Language Learning essay topics

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  • How To Improve Your English
    375 words
    How to Improve your English Learning English or another language is a long and difficult process. Nobody can learn a second language in a short time. There are many strategies for improving your skills. Following these steps will help you to make sure that your strategy is effective. First of all, be patient with yourself. Learning English is a long and complicated process. It does not happen overnight. Everybody does not have the same time and capacity to learn it fast; however, making a schedu...
  • Cases Of Cultural Transmission From Chimp
    650 words
    Writing Assignment One -- Do primates posses culture? I think that if culture is defined as learned behavior, than it is reasonable to say that primates posses a form of culture. Primates have been observed making tools to aid in collecting food and developing communication system, both of which are learned behaviors. It is common in monkeys, apes and humans that behavior and social organization aren't necessarily programmed into the genes. There have been several cases where an entire troop has...
  • Child Language Acquisition Nature Vs Nurture
    1,558 words
    Child language acquisition: nature or nurture? (final version) Introduction The study of language development, one of the most fascinating human achievements, has a long and rich history, extending over thousands of years (Chomsky, 2000). As the nature-versus-nurture argument is inevitable to arise whenever human behaviors are discussed, it is not surprising that language experts have debated the relative influences of genetics and the environment on language development (Hulit & Howard, 2002). ...
  • First Language Learning
    415 words
    Total Physical ResponseTPRTotal Physical Response is a language learning method based on the coordination of speech and action. It was developed by James Asher, a professor of psychology at San Jose State University. TPR is based on the fact that the human brain has a biological program for acquiring (Css^E'OC'E) any natural language on earth - including the sign language of the deaf. The process is visible when we observe how infants internalize their first language. The secret is a 'conversati...
  • One Methodological Approach To Foreign Language Learning
    4,256 words
    METHODOLOGICAL ECLECTICISM IN TEACHING ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE (TEFL) 'Eclectic', remarks Atkinson (1988, p. 42), 'is one of the buzz words in TEFL at present, in part due to the realization that for the foreseeable future good language teaching is likely to continue to be based more on common sense, insights drawn from classroom experience, informed discussion among teachers, etc., than on any monolithic model of second language acquisition or all-embracing theory of learning... '. One pr...
  • Use Language
    842 words
    -il dar-The tabula of human nature was never rasa. W.D. Hamilton Language is defined as the "Communication of thoughts and feelings through a system of arbitrary signals, such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols". Yet this alone cannot sum up the importance and vastness of this magnificent gift human own. Language is one of the most amazing features of human culture and personality; its roots have remained unchanged since the start of civilization. It is the basis of all communication ...
  • Energisers To Pupils Learning Stances
    2,594 words
    1 The best form of motivation is self-motivation. Pupils need to connect with teachers if they are achieve this. Teachers can motivate their pupils by meeting their needs for the three 'As': affiliation, agency and autonomy. They do this through the energisers that create a motivating learning climate; the flip side of the energisers are the drainers - things that staff need to avoid doing. Energisers The energisers provide the ingredients of the classroom climate that are needed to whet pupils'...
  • Different Views And Opinions About Language
    719 words
    Language: Instinctive or Learned Over the course of time the topic of language has been a catalyst for many discussions and debates as to if it is learned throughout one's life, or is it a hard copy instinct the one is born with. Many scientists and writers in the humanities field have their own opinions as to what they believe about language and its plight in human society. One writer challenges many of our educators and scholars today by expressing his thoughts on the instinct to understand, l...
  • Learned Language
    878 words
    Language: Innate or Learned Language, are we born with it or do we learn it There's a lot to debate on this subject. There are several points of view from psychologists, medical doctors, linguists and parents. John B. Watson, believed that the environment was responsible for shaping children's development. His views were consistent with those of behaviorism, an approach to psychology that had a great impact on research about children. Although behaviorists emphasize environment, they almost alwa...
  • My Language Difficulties
    358 words
    Life Experiences With the dream of liberty and the pursuit of happiness my family has immigrated halfway around the world, from Vietnam to America. My parents fled to the United States, not for them but for the unending opportunities for their children. My parents have sacrificed their whole live for their children to have freedom and a bright future, regardless of any difficulties. My parent's sacrifices are the motivation that pushed me to higher level of education because I acknowledge the am...
