Hero essay topics

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  • Culture Of Your Hero
    286 words
    "HERO " What makes a person a hero? Is it the firefighter who gets into a burning building because he thinks that there may be someone in there? Is it the basketball star that has used his fame and fortune to develop an after school program for kids in his hometown? Is it the teacher whose dedication to her students helps them not only learn about history, math and science, but also what it means to be a good person and to care for others? In this paper I'm going to talk about what I think a her...
  • Star Wars Hero's Journey
    299 words
    The Hero's Journey The hero's journey is a pattern of life, growth, and experiences. Star Wars by George Lucas is a science fiction film that clearly illustrates a hero's journey. Luke Skywalker is the hero in this film who goes through this journey. The first stage of a hero's journey is the Separation. In this stage the initiate is separated from his / her known world. The first step in this stage is the call". The call invites the initiate into the adventure, offers [him / her ] the opportuni...
  • Really Heroes The People
    261 words
    In 19 century, it wasn't hard to be a heroin America. getting a name of hero is like working hard on sport or making money on business, or luck of something. In American life history, we have seen a lot of heroes. There were a really heroes. the people who declare American constitution are really heroes for the past, present, and future. The name of those people will stay forever. they fought for human being right, speech, equality, and democracy. Heroes definition is different from one country ...
  • Theseus Like Other Heroes
    977 words
    HEROES In today's world we don t seem to have any heroes. You know this when you fail to see Bill Clinton's name on the top ten admirable people list. There was one time when people had lot of heroes such as Perseus, Daedalus, and Theseus. I believe that Perseus and Theseus are heroes, but I don t believe that Daedlus is a hero, because Daedlus does not have the traits that make a character a hero. In Greek Mythology there are some traits that make a character a hero, this the way you know if a ...
  • Definition Of The Hero
    867 words
    The Hero hero is not just the title of an action-packed kung-fu flick with subtitles. A hero these days has many meanings; depending on the time and reason that person is called a hero. According to Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, the definition becomes very broad. It starts as being "a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability" and becomes "a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities". The last definition listed is prob...
  • Anti Hero
    647 words
    Sammy: Hero or Anti-Hero There are two types of heroes; heroes and anti-heroes. A person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life is a hero. Similar to Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln and Jesus. A main character in a dramatic or narrative work that is characterized by a lack of traditional heroic qualities, such as idealism or courage is an anti-hero. I believe this resembles our cha...
  • Beowulf And Superman
    641 words
    A hero is defined in classical mythology as a man, especially the son of a god and a mortal, who is famous for possessing some extraordinary gift. Beowulf, the title character of an epic poem and Superman, a more modern day hero are both prime examples. Beowulf and Superman exhibit several differences, but they also share some similar qualities. Beowulf possessed great strength that separated him from other men. Being able to use a sword that no ordinary man was able to carry gives the feeling t...
  • Neo Before His Transformation Into A Hero
    1,729 words
    The Hero Myth of the Matrix According to Linda Seger all myths, in all cultures are much the same. In these myths it is just the time, place and setting that changes. This is why Hollywood is so successful at making good movies, because they base it off these myths. The most popular myth is that of the hero, because for most of us this is what we want to be. With this myth we can live that experience through these characters. In the creation of a hero there are ten stages, using the Matrix as an...
  • Fire At Lou's Apartment Complex
    726 words
    As a person grows so do the things they hold dear to themselves and the things they look up to. Heroes take many forms when we are children, from the comic book superhero to the imaginary friend. As we grow from children to young adults our heroes change to those more tangible, movie stars or athletes. When we reach adulthood, the definition of hero becomes clear and our heroes become those that we love and can look up to. It took me a while to realize it but my hero is an 83 year old woman. In ...
  • Able Look For Their Perfect Hero
    570 words
    BECOMING A HEROIC FIGURE Heroes have to consist of many things. They have to be brave, have good morals, and help out society in some way. These are only a few standards of becoming a hero. Someone can be a hero to someone else and not even know it. Not only can the big people be heroes, but the small ones as well. No matter what size or character one is he / she can become a hero. By portraying the characteristics of loyalty, bravery, and the willingness to help out someone or something in soci...
