King Creon essay topics

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  • King Creon
    1,271 words
    Creon's Role Of King and His Responsibilities The role of the king in the time of Greek tragedies was simultaneously desired and dreaded because of the king's responsibility to the people and because of the effects of the position on the king's character. Creon reveals such ambivalent thoughts towards the kingship in his speech defending himself from Oedipus's conspiracy accusation in Oedipus the King; these ambivalent thoughts reveal much about the nature of the kingship, especially in conjunct...
  • Creon's Authoritarian Nature
    558 words
    Creon the Authoritarian Banish the man, or pay back blood with blood. Murder sets the plague-storm on the city. In Sophocles's tragedies Oedipus the King and Antigone, Creon is an authoritarian. It can be seen that Creon is an authoritarian when he is elevated to king and how he is an order politician as king, which leads to his demise. Creon's authoritarian persona is initially exposed when he is elevated to king, in the closing stages of Oedipus the King. When Creon takes over Oedipus's throne...
  • Death Of His Wife Creon
    870 words
    The Hubris of a Hero The play Antigone by Sophocles is a play like no other. Its central theme is a practical problem of conduct involving the laws of the gods and those of the humans. Antigone represents the laws of the gods while Creon represents those of the humans. Both characters are very stubborn, neither of them willing to back down or compromise. Both sides are committed to their own reasoning and disinclined to listen to other points of view. Because of the hubris, or overweening pride,...
  • King Creon
    950 words
    The Greek drama Antigone, written by Sophocles, has many antitheses. Among them are love versus hate, life versus death, and the state versus the individual. However, the dominant antithesis is the one of pride versus wisdom. Polyneices and Eteocles, two brothers, had killed each other in battle. Their uncle Creon, the new king, buried Eteocles with military honors, but for bad the burial of Polyneices as he considered him a traitor. Antigone, the sister of them both, feels she has to bury her o...
  • Conflict Between The King Creon And Antigone
    1,072 words
    The play Antigone by Sophocles shows a conflict between the King Creon and Antigone. This conflict eventually leads to the destruction of the house of Creon. Upon closer analysis, it is obvious that Creon caused this to happen himself. There is an old saying that power corrupts and Creon has fallen victim to power. In the opening of the play, we learn that Creon has been proclaimed king. We expect Creon to be the same rational man as we saw him to be in Oedipus the King who stood up for justice ...
  • Point Oedipus And Creon
    825 words
    Creon in Oedipus the King In this paper I will be making 3 major points about Creon. First I will explain the role Creon plays in this drama. Next I will explain some of the values Creon represents in this story. And for the last I will be examining how essential Creon is to the way this situation plays itself out. Other than the obvious roles Creon plays in this story (Jocasta's brother and Oedipus' brother-in-law), Creon plays a very big role and is a part of the most significant points in thi...
  • Creon Oedipus
    361 words
    Teriesias. He is figure in greek mythology. He has been a woman and a man, and zeus struck him blind. Zeus gave him the gift of prophecy. He is known to posses god-given insight. He is the only one in the play who is not afraid of Oedipis. Tere isas finds the gift of prophecy more of a burden then a benefit. Teriesias accusations (in the science between king and prophet) lead him on the course that will end with the stunning revelations at the end of the play. Jocasta She is the queen of Thebes,...
  • Oedipus And Creon
    403 words
    Throughout, The Theban Plays Creon remained an important character. From the first play King Oedipus through the second play Oedipus at Colonus Creon displayed a dramatic change in his character. A change in Creons personality was noticeable when the truth about Oedipus was revealed. The very beginning of King Oedipus, Creon exposed a caring, concerned person. Sharing with the town his good news allows the reader to see his concerned side. Creon informed the town about the previous king of Thebe...
  • Antigone And Creon
    2,679 words
    Conflicts affect people in both positive and negative ways. Usually conflict results in changes in attitude, thought, and actions of a person. In the Greek tragedy Antigone, Sophocles portrays a struggle between a young woman, Antigone, and a wise king and her uncle, Creon, when Antigone buries her brother against Creon's proclamation, which eventually results in a line of deaths. The play investigates the adverse conflicts that occur when one person opposes to the law. Sophocles utilizes three ...
  • Creon's Oedipus
    815 words
    Creon: A Voice of Reason In the drama Oedipus Rex, Oedipus' role as protagonist is supported primarily by Creon, who provides a voice of reason and stability throughout the play in contrast to the highly charged and emotional character, Oedipus. Oedipus provides most of the drama, excitement and the emotion in the play, which in turn brings out the rational nature in Creon. This happens time and time again during the play; we have Oedipus, the instigator, supported by Creon the stabilizer. Creon...
