Applicant For Employment essay topics

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  • Important Quality An Employer
    522 words
    What employers are looking for in a job applicant? Finding a job, whether it is the first, a return to work after years at home, or just another step in the career, is never easy. Most job seekers have a distorted sense of an employer's priorities in making hiring decisions. Too many applicants put the emphasis on educational credentials and ignore the qualities employers seek with the keenest interest. What do employers look for in job candidates? What impresses them the most? Knowing what an e...
  • Employer And The Employee
    1,135 words
    Issues with the ADA and EEOC Preemployment screening can help management avoid hiring problem employees. However, employers must carefully walk through the screening process, or they may find themselves in violation of the discrimination laws set by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Security Management, with the assistance of legal experts, has reviewed the docket of 131 recent ADA cases at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to see whether any instructive trends are evid...
  • Electronic Application Material
    832 words
    VA Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System Human Resources (05 A) 400 Veterans Avenue Biloxi, MS 39531 Applicants must submit the following: 1 a. On-station (VA Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System) employees must submit an Application for Promotion or Reassignment, VA Form 5-4078, to Human Resources (05), Bldg 53, Room 2 A-108. You must indicate the lowest grade you are willing to accept or we will only consider you at the Full Performance Level of the position. Application material can be del...
  • Online Recruiting Methods
    791 words
    A recent term used by some corporations is Just in Time Recruiting (JIT R) which brings the candidates to employers at the time that the company needs to hire someone. (Hammer, p. 92) This is very helpful when a company needs a replacement for an employee that left the corporation suddenly or a departmental need is realized. The employer can receive many resumes within hours of a job opening rather than waiting weeks to get resumes in the mail or through fax machines. Applicants can be found in ...
  • Their Staff In Many Different Ways
    572 words
    How to recruit, select and motivate a workplace to be productive Brief You are a Human Resources manager for a large business. You have friends who wish to set up a small business. They have not owned a business before but they have the skills and capital required. However they have no experience of employing people or the laws governing employment. They would like therefore for you to advise them on how to recruit, select and motivate their workforce to be productive. Recruitment Recruitment is...
  • Q Part Time
    704 words
    [Applicant] has applied for a position with our business, and you were listed as a former employer. [Applicant] has signed a release that authorizes you to give us the following information. [Give identifying information they ask for to help them find the applicant's file. You may have to offer to send a copy of the applicant's release to the former employer in order to get the information.] Would you please verify that [Applicant] worked for your company from [date] to [date]? What was [Applica...

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