Just People essay topics

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  • Cultures Piercing And Tattoos
    550 words
    Today piercing your body is becoming more and more common. Some people still have their reservations about putting holes in your body, but it is more widely accepted. The younger generations want a way to separate themselves from others and this is their way of expression. While older generations like parents see it as tacky and as just a fad that will pass. Much of the same is also said about tattoos. People in today's society that say body art and piercing is just a fad are just quick to shoot...
  • Very Important Role In Fitting
    578 words
    Fitting in Fitting in is an important part of life because it has almost everything to do with turning out in life. Knowing the right people will directly effect a persons life later on, job wise and high school reunions. Part of fitting in is rejection. This happens because when someone does not reject a particular person then they might be rejected for not rejecting that person. '... waking up in the morning and wondering if anyone would really miss me. ' this is a thought that might course th...
  • Gay By A Permission Form
    713 words
    In West Jordan, Utah a principle at Copper Hills High School, tried to put in effect a policy where gay couples had to get a permission slip signed from their parents before attending school dances. For 4 days a small group of people protested across the street from the school before having a meeting with the principle, Tom Worlton. These people were subjected to insults, obscene gestured, and snow and egg throwing from passing cars. Afterwards, the Worlton decided to take the policy back and re...
  • Everyday People Years
    272 words
    There are many reasons why computers have impacted our world to the degree in which they have. Most modern people cannot even begin to fathom what it would be like without our laptop, PDA, mobile phone, etc. That is because we are dependant upon them; without our computers we would not have jobs, we could not pay our bills, we could not talk to people thousands of miles away using just a keyboard. They have turned everyday people into computer geniuses, which everyday people years ago had to go ...
  • Later In The Book The Finch Children
    670 words
    Judgement People can often be treated and judged in a less than equal manner before people even know the true nature of the person, such as the way that the Finch children think that Boo Radley is some kind of a monster. Or the way people call Atticus Finch is called a nigger-lover. One of my most favorite quotations is that of Martin Luther King Junior. 'I have a dream, that one day my children will be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. ' People should...
  • Married And Their Fans
    309 words
    Brittany has become someone that you would not want your little girl to look up to. Throught her music career she has become idolized by our youth. She currently displays to much of her flesh. That makes the guys in this world think that all girls will do that also and they seem to treat us differently since the 1999 music awards. This show of her flesh got all her fans to think it was alright for girls to display their flesh also. My own opinion in this matter is that she gave the girls in this...
  • Their Problems On Other People
    797 words
    Racism An underlying problem is promoting racism. It is the fact that a lot of people believe, and try to make they believe, that racism no longer exists. Many people today live their lives oblivious to what is happening in the world around them, often trying to convince themselves that racism is not a problem in their world. Others know all about the problem, but don't really realize that they themselves could possibly be adding to the problem by discriminating against someone else's human righ...
  • School Dress Code
    589 words
    Problem Solving Essay I disagree with the school dress code because it doesn't allow people to express themselves, people can't dress for the weather, and it doesn't let people choose how they want to look because it's supposedly a distraction. The dress code is 'The bottom of your shirt must at least meet the top of your pants or shorts, and undergarments should not be exposed. There must be a substantial covering over both shoulders. See-through clothing or clothing that is so very tight that ...
  • Racism And Sexism In My School Violence
    793 words
    What Can I Do to End Violence, Racism, and Sexism in My School Violence, racism, and sexism, some of the most used things in the school. These things should be stopped, and a group of people in a high school from New Jersey decided they had enough. This program none as E.R.A.S. E was started to abolish violence, racism, and sexism in schools. In 1992 these dedicated group of people set out to end these things. This program was then branched out to local, state, and now country wide to help more ...
  • Care About The People In Littleton
    839 words
    It seems for the past week or so, the entire world (yes, world, when I was in Spain they showed news coverage of this 24/7 too) has been shaken up by the school shootings in Littleton, CO (I think that's the name of the town, though don't hold me to that). What amazes me about this story is not the fact that two people went into a school and shot a bunch of people (apparently this is the seventh in-school multiple homicide in ten past 18 months), its the fact that the media has given extensive c...
