Faith In Christ essay topics

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  • Faith Of Many Teens
    1,964 words
    Teens reflect a culture all of their own within American society. The language that they speak, music that they listen to, and many aspects of their lives differ from that of past generations (Linehan 3). Therefore, many people of older generations tend to make judgments and assumptions about teenagers. These assumptions are typically based on the manner in which teenagers speak, dress, and present themselves. Because of these generalizations, faith of many teens is commonly overlooked. In a soc...
  • Lamb As A Symbolic Representative Of Christ
    937 words
    The Symbolism of Christ William Blake, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Jonathan Swift were very different writes but are bound by basic Christian beliefs. In their writings there are strong references to Christ and symbolic images of Him. Blake writes "The Lamb" as a symbolic representative of Christ. Coleridge uses many form of religious symbolism in his poem "The Rhi me of the Ancient Mariner", but the thing that stands out the most is how the albatross represents Christ. Swift writes in "Gullive...
  • Every Aspect Of The Catholic Faith
    1,613 words
    Christ yann Salazar 12/5/99 Catholic Theology / Final Paper Question # 4 In the face of one of the biggest fears known to man-death-the Catholic faith provides a positive outlook upon the loss of ones physical presence on earth. Through the life and death of Jesus Christ (the hypostatic union of son and Father, ) a Christo centric theology resolves the mystery of death through faith and grace. Gods only Sons death grants a Catholic Christian with an answer to the why of death, resulting in a rea...
  • Answer To The Question
    551 words
    For the past 2,003 years one of the most debated subjects among the Christians is Can one lose his / her salvation There are many verses in the Bible that hint toward the answer of the question, but each verse can be interpreted in more than one way. The only way one can find the true answer is by God's special revelation. There are a few verses in the book of Matthew that lead us to believe that one can lose his / her salvation. Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him be...
  • Grace And Faith
    605 words
    The pages 87-108 are mainly about righteousness. The heart of Luther's religion is the justification of faith. Luther writes about the different kinds of righteousness and how they relate to God and Christ. Then Luther talked about Paul wanting to setup a doctrine of Grace. Then he jumps into the kinds of righteousness. Luther says that there is a political, ceremonial, human tradition, law, and faith righteousness. (p. 88) In Luther's own words the most excellent righteousness is faith, because...
  • Their Faith In Jesus Christ
    301 words
    Aleksandr Menn After reading this man's story I began to consider my own faith. I know a martyr is someone who dies for their faith in Jesus Christ. But this man's story seemed to have an added element to it. Not only did he his faith cause his death but it brought about many to eternal life. This man was able to bring faith to many through his words. I consider anyone who can be a public speaker to be talented and bringing people to God is an amazing gift. In a time of mistrust and uncertainty ...
  • Peace With God Through Christ Jesus
    2,733 words
    Romans 5: 1-5 Justification, Peace, Grace and Access In Romans, Paul talks about many different topics and problems that the Jews face during 57 to 58 AD. He speaks of the need for righteousness, condemnation and sin in Ch 1: 18-3: 20. Righteousness is imputed, and justification and sin is explained in Ch 3: 21-5: 21. But there is one major area that this paper is going to talk about and try to explain in as good of detail as possible. Justification, Faith, Peace, Access, and Grace in God in Rom...

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