Make Money essay topics

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  • Money To An Athlete Like Kevin Garnett
    1,636 words
    My claim is that it is unethical for professional athletes to receive the enormous amount of compensation that they do By Unethical I mean that it is an injustice to the citizens of our hard working country that are out to make a dollar and do it by holding a well respected job. By compensation I mean the ridiculous amounts of money that an athlete makes for playing a particular sport. My value criteria or standards I will use are as follows: 1. A man who does not graduate college may not be as ...
  • Class President Speech Ideas
    279 words
    Class President Speech Hello, my name is (insert name), and I'm running for class president. You may know me for my incoherent rambling and mad (insert activity) skills, but what I am here today to discuss with you has nothing to do with those wonderful qualities. I'm here to discuss fun, and more importantly, money. What, as the class of (insert class year), have we done for fun this year? You are correct! Nothing! And what funds have we raised for (insert activity)? Nada! I, (insert name), sho...
  • Long Time With Paul
    601 words
    The Rocking Horse Winner Lucky. Thats what this whole story is about, being lucky. It seemed that to be successful in this society you had to have a certain amount of luck about you to be able to make money to survive. Paul seemed to be the first to realize it when he asked his mother "why dont we keep a car of our own Why do we always use Uncles, or else a taxi" When she replied that it was because they were poor he asked why and she said "Because your father has no luck". I believe it was from...
  • Slaves Ancestors Money
    1,118 words
    Slavery has been a very sensitive, touchy subject since, and even before, its abolition in 1865. There is no doubt whatsoever that its one, if not the, worst things to ever take place in the United States. However, this happened a long, long time ago in a different generation. The ancestors of those who were slaves have every right to be angry about what happened, but to try and claim money for it is absurd. Granted it was wrong, it was the way of life in those times. Wealthy white men owned sla...
  • Society In General Values Money And Profit
    676 words
    All My Sons: Miller's Chief Criticism Of American Society By: Richard Younge A shot was heard throughout the Keller home as Joe ended his guilty, worthless life. Miller criticizes that American society has become corrupt- a place of selfishness, where people care too much about themselves, and that which benefits them, and will go to any lengths to achieve that goal; even if the repercussions of their actions will bring harm to other people. He stresses that money seems to be the key factor that...
  • Psychology And Our Personal Lives
    1,016 words
    Even though we live in a capitalist society, I still cannot help but believe, despite my own cynicism, that people are more motivated to achieve something for personal satisfaction rather than monetary gains. Look at Chekov's short story, 'The Bet. ' A man agrees to sacrifice fifteen years of his life in prison in exchange for a million dollars. Obviously his motivation for such an extreme bet is wealth, but by the end of the prison sentence, the man could care less about the money. After years ...
  • Letters From Home Our Company
    1,098 words
    Here's your big chance to make some extra cash right out of your home. You won't believe how much money you can make doing this. You can easily make up to a $1000 weekly working only 2-3 hours a day. We will supply you with all materials to start making $4.00 for every letter you process and mail out! The best part of all this is there is no limit! You can ship us back as many letters as you want. Positions are being filled very quickly and the longer you wait, the more likely you will not get a...
  • Campaign Money From Industries
    2,036 words
    Campaign Funding By: Matt E-mail: What We Don't Know About Campaign Finance Does Hurt Us. "No matter what your social issue, if you want to solve it get the money out of politics. Only then will lawmakers vote for their people rather than their pocketbooks". Jack E. Lohman. Money corrupts politics, and when contributions are being made to candidates it is not in the best interest of the American people. Campaign Finance is out of control in today's political races. Candidates are taking money fr...
  • Cars And Necessary Credit Card
    1,196 words
    Figuring out where you will be financially years from now is hard to imagine. There are always what you plan, and then there's things that just happen that you would usually rather not have of. You can always make goals and things and hope that things go alright and end up close to what you expected. I am currently eighteen years old. I am working on setting up all my financial things so that I am independent and can rely on myself for what I need and not have to worry about having my parents ap...
  • Drought Wang Lung
    874 words
    Pearl S. Buck shows her readers the many faces of Wang Lung in her book, The Good Earth. Wang Lung is a rice farmer who gains all his wealth through the land. He struggles to move from poverty to a well respected wealthy man. Wang Lungs character portrays a man's unselfishness, determination, and loyalty towards his family and friends. Wang Lung's caring and generous nature towards his family and friends make him a well- liked person. During the drought Wang Lung feeds the family members first a...
