Kids At School essay topics

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  • School Shootings
    959 words
    Nick Ferrigno 11-20-99 School Shootings In our society today, so socially and technologically advanced, one expects to feel a sense of security and comfort. However, this safety is lost due to the fact of many school shootings occurring nationwide. It is not unusual to hear about these shootings on television or on the radio. This issue has greatly impacted the lives of young people. If you turn on you television and look at the destruction caused from a flood or an earthquake, you may think, 'o...
  • Idea Of Peer Pressures Effects On Kids
    711 words
    Peer Pressure Effects On Learning Allan failed his Advanced Algebra test and his parents are going to kill him. But this is not his fault, he was to busy with intramural basketball and his job at Fromm International. With these extra activities he has had no time to study for his math test or do most of the homework. He also has a group of friends who are more concerned with drinking and parting. He try's to impress his friend by not studying and partying. The main reason why kids and him are no...
  • Disabled Kids Like Their Teachers
    720 words
    In this day and age learning disabilities are attracting people's attention. Many kids go through school almost in a daze not knowing exactly what is going on. At times, teachers will ignore the problem and teach the rest of the class. There is a wide variety of learning disabilities, but the most common one is Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D. ). Problems occurring at school are usually the reason for a diagnosis of ADD. Children with this disability experience difficulties in many skills need...
  • One Group Of Kids From One Gang
    760 words
    Effects of Youth Crime A kid walks down the crowded hallway at school. He is late to his class so he is going as fast as he can. In his hurry, he accidentally bumps into another kid. The other kid backs off and starts yelling at the first one. He asks why he bumped into him, and was he trying to start something? The first kid hastily apologizes as he turns and starts to race down the hall toward his third period class. The second kid takes this the wrong way and pulls out a handgun, the crowd ar...
  • Kids And Adults
    1,565 words
    The Adults Are Always Right? 'Clean your room! Don't do that! Stop watching that stupid television, don't you have a book to read? Didn't I tell you to clean your room, do you want to be a slob when you grow up? Go to school, don't you have school today? When Was a kid... ' Welcome to the lives of almost every teenager in North America. To most parents, when the above words are spoken, they expect to see their teen rush at the opportunity to serve them. The above words mean something to them and...
  • Kids About Guns At An Early Age
    1,363 words
    Another school shooting goes down and is preyed upon by the media for a gripping new story. Jonesboro, Arkansas, West Paducah, Kentucky, and Littleton, Colorado all have one thing in common. All these places are sites where school shootings have occurred. Why do school shootings happen and who is to blame when they do happen? These are two questions that are still trying to be answered. Some people say that school shootings are due to the excess marketing of violence in movies, television, video...
  • Education And Opportunities For The Poor Kids
    902 words
    Response to Savage Inequalities by Jonathan Kozol In Savage Inequalities, Jonathan Kozol describes the conditions of several of America's public schools. Kozol visited schools in neighborhoods and found that there was a wide disparity in the conditions between the schools in the poorest inner-city communities and schools in the wealthier suburban communities. How can there be such huge differences within the public school system of a country, which claims to provide equal opportunity for all? It...
  • Gothic Kids
    682 words
    Today teenagers wear different styles of clothing to express their personality. All high school students subject themselves to this wild time in their life. Many kids want to fit in with a click or gang, or just want to change friends. A teens unique character and individual style of dress sets them apart from all other kids. The Prep clique contains the students that everybody's parents love. They show off expensive clothes, the type of clothes that a polo player wears. This consists of the str...
  • Sixth Grade Jodee
    1,130 words
    The book, Please Stop Laughing at Me by Jodee Blanco, is an inspirational story about the abuse she endured during her years at school. She had to deal with physical, verbal, and emotional abuse throughout her school year. Once I started this book I couldn't put it down. I can remember back in elementary school being the new kid. The kids made fun of me because I was new, but once they gave me a chance they liked me. In junior high some kids would call me names, but that was it. Verbal abuse is ...
  • Extra Curricular Activities
    487 words
    Our principal recently asked for the students opinions on the school cuts proposal. This proposition proposes that all extra curricular activities be cut until the money situation improves as predicted in two or three years. What do you think of first when someone mentions the word school Most kids, if asked, would probably say their basketball team, cheerleading squad, or the various clubs they may be involved in. For some kids these extra curricular activities may be the only thing productive ...
