer Experts
    1,038 words
    Y 2 K Bug People may not be celebrating the turn of the New Year come the Year 2000 due to the Millennium Bug. This bug has become the biggest problem facing governments, businesses, and other organizations who depend on computers (Hestnes, 1997). Many questions underlie the Y 2 K bug problem. These questions include what is the problem, what caused the problem, what types of systems will be affected, can the problem be fixed, what can the people do to prepare, what is the estimated cost to fix ...
  • 2 Digit Years On The Date
    1,500 words
    Y 2 K 4/19/99 Y 2 K According to some individuals, the end of the world is coming. The Y 2 K bug has been exaggerated so much that people are moving to Montana with 5 years of food supply. Most people don t even know why to panic, but the media is hyping this as Armageddon. The year 2000 problem (Y 2 K, Millennium Bug, Millennium Virus) came about due to programming practices involving the use of 6 digit dates (dd / mm /yy) vs. 8 digit dates (dd / mm / ). Thus, any computer program which deals w...
  • Money In Stock Market
    755 words
    Y 2 K is also called a bug. Y 2 K is one of the big problems for everyone. Y 2 K means many computer systems use software that tracks dates with only the last two numbers of years such as 97 instead of 1997. When 00 comes up for the year 2000, many computers will view it as 1900 instead, potentially leading to failures in business, transportation, utilities and other services. Many people are scared of Y 2 K because they think that world is going to end. But on the other hand I don t think that ...
  • Y 2 K Computer Bug
    2,065 words
    Y 2 K Computer Virus: Disaster Waiting to Happen Back in the 1950's and 1960's, when computers were just begging to emerge, data storage space was expensive and in short supply. By today's standards even the largest of the mainframe computers had insignificant hard memory storage abilities. Computer programmers adopted a habit of using two digits (55, 56, 57, .) in their programming codes to indicate the year, this is called COBOL. Programmers knew this practice might cause problems with the dat...
  • Y 2 K Problems Your Computer
    3,009 words
    Y 2 K: THE MILLENIUM BUG I. What is the Problem The year 2000 problem has resulted from the common practice of using two digits to designate the calendar year instead of using four. When the year 2000 arrives, 2 digit year dates may be interpreted incorrectly causing many problems. Computer hardware and software may not recognize "00 as an actual date and will not run properly or not at all. Credit Card systems may not recognize "00 as a valid year for the expiration date, making transactions fo...
  • K's The Y 2 K Bug
    457 words
    Can the Y 2 K cost you K's The Y 2 K bug is a computer virus that will plague all major computer systems as we move into the next millenium. People of the 20th century are taking this bug too lightly. It possesses the potential to deliver havoc and spread worldwide chaos in a collection of ways. The Y 2 K bug will cause an affliction in the computer's embedded hardware which will make it impossible for the system to process dates after 1999, it will account for hospitals and major organizations ...
  • Demand For Solutions To Y 2 K
    1,023 words
    Small Businesses and Y 2 When the ball drops in New York City and the calendar turns from December 31st 1999 to January 1st 2000, many things will happen. Along with the worldwide celebration, and mass inebriation, many people predict global catastrophe. This catastrophe will be brought on by what is known as the "year 2000 bug" or Y 2 K. In the early 1990's Y 2 K was first realized by people in the computer industry as a potential problem, and began receiving recognition by the general public e...
  • People's Personal Computers Y 2 K
    472 words
    THE YEAR TWO-THOUSAND BUG Is the world going to end at the year, two-thousand because of the Y 2 K computer virus? Absolutely not. The Y 2 K bug might cause a little bit of disorder with our digital-life when the clock strikes twelve because we might not have any stock market, electricity, or savings in the bank. In every mainframe and super-computer, that most every large business owns, there is a little glitch when it tries to compute the year two-thousand. It simply is unable to do so because...
  • Different Y 2 K Dates
    2,698 words
    Y 2 K - The Big Issue Abstract and Executive Overview What is the Y 2 K issue? This paper will describe the problems associated with Y 2 K and how Industry, Government, and Small Businesses are handling the problem. The first chapter introduces the Y 2 K issues. Chapter 2 will define how this affects the different businesses and Government agencies. Chapter 3 will develop an overall plan on how to attack the problem and recommendations. The majority of this paper will develop a plan on how each ...