  • Modern Hero James Bond
    440 words
    In literature, the term archetype refers to a pattern or model of an action, a character type, or an image that recurs enough in life and literature to be considered universal. Medival heroes and modern ones share many characteristics; however, their approaches to dangers are quite different. First, the medival hero is thought to be brave. He goes out questing in search to set bad to good, rescue damsels in distress, and instore the chivalric code "Might for Right". Next, the hero is often aided...
  • Fight With Grendel
    405 words
    Grendel Satire Essay For many months, unsightly monster, youve murdered men as you pleased in Hrothgar's hall. unless you can murder me as youve murdered lesser men, I give you my word those days are done forever! The king has given me splendid gifts. He will see tonight that his gifts have not gone for nothing! Prepare to fall, foul thing! This one red hour makes your reputation or mine! I shook my head at him, wickedly smiling. Reputation! I said, pretending to be much impressed. This is a pri...
  • Telemakhos After The Blow His Father
    426 words
    Telemakhos Becoming a Hero In an epic called The Odyssey, there is a character named Telemakhos who is learning to be a hero. Through each event that he faces, he is transformed more and more into a hero, but still encounters one problem: he is afraid. Afraid or what one may ask. The answer to this is that Telemakhos is afraid of being a true leader. Without his father, he cannot defend himself against the dangers such as the suitors, men who have taken over his fathers palace. Doubting himself,...
  • Hero
    560 words
    Heroism The word hero has different specific meanings to different people, but there is a basic definition that most people would probably agree on. A hero is someone that works for the benefit of others and not personal gain. This working for the benefit of others is generally done in some sort of a challenging way. If there is no challenge involved the person may be very well liked, but he isn t doing anything really amazing. Atticus Finch, of To Kill a Mockingbird, was an extremely heroic cha...
  • Both Classical And Modern Heroes
    1,006 words
    Anyone who conforms to the ideals of his particular society is a hero. If I was a beautiful busty blond who loved puppies and saved people from imminent death, in todays society, I would generally be considered a hero. Huck, is a modern hero, and although he wasnt an ideal person in his particular environment, the reader finds him to be near his or her own moral ideal, so the reader recognizes Huck as a hero. Odysseus is a classical hero, for he conforms to the very different social standards of...
  • Gadget Aspect Of Super Detectives
    2,264 words
    Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men The Shadow knows. Ringing through thousands of radios across the country like many other super detective catch phrases, this quote sparked an entirely new breed of detective fiction. The old time radio mysteries brought the hard-boiled detective to a new level. They far surpassed the standard baggy suit and mysterious undertones of the stereotypical censored. This new genre adds imaginative, and most of the time incredibly futuristic, gadgets to the...
  • Hero
    271 words
    During the time that The Odyssey was believed to have been written, the majority of the population in ancient Greece had the same basic ideas of the qualities a hero should possess. The Greeks valued a warrior with great physical strength as well as shrewdness. The emphasis on strength was based on the fact that battles were frequently between city-states. A hero for those times would need to have a strategic way of thinking, and wisdom to aid in achieving the numerous tasks placed before him. A...
  • Comic Book Heroes
    530 words
    According to the NEW WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY AND THESAURUS of the English Language, a hero is a man of exceptional quality who wins admiration by noble deeds, esp. deeds of courage. The male character of a play, novel, etc. about whom the action turns and in whose fate the readers or audience are sympathetically involved. A man of superhuman powers, regarded as a demigod after his death. I believe that out of those three the best definition would be the first one. It is the closest definition we ha...
  • Ishmael Chambers
    678 words
    Ishmael Chambers may not be a typical hero. He is not physically heroic as for example, Carl Heine was seen as an "extraordinary specimen of manhood" by his fellow islanders. However, it remains to be discussed how far Ishmael can be perceived as the literary hero of the novel. There are reasons why Ishmael could be seen as the hero, and there are also arguments against this statement. As the reader gets a clear insight into Ishmael's thoughts and feelings, through reading about his love of Hats...
  • Fit For A Hero
    847 words
    Indian literature since the 1970's has focused on themes of death and dislocation, as a response to colonialism. Indian literature just started to get its international recognition around 1975, for its originality. This conferred that Indian literature had an identity all its own. Indian literature unlike American literature is based on constant reoccurring themes. The majority of Indian writings are supporting an obsession with death, the treatment of political and personal paralysis, and metap...

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