  • Back In The Early 1900's People
    688 words
    1900 Versus 2000 I think that we take for granted the things that we have today. Just look at all of the innovations in technology and quality of living over the last 100 years. Back in the year 1900, things went crazy. All sorts of new inventions were coming out all of the time, and people were becoming rich beyond their wildest dreams. In my opinion, the past 100 years have left us in a completely different world. Back in the early 1900's people were amazed to see a person driving down the roa...
  • Police And Walk Down The Street People
    637 words
    Do our judgment of others defined by the symbols they signify? Are judgment of others defined by the symbols they signify? Why do we judge people based on how they appear? From the min we see somebody wearing bagging jeans, big shirts, just the whole package. We take them to be no good. When that's not always the case. Do we look at them for what they symbolize? By the way they walk, talk, act. Names and titles always symbolizes a person. It describes a persons outlook. When you hear psycho. We ...
  • Lottery This Story
    362 words
    The Lottery This story reveals how selfish people can be in the society. In 'The Lottery' villagers are an isolated group of individuals who could careless about one another, even their own family members. Although the author doesn't explain why this village is completely separated from the rest of the world, the story truly reflects our society, that people ignore bad events happening around the world, as long those bad events do not happen to them. In this story no one cares to object that the...
  • Difference To People And Society
    1,026 words
    How are we categorized? Walker Percy, Danny Senna's, and "Two Kinds" has developed many descriptions of different kinds of categories that can be presented in a person. To be categorized is to be judged by different views and opinions. The world has an image of characterizing everyone and everything in a sense of class. Categories takes place in three areas: people, society, and other observant areas. First, people have the tendency of judging a person by their cover. The majority of the people ...
  • Acts Towards Other People
    500 words
    Illustrative essay (rough draft) Stereotypes can have excessive damage and it can have a very negative effect on the person in view or as a whole group. Stereotyping is not just another form of making fun of people, it also encourages rejection and outcast. Stereotyping is not only cruel and harmful to people, it can also have major effects on how a person behaves and acts towards other people. It also makes who ever is stereotyping look like a fool. It also forms barriers in communication and e...
  • Racism From People
    654 words
    Racism has become one of the many burdens amongst multi-cultural countries all over the world. Racism is a part of each and every one of us. No doubt, we are all racist, but this term racism has been used too loosely. Racism has been changed to such an extent that it could be a reason for war, a symbol of terrorism, and even an excuse for neglecting. Is that all there is to it No, actually it is just the beginning. Racism is just like warfare in which there is no shelter and nobody is neutral. E...
  • People And The Ignorance Of People
    414 words
    Sysco Gonzalez English II "Ferinheit 451 1) An even that puzzled me as I read this story is how people could be so ignorant in a world that book burning was a good thing. Books were told to have no significance to anyone and this was just accepted and no one questioned it. 2) An idea that interested me was Captain Beatty's ignorance. He had no doubt about this world of book burning and he even spread his beliefs by sharing them with Guy Montage. He put the idea in Montage's head that books made ...
  • Friends With People
    1,143 words
    Who are you? And what have you done with my friend? This is a question that we all ask ourselves at some point in our lives. Sometimes, we have to witness our friends change everything about themselves just to fit the mold of what everyone thinks they should be. I for one, am happy to say that I don't try to fit any mold. I am who I am. I think being true to myself is one of my best qualities. Having your own opinion takes guts. I always state my beliefs. I do not agree with changing your opinio...
  • Society The One In Fahrenheit 451
    1,186 words
    As time in society goes on, less and less people think. Just like in Fahrenheit 451, people have more things done for them and stray further and further from their imagination. Today technology, mass media and education show some points of how people think less. Technology can be life giving and yet disrupting to all. That is not the only thing this essay is about however. Another point is very few students really question how accurate the textbooks are, how some governments might have tainted h...
  • Its Just A Really Life
    572 words
    Trip to Mexicalli When I was sophomore in high school I took a trip to a place that would forever change my life. I went on a mission trip down to Mexicalli. I was anxiously waiting for it for months upon months. But I really didn't know what to expect when I got down there. Me and a whole group of people from my church prepared for the Mexicalli for many months to get ready to go down to Mexico and share the word of God, to all the people down where we were going. We had many meetings and works...

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