  • Two Kids
    384 words
    Columbine Cause and Effects Earlier this year, on one fine day, two teenagers walked onto the campus of Columbine high school and started shooting. They injured and killed a number of people and also destroyed a large amount of property with their home-made pipe bombs and grenades. When they realized they were surrounded by S.W.A.T. teams, the two psychos committed suicide in the school library. The results of their actions are still being felt. All across the country, teachers have become scare...
  • Decisions In The School System
    525 words
    The topic I chose to discuss in this essay is the local school systems in America. The local and national government and the superintendent of the school system holds the power over this institution. The people who benefit because of this institution are the students who attend these schools and the jobs that they create in the process of helping kids to learn and society in general. Some of the risks that I thought of that would effect the students is the decision on how and what to teach or th...
  • High School Kids
    910 words
    Dazed and Confused. To anyone who grew up in the Seventies- myself not included- the words are guaranteed to strike a chord, not only of heavy metal guitar feedback, but of sweet nostalgia for those carefree days of innocence, exuberance, and wonder. Well, not really. What that old Led Zeppelin number brings to mind, with its slow, grinding rhythm punctuated by head-banging howls of rage, is the darker side of adolescence; the boredom, the frustration, the zonked-out quest for meaning that marks...
  • Sub For Auburn Early Ed
    977 words
    This article caught my attention due to the fact that I have been a substitute teacher for two years. When I decided that vet school was not for me after two years of undergraduate study in Zoology, I wanted to go back to my dream. I wanted to teach. Instead of jumping into a curriculum without knowing whether I wanted to continue it or not, again, I became a sub instead. I absolutely loved it. I was able to experience a variety of learning settings. I taught everywhere from Preschool centers an...
  • White Kid's School
    681 words
    Innocence The one thing that separates a child from an adult is innocence. Children are the virgins of life, having never known, heard, or seen evil. They haven't faced heartbreak, rejection, and the other daily pressures of living in society. Some don't quite understand the logic behind death. This is innocence, the beautiful and rare accessory piece that I had longed to hold on to in life. I soon lost that innocence. It was a sunny afternoon when the students were released for recess. It was m...
  • Same In The Same Valley
    336 words
    The Great Mojave Valley 1st Hour There are so many problems in this valley that it is hard to choose the most important ones to write this essay on. So I will choose the most superficial ones I can think of. One of the problems is the people. In this valley there are a lot of good people that are pleasant and good natured. In the same in the same valley there is speed dealing white trash crack heads that couldn't care less about there fellow man especially the racist ones. I've sat in class and ...
  • 00 Pm Activities
    416 words
    In Everett at precisely 2: 45 pm, kids are let out of school, most are late for 3: 00 pm activities. Many schools across the county are changing the times in which school starts and ends. Changing theses times means that student's lives are being alter without any say in it. The school board members shouldn't be the only ones deciding what times school starts and ends. The school board should take into consideration the lives of the students who attend the school, not guess upon their own judgme...
  • Respected And Great School For Kids
    611 words
    Should we wear schools uniforms? School uniforms are to show that schools have disciplined and smart kids. It shows it's a respected and great school for kids to go. But others opinions are there is no real point to uniforms. They are a waste of money; you could be spending it on descent clothes that you would like to wear. Many people have different opinions on both positive and negative sides. This informative writing piece shows what school kids really think of school uniforms. The kid's opin...
  • Bullies And Weapons In School
    1,083 words
    Did you know that 7% of 8th graders stay home from school at least once a month to avoid being bullied? That is completely disgraceful. You should not be scared to go to school. Kids and teens should be able to go to school every day with no fear and get their appropriate education, but unlucky they can't. Kids bring in guns and other weapons into schools. They also are just entirely impolite bullies. These bullies are no help to the school they are just another problem that teachers, students a...
  • Chance For Inner City Kids
    2,043 words
    The Halls of Society Walking through the halls of Brookfield Central High School taught me sometimes more than what I was taught in the classroom. Not that this is a bash to my alma mater, but there were certain things that came into play during the 4 years I attended. It was when I was a freshman, at 7: 45 one morning that I was walking through the halls, that I noticed that the halls were practically filled with white kids. It made me feel strange, and it made me think as to why we weren't mor...

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