  • Y 2 K Problems For Many Years
    2,041 words
    The Y 2 K problem: A global threat or a business opportunity It is a couple of minutes before the midnight on 31st of December 1999. A huge mob of people is standing on the Times Square in New York. Many of them are drunk, everyone is happy, everyone is singing and dancing. Dressed up, in good mood, the people are waiting for the year 2000. Then the last minute of the year shows up on the large clock. People start to countdown 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Suddenly, the electricity collapses....
  • Malfunctions Due To Y 2 K Problems
    3,629 words
    This year, most of the world is preparing to celebrate the year 2000 and the coming of a new millennium. However, many businesses, manufacturers, banks and hospitals are quietly hoping for an uneventful new years transition. At midnight on December 31, many businesses will be anticipating what effects the millennium rollover will have on computer software and other equipment that contain a time sensitive chip called an embedded chip. Early computer programmers, in an effort to conserve limited m...
  • Y 2 K Problem
    1,187 words
    Y 2 K: Nearing Disaster or Minor Computer Flaw By Pete Conti Imagine that, as you do annually, you are counting the minutes until the New Year arrives. You are watching Dick Clark announce that the countdown will begin soon, and you feel anxious. Finally, as you hear the offbeat 5-4-3-2-1-0, and let out a sigh of relief, something goes wrong. At precisely 12: 00 a.m. on January 1 of the year 2000, computers across the nation crash, leaving the country in panic. Stores are looted, riots break out...
  • Y 2 K Bug
    662 words
    Was the Y 2 K Bug a Hoax Keith Best Perhaps the biggest news story of the 1999 was the Y 2 K bug. Many believers in the Y 2 K bug panicked and took many precautions, such as stocking up food and water before the New Year. While their non-believer counterparts just look at it as a regular New Year and planned to do what they would normally do on New Year's eve. There was a lot of hoopla regarding the change of millennium. Just as there was when the year changed from 999 to 1000. Many people were ...
  • Problem With Y 2 K Arial Marketing
    811 words
    David Eggleston Review of Literature 2/24/99 Teri Ferguson Y 2 K Bug The turn of the century is rapidly approaching. This should be a time of high hopes for the future; the United States has advanced in all sorts of technology. The United States has advanced a great deal with computers, which are able to automate many difficult jobs, calculate extravagant equations, and make life easier for most people. The computer is an amazing tool allowing the United States to excel in the world. But, comput...
  • Y 2 K Compliance
    3,955 words
    Year 2000 Problem and Nuclear Weapons: Apocalypse or Annoyance The inherent and unavoidable unreliability of computers is about to be stressed, to some unknown and unknowable extent, by a seemingly trivial "feature"-the Year 2000 (Y 2 K) problem. Systems and application programs that use dates to perform calculations, comparisons, or sorting may generate incorrect results working with years after 1999. A Two Digit Problem The problem arises from the use of two digits to represent year data in ma...
  • Money Off The Y 2 K Problem
    1,349 words
    Y 2 K: Hectic or Hype Y 2 K is the abbreviation for the phrase year 2000, and it is the same type of people who abbreviated the Y 2 K problem that got us here in the first place. The Y 2 K problem was created at the birth of the computer, but was not taken seriously until roughly fifteen years ago. To be able to evaluate the severity of the problem, you must have a broad mind, and a boat load of computer know-how. Likewise, to grasp how minuscule the problem is, you must also possess these same ...
  • Y 2 K Bug
    2,309 words
    The Year 2000 Bug As the millennium approaches we come closer and closer to what some say could mean the end of civilization as we know it. What is this great event that would have such an impact on the world that it could end civilization The problem is a simple computer bug refereed to as the Y 2 K bug but its ramifications could be immense. This computer bug has been predicted to impact the world anywhere from a minor problem to the end of a civilization. Whichever view you take on the subjec...
  • Y 2 K Computer Bug
    852 words
    Nobody actually knows what is going to happen when the clock strikes midnight for the year 2000. All around the world, people are concerned with what is being referred to as the Y 2 K computer bug. Some people are worried that the world as we know it is going to end. Others believe that everything is going to be just fine. Though the world probably is not going to end, there will inevitably be some problems caused by the bug. Many of the world's computers contain a programming oversight, which m...
  • Y 2 K Problem
    566 words
    Individuals who feel that their families should prepare for Y 2 K can or could be caught in an awkward position. Even though we are really adults we are still for the most part totally dependent on our parents financially. Getting my parents to prepare for Y 2 K won't be an easy task. I, for one, know that my dad firmly believes that Y 2 K is just being b lowed up into something greater than it actually will be. In my opinion Y 2 K won't affect all aspects of every day life, but will probably af...

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