  • Creon's Excessive Pride
    328 words
    In Sophocle's "Antigone", Creon, the king in the story, condemns a young girl for attempting to give her brother, who was an enemy of the King, a proper burial. Throughout the story, Creon's excessive pride blinds him from preventing his downfall and the suicidal death of his wife and son. With that and many other instances-he becomes the tragic hero. Creon's desire to display his power keeps him from seeing and considering the view points other than his own. Creon initially asserts that he is e...
  • Prevelant And Obvious Inner Flaw Of Creon
    478 words
    In the play Antigone one of the main charicter is the "tragic hero" Creon. To be a "tragic hero a charicter must have an inner flaw, be at the prime of his or her life, and bring about his or her own demise through their inner flaw. The charicter Creon has more than one in flaws, in fact, he has several. He is ignorance, arrogant, and stubborn. These flaw become apparent throughout the play. The most prevelant and obvious inner flaw of Creon is his stubbornness. He won't back down from his fooli...
  • Creon And Antigone
    854 words
    In the play "Antigone' by Sophocles, Creon and Antigone have distinct conflicting values. Creon's regard for the laws of the city causes him to abandon all other beliefs. He feels that all should obey the laws set forth by him, even if other beliefs, moral or religious, state otherwise. Antigone, on the other hand, holds the beliefs of the gods in high reverence. She feels that the laws of the gods should be obeyed above all others, especially when in respect to family. Creon's patriotic values ...
  • Creon's Self Pride
    477 words
    In the story Antigone, Creon shows all of the characteristics of a tragic hero. He receives pity through the audience, yet recognizes his weakness, and whose downfall comes from his own self-pride. Though the audience notices how villainous Creon is, they still express pity towards him. They realize the he brought all of his problems on himself and should have been more open-minded, but think no one should go through that. They also understand how the warrior king Creon felt when he notices his ...
  • Creon's Stubbornness And Abuse Of Power
    545 words
    In the play Antigone I choose Creon to be the tragic hero because he is the King of Thebes and he looses everything he has. Creon being King makes the audience believe that something like that can happen to the King then what can happen to us. Antigone the niece of Creon, The sister of Polyneices was punished by Creon for burying Polyneices after his death, Creon has forbidden anybody to do so. Once Creon punished Antigone the blind prophet Teiresias told him that the Gods will take revenge for ...
  • Creon's Side And Polyneices
    554 words
    Antigone Character Analysis Essay Dealing with enemies has been a problem ever since the beginning of time. In Antigone, by Sophocles, the value of dealing with your family and dealing with your Enemies become a huge problem for a King such as Creon. All throughout this play, Creon holds a title of authority that he must observe. After Oedipus left Thebes and Creon took over as King, there was a fight for the throne. Eteocles fought on Creon's side and Polyneices fought against his brother (Eteo...
  • King And Antigone A Male
    916 words
    Antigone herself represents the highest ideals of human life – courage and respect for the gods. In the mythical story "Antigone', Antigone first demonstrates feminist logic when she chooses to challenge a powerful male establishment. This establishment is personified by her uncle Creon, who is newly crowned as the King of Thebes, and it is usually challenged by whole city-state. She believed that the law of the gods (to give proper burial rights to every dead body) was more important than...
  • Creon's Respect For Divinity And Prophecy
    516 words
    Antigone Sophocles' trilogy of Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus, and Antigone is a powerful, tragic tale that examines the nature of human guilt, fate and punishment. Creon, Oedipus' uncle and brother-in-law, is the story's most dynamic character. His character experiences a drastic metamorphosis through the span of the three dramas. Creon's vision of a monarch's proper role, his concept of and respect for justice, as well as his respect for the design evolve considerably by the trilogy's tr...
  • Antigone And Creon
    1,094 words
    Often in plays, there are conflicting issues. This is what creates the storyline, or plot. Usually, each play has an antagonist and a protagonist. A protagonist is the main driving force in the play, whereas the antagonist the force that goes against the protagonist. Deciding who is the protagonist and who is the antagonist are really matters of opinion. In the play, "Antigone' by Sophocles, there are different opinions about who is the protagonist and who is the antagonist. In "Antigone,' Creon...
  • Creon About Antigone
    1,246 words
    The Brutality of Creon vs. The Admirability of Antigone Many critics feel that in the play Antigone by Sophocles, there are two characters that can be considered the tragic hero. Antigone and Creon both display many characteristics that would label them the tragic hero. Creon's actions are against the will of the gods, and this is why he cannot be the tragic hero of Antigone. In his literary criticism of the play, Brian Vickers presents a similar feeling, Creon is brutal and Antigone is thorough...

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