Making Of The Film essay topics

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  • Philadelphia's Sexless Portrayal Of Gays
    1,606 words
    PHILADELPHIA Rated: PG-13 Release Date: 23-Dec-1993 DVD Date: 02-Nov-2004 HBS User Ratings Directed By: Written By: Cast: 1 review, 12 ratings Jonathan Demme Ron Nyswaner Tom Hanks Denzel Washington Awesome 16.67% Antonio Banderas Worth A Look 11.11% Our Reviewer Says: Jason Robards Just Average 16.67% 'It's a touchy subject. ' - MP Bartley Joanne Woodward Pretty Crappy 44.44% Mary Steenburgen Sucks 11.11%Now here's a controversial one - the portrayal of homosexuals and the ravages of AIDS in th...
  • Polanskis Paulina
    1,158 words
    The Polanski film Death and the Maiden is a wonderful and intelligent interpretation of Ariel Dorfmans human rights problem play. Polanski has produced, in this film, an exceptional piece of direction, in which his own personal, emotional input is evident. The main theme of the play is an extremely personal one for both playwright (and scriptwriter) and director. Both Dorfman and Polanski have had to face and flee the horrors of dictatorship and human rights violations: Dorfman in Chile, under G...
  • Milton And Kevin
    1,665 words
    I believe that the theme of this film is, "there is no such thing as a free lunch". The story gives the lead money and power. The lead finds out that he needs to pay for it with his soul. The director has a lot of ambition for the movie. He brings a lot of religion and ethics into the characters of the film by using subliminal symbolism. Even though the director tries to make a lesson out of the film, he makes the film with a lot of takes. This makes the film fast and very stimulating. Every det...
  • Bulletproof Monk
    641 words
    A super powered martial artist battles an army of evil neo-Nazis searching for an ancient scroll which he has sworn to protect in the high-flying but flawed chopsocky action er "Bulletproof Monk" (MGM). While director Paul Hunter has certainly earned his black belt for the film's ultra stylized, gravity-defying acrobatics, the script at times is so hackneyed that better writing can been found in fortune cookies. Based on the highly popular comic book, the film stars Chow Yun-Fat as the nameless ...
  • Viewer Into The Film
    1,409 words
    Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, directed by Stanley Kubrick, is a classic film depicting, with much humor and irony, the strain and tension that the cold war wrought on America and the world. There are many aspects that make this film the work of art that it is, and, perhaps most importantly, they come together brilliantly to create something truly memorable. All of the facets of any good film are exemplary here and these include not only the characterizatio...
  • Most Effective And Disturbing Horror Films
    846 words
    plot Outline: A carload of six teens find themselves trapped in the woods of West Virginia, hunted down by "cannibalistic mountain men grossly disfigured through generations of in-breeding". The most effective and disturbing horror films owe their success in part to grounding their horror not in some otherworldly, supernatural concept such as vampires or zombies; rather they create nightmarish situations from the dark recesses of our reality. Here, horror is created from man's inhumanity to man....
  • Very Gangster Like Car
    1,151 words
    In this essay I plan to explain all the presentational devices used in Baz Luhrmann's Romeo and Juliet. Film makers use presentational device to give the audience ideas about the characters' background and personalities. Presentational devices include many things which include framing, location, camera angles and movement, lighting, colour, music, sound effects, costume and make up and editing. The main body of this essay will concentrate on presentational devices in the opening scene of Romeo a...

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