  • Amounts Of Point
    511 words
    I think that it's a tragedy to see that many collegiate athletes are involved in gambling situations. It's hard on the athletes too, because they " re not getting paid to play the game so it's hard to resist thousands of dollars to only win by a few, in cases on point shaving. When I was watching that movie "Blue Chips", which is all about illegal college betting and buying athletes to come to their school, there was a scene involving the coach and the point guard regarding a point shaving incid...
  • Catalog To My Mother
    814 words
    A Bought Lesson Learned The moment had come for students and staff members to order and purchase school spirit attire for the 1987-1988 school term. This was avery exciting occasion my classmates and I because nothing mattered more than being able to showcase the joyous spirit for our beloved school. Mrs. Barbati, my homeroom teacher, passed out individual catalogs from which to make selections, and there were instant waves of highly motivated, but premature claims from any one student in the cl...
  • Orwell's Encounter With Poverty
    1,200 words
    Is Poverty Easy Is poverty easy Some say yes and argue that the poor have so few things to worry about: food and shelter. People say that the poor have little money that they do not think what to do with it and who might be taking it away secretively. Yet, if one drives through their local downtown area and scans the area, one can see that being poor is not easy; rather it is probably the hardest obstacle in life. In George Orwell's Down and Out In Paris and London, Orwell tells a personal exper...
  • Win Of Money
    594 words
    The party actually, will be excessively different. I will reserve a casino in Monte Carlo for the group of people and I will give each person $5,000 for the bets and for drinks. I am sure that all the guests will have a lot of fun playing roulette and other games, especially when they are wasting given money! The chance that somebody will win a good sum are quite high, because there will be 100 people playing. Furthermore, if somebody will be lucky to get rich too, this wedding will be definitel...
  • Ways The Bourgeoisie
    520 words
    Proletarians and Communists Since the beginning of time man has performed what was needed to be done for one singular reason. The reason of bettering himself. You could say that he went out and worked because he needed to feed his family but that is also bettering himself. If he let his family die he would be sad and that would not better him in anyway. Marx is telling how man's greed for power and money has gone rampant. In many ways the bourgeoisie is like McDonald's. It started out as one res...
  • Value Of Sports Memorabilia
    764 words
    As he stepped up to the plate, he dug his right back foot into the dirt getting a firm stance. Little did he know that the ball given to the umpire before the game which cost just nine dollars and now coming at him was going to be worth a little over 2.7 million dollars in seconds. Mark McGwire is truly a reason why a person can make money, gain notoriety and have fun while collecting memorabilia. Making money through regular jobs is one thing, making money by collecting sports memorabilia is en...
  • Fair Comparison Between A Professional Baseball Player
    1,030 words
    Low-ballin As Americans we strive to succeed and be prosperous. A lot of times we, as Americans, measure success by dollars and sense. The more we make the more we measure get a sense of our worth in this world. Still what if someone said that you couldn t make as much as you possibly can in life. In a sense limiting the potential of what you earn in life. Even though the boss wants to give you this money, should you not take the money Well this is what some people propose some professional athl...
  • Way A Lot Of People
    1,105 words
    "As Good as it Gets" Some believe that diversity in our society is enriching. Exposure to different races, cultures, religious groups, and people can enrich our lives if we let it. These same people may have a problem dealing with people with mental illnesses, different economic status, or different sexual orientation. The movie, "As Good as it Gets" deals with all three of these issues on some level, and interestingly enough, the main character, Melvin, has a mental illness, yet is prejudice ag...
  • Hours And Days Of Their Lives
    1,448 words
    Computers. The technological symbol of the last couple decades - the coming of the commonplace "personal computer". I think with a computer point of view. I sit here at 4: 27 am on a Sunday morning or what is left of Saturday's existence in my memory - make that Friday's existence. Computers have a miraculous grasp on the attention span of me and everyone. Sitting in one chair was never so adventurous. - not since the discovery of mind-altering substances. In a way, computers are a mind altering...
  • Earn Your College Degree At Home
    1,188 words
    Infomercials And Other Dishonest Commercials Essay, Research Infomercials And Other Dishonest Commercials Infomercials and Other Dishonest Commercials The other night I was sitting in front of the television watching a late night show, when a commercial break came on, I instinctively clicked on the remote to flip through the channels to see what else was on. As I surfed through the channels I came across dozens of info-mercials, a commercial for getting a college degree at home, and a few psychi...

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