Just Life essay topics

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  • Start Of My Depression
    1,629 words
    CANCER AND DEPRESSION Approximately five years ago I was diagnosed with pelvic cancer, Cancer is not just one disease it's several diseases. A tumor may be malignant or benign meaning that one is cancerous and the other non- cancerous. I was diagnosed with a malignant tumor in my right pelvis and being newly diagnosed, I felt out of control and over whelmed. As of today, the reason I developed cancer is not well understood. Even thought I'm a smoker, I don't believe that was the cause of it, my ...
  • Andy Cardon
    881 words
    Whatever happened to happily ever after The valiant prince on his mighty steed has seemed to disappear. Dragons keep on living, there's no more laughter, Whatever happened to the one that saved us from our fear Peter grew up with just a dad, Mom was wasted, and left him all alone. And when he grew up he realized he'd been had, Forced to deal with a mom that never at home. But Pete had worked past all of that, He and dad managed to endure. But one mistake would ruin his life, Money had too much a...
  • Year Of Our Happy Relationship
    1,224 words
    Have you ever been completely oblivious to a situation that is taking place right behind your back? You think that everything is going just fine in your perfect little world. You have everything planned out and it seems to be working out right on track. Then all of a sudden you discover something so devastating that it changes your whole life, and everything you worked at for nearly a year. This is exactly how I felt when I found out that my girlfriend had been cheating on me. I felt like everyt...
  • Live A Life
    798 words
    1. There is an enormous different between the life of humans and other animals. First of all, humans are clearly at the top of significance for the simple reason that they are at the top of food chain. This is what allows people to dictate society. Combine this with the fact that humans have the ability to reason, and it is clear that people have more of a significance. It is as simple as this, no other species as the ability to end the entire world with tools which they have created. The purpos...
  • True Just Man
    1,130 words
    'The Republic' by Plato The Republic written by Plato examines many things. It mainly is about the Good life. Plato seems to believe that the perfect life is led only under perfect conditions which is the perfect society. Within the perfect society there would have to be justice. In the Republic it seems that justice is defined many different ways. In this paper I am going to discuss a few. First am going to discuss the reason why Glaucon and Adeimantus see justice as being a bad thing and it is...
  • Kind Of Life
    361 words
    Life can be so complicated sometimes. I don't blame anybody wanting to leave this world. I personally would never end my life, but I can understand how some people might just not be able to take the pressure. It's a rough world out there, and not everybody's cut out for it. High school is brutal. Teenagers can be the worst living beings in the universe. If you don't have the perfect body, and straightest hair, then your not wearing the right brand name sweatshirt. It can come down to the tiniest...
  • Life's A Bitch And Then You Rock
    1,324 words
    Life's a Bitch and then you Rock Life is full of hardships, which is a bitch. But, if faced, they are overcome and you are rewarded, which rocks. However, if the problems are not dealt with, more problems will arise. My title is a quote by Art Alexa kis-lead singer of the band Everclear. He was presented with problems in his life, but he faced them. And now his life is much better. No one ever promised that life would be easy, and no one ever told you exactly what to expect. This is because ever...
  • Mid Life Crisis
    356 words
    Anna's Story " My life is so depressing,' I complain to my boyfriend. 'They have prescription drugs for that,' is his ever so compassionate response. 'I think I'm going through mid-life crisis,' I tell one of my coworkers. 'Can't be,' she replies. 'You " re not old enough. ' Wait a minute. Am I the only one who thinks the phrase 'mid-life crisis' is a blatant misnomer? It seems to be intrinsically flawed. For one thing, it implies a singular event, one major crisis that eventually subsides and g...
  • Life
    402 words
    Life is a tricky thing. It will kick you in the butt one day. And help you up the next. The trick is to 'Fall down seven times get back up eight'. That's an old Chinese proverb. It just says the only mistake you can make is after failing not getting back up and trying again. You know what they say when life deals you a lemon make lemonade. Just make the best of what you have been given cause wishing for more will only lead you into jealousy and anger. Both of which are bad. So life isn't all bad...
  • Only Thing Pa
    1,444 words
    What is American History To many kids today it is boring information about subjects dealing with war, government, and the suffering of our country, but as I attend my daily life I never stop to think of the kind of role my family played in our countries history. As I interviewed my grandfather, a part of our families history that was once hidden is now revealed. This interview left me in amazement, helping me realize what an affect he had on our counties history and made me appreciate it much mo...
  • Shoe Factory In Malaysia
    1,174 words
    I have worked for "Shoe Life" for five years and interviewed numerous shoes, from the downright bizarre- PeeWee Hermann's shoes to the undeniably stylish- Manolo Blahnik's from the hit HBO series "Sex and the City " but rarely have I encountered a shoe with such depth and humor than Denim the shoe I stumbled upon while walking to the local market. The following questions and answers are taken from an excerpt in an interview I had with Denim- the ordinary shoe with an all too interesting life. Te...
  • Tree Of Life
    531 words
    Jordan Case When I saw the sixty-foot drop from the top of the ramp, I had never been more terrified in my entire life. My mother and I were at Disney World for the first time, and I was sitting beside her on this monster about to plunge into the waiting waters below. She had surprised me with this trip the summer of my sixth grade year, probably because she had not heard the end of it once my cousin went and told me all about the fun he had. I convinced myself on the plane that I wasn't going t...
  • High School In A Young Adults Life
    547 words
    Darin Radatz English A.P. 3rd hour 9-16-03 The Personal Essay Throughout my seventeen years of life there has been one main person who has been influential to me, that individual is my mother who brought me into this world, Sharon Lynn Radatz. My mother taught me the life lessons from respecting my elders to saving myself sexually for marriage. As I have grown older physically, I also have in maturity. When I was in my young teenage years I thought that her lectures and life experience stories w...

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