Love Of God essay topics

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  • Psyche's Search For Cupid
    2,525 words
    The Celtic myth, "The Dream of Oenghus", relates the tale of Oenghus the Celtic god of love and his long search for true love. Oenghus is the son of Boann and Daghdhae. Boann the white cow goddess, and Daghdhae the father of all gods, the "good god". In a dream Oenghus sees "the loveliest figure in Ireland " His memory of this vision makes him ill with loneliness and he begins to waste away. With the help of his mother, and another of his fathers's ons, Bodhbh, he begins his search for the girl ...
  • Human Beings Love God
    1,131 words
    RLS 280: IslamHasib Hossain Ms. Murata 4 / 24 / 2000 Islam and Love Love is an important aspect of Islam. In the Sufi Path of Love, written by Rumi, Love is the central theme. Rumi speaks alot about love and its branches and ramifications. According to Rumi, Love ddominateds most of the Sufi way of life. In a translation of Sufi Path of Love written by William C. Chittuck, Sufi says: "No matter what I say to explain and elucidate Love, shame overcomes me when I come to Love itself. Love cannot b...
  • Loving Relationship With God
    857 words
    My Religious Belief I am a Christian and I believe in the Holy trinity: God, the Son, the Holy Spirit. o God is the most high God, all-powerful, all-knowing, the creator, full of unfailing love and truth, God is the only "true" God. He is the light. o Jesus is the son of God, he is God in the flesh, he came into this world for two purposes, to teach us how to live on earth and because God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, Jesus. Jesus died on cross for our sins, and is sitti...
  • Personal Relationships Love
    1,721 words
    What is love? I remember a time when "I love you" was the hardest phrase to say to the person you really had feelings for because you knew when you said those words it would change the course of your relationship forever. But what is the true meaning of love? "The dictionary defines love as a feeling of strong personal attach-ment induced by sympathetic understanding or by ties of kindred; ardent affection for one's children; man's adoration for God; strong liking; fondness; good will, al love o...
  • Padre Pio Charity
    1,089 words
    Padre Pio, whose real name was Francesco Forgone was born on May 25, 1887 in Pietralcina, a small town in southern Italy. Every since he was a child he has always showed love towards the religious life. It is said that at the age of 5 Padre Pio had already dedicated his life to God. He had an extreme love for prayer. At the age of sixteen he entered the 'Capuchin Friars' which are a religious order in memory of St. Francis of Assisi. From the first time Padre Pio had entered into the Friary he w...
  • Beautiful And Ugly Since Love
    1,527 words
    Plato's Symposium provides us with many different views and theories about love. This drunken discussion of Eros presents ideas which have not lost their relevance in the millennia since. Many things have changed and there have been a lot of different views on almost every subject known to man, but the thoughts voiced in the Symposium still hold truth today. However being what it was, and that is many different peoples thoughts on the subject of Eros, there is a wide variety of theories to choos...
  • Aga Pic Love
    574 words
    Reflection Paper "Who is God?" , this becomes as impossible a question to answer as the question "Who am I?" . Michael Himes, the author of this book which is called, Doing the Truth In Love, expresses his ideas and thoughts on how we are supposed to think about God, feel about God, and understand who and what God is. Mr. Himes, explains first and foremost that God is a mystery. He gives his opinions on how He is mystery and on how we should identify "God with God". Himes states that God is agap...
  • Jehovah's Love
    810 words
    The Personality of a God In the year of 2003 there are many types of religions that are practiced in the United States, which involves a God, or a divine power. My personal preference of religion is Christianity. I believe in Jesus Christ and the all mighty God Jehovah. The characteristics of a God varies from religion to religion, but all leading up to love, an everlasting peaceful life, and salvation; therefore, giving strength to all human beings that believe in them and has faith in them. Lo...
  • Abelard And Heloises Relationship
    1,128 words
    Saint Augustine believes that love is triggered by the desire to reach the beauty, truth, and good of God. Yet, it must be recognized that God is the Life of the life of my soul and that He created the form and spirit of the human body. Consequently, God assigned its own place and its own function (Augustine 213) for the body and the soul, and using the senses for enjoyment rather than for the objective of further glorifying God would be considered sinful since it is a distortion of love. It is ...
  • Paul's Presentation Of Love
    2,935 words
    The Theme of Love in 1 Corinthians 13: Content and Technique What is love? Is it a warm, fuzzy feeling- a pleasant sensation, which to experience is a matter of chance, something we 'fall into' if we are lucky? This definition may not be accurate but it seems to be the idea our society gets from the media today. If nothing else, the endless numbers of movies about happy and tragic love stories we watch and the hundreds of trashy love songs we hear every day prove that people today are starved fo...
  • God's Love And Grace
    709 words
    Like Edward Taylor's other Preparatory Meditations, Meditation 42 uses iambic pentameter with mostly ABA BCC rhyming stanzas. The structure of the poem is similar to that of a sermon, beginning with a metaphor and a question, moving into the development of this question and metaphor, and finally concluding with a prayer of petition. As the Bible verse at the beginning suggests, this poem is about God's prerogative where heaven is concerned; in other words, how God's grace is completely necessary...
  • Augustine's Statements About Love
    1,079 words
    April 14, 2000 Seminar 021 How does Augustine define love? Augustine states continuously that he was not yet in love, but was in love with love. This statement doesn? t make sense to me. I don? t believe that someone can be in love with something, if he or she doesn? t understand what love is.? I was not yet in love, but I was in love with love, and from the very depth of my need hated myself for not more keenly feeling the need.? (pg. 35) How can Augustine hate himself if he doesn? t know what ...
  • Bradstreet's Upon The Burning Of Our House
    837 words
    In the early seventeenth century the one and only thing that concerned the Puritan's was their status with God. No matter what they did it was in order to please Him. Their reverence to God was everything to them. They modeled their community as a patriarchal community. This meant that the father or husband was the head of the household, just as God was head of the church. They also believed that the leader of the community should be the leader of their church. The puritan's took the Word of God...

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