  • My Mother's Limited English
    1,468 words
    Jessica Green 3-1-99 English 1 A-04 Essay #2 Final Draft I myself have never used my language to really shape my identity. I was born in the United States and English is the national language. Call me ignorant or selfish but I believe if you come here you should learn English. I do not care if you speak your language at home or with friends, but if you expect everyone to cater to you, you must be crazy. You knew the national language when you arrived. The United States provides bilingual classes...
  • Communicative Language Teaching Approach
    1,465 words
    Communicative Language Teaching approach The Definition Of CLT Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) originated from the changes in the British Situational Language Teaching approach dating from the late 1960's (Richards & Rodgers, 2001). Stemming from the socio-cognitive perspective of the socio-linguistic theory, with an emphasis on meaning and communication, and a goal to develop learners' "communicative competence", Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach evolves as a prominent langua...
  • Krashen's Theory Of Second Language Acquisition
    1,595 words
    Stephen Krashen is an expert in the field of linguistics, specializing in theories of language acquisition and development. Much of his recent research has involved the study of non-English and bilingual language acquisition. During the past 20 years, he has published well over 100 books and articles and has been invited to deliver over 300 lectures at universities throughout the United States and Canada. He works today for the University of Southern California. Krashen is well known for his fam...
  • Use Of New Technologies In Language Learning
    6,812 words
    Abstract: This paper discusses the challenges to language learning and its methodological principles posed by the new technologies. It will be argued that the integration of new media into language learning is a necessary step ensuring the acquisition of the kind of language skills and competencies needed for living and working in the knowledge society. Innovative use of such technologies will lead to more flexibility in the content and organisation of learning; new media must be looked at not s...
  • Your Private Language
    588 words
    Baldwin bases his arguments on Black English on being valid and legitimate but not seen as a justifiable language because to political superior ities it its not correct. He argues of how language is political, because depending on what society speaks or who is in power, that is what the rest of the community will have to speak. It is basically which dominant group has the power of authority. He argues that language reveals the speaker, meaning that language makes you a part of who you are, your ...
  • Language Focus Through Tasks
    3,930 words
    I. Introduction Language teaching is a complex social and cultural activity, and its implementation in the classroom requires not only mastery in linguistics but also understanding within the socio-cultural context and psycholinguistics. The teaching trend of English has glided from methods that focuses on inputs to language learning such as Audiolingualism, to Communicative Language Teaching which is considered more effective since it focuses on the outcomes of learning and addresses what the l...
  • The Grammar Translation And The Direct Method
    2,187 words
    INTRODUCTION First of all I want to give a brief history of what language teaching was through the nineteenth century where reading comprehension and writing instead of speaking and listening were in fashion; just following the classical languages as a model to be followed. Very few schools taught foreign languages, and in general the learning of foreign languages was more in a private way. It was only by 1900 that most secondary schools incorporated one or more of their major European languages...
  • Teaching Sign Language In Public Schools
    681 words
    There are many opportunities in the world today. But has anyone ever stopped to think if they are the right ones? Public schools have languages they offer to take as an elective to learn and use later in life. Usually Spanish and French and sometimes German and Japanese. But what about the people who cant speak or hear a language? What are they supposed to do? Not giving equal opportunities to all students is quite unfair. That's why I propose that there should be sign language courses taught in...
  • Languages Culture
    547 words
    I am a part of a group within my society. This group came easy to me because my father and my peers are a part of it as well. What is more is that the physical location of where I live plays a huge role as to why so many people claim themselves to be members of this subculture. Many of our norms, values, and beliefs are shaped by the source of this culture. I am talking about the Surfer subculture and the ocean as its starting field. Many people will claim that Santa Barbara is a "surfer communi...
  • Learning Of Language And Literacy For Children
    2,200 words
    In the following discussion I will draw on tutorial tasks 'A' and 'B' and further readings, as I reflect on the knowledge I have gained from my work and the work of others in this subject. The topics, such as 'Language and Literacy in the Classroom' and 'how children can be supported with their Language and Literacy Development' are of great interest to me. Therefore I will reflect on new knowledge I have gained about these topics when sharing with peers and ideas I already had that have now bee...

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