Making Of The Film essay topics

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  • Best Film Adaptations Of A Novel
    1,390 words
    Of Mice and Men: A Comprehensive Comparison of Novel and Movie Who doesn't know of John Steinbeck's classic novel 'Of Mice and Men'? Itis a novel that almost everyone educated in the United States has either read it or pretended to read it. But how many have seen the 1992 film 'Of Mice and Men'? The relative obscurity of 1992 screen version of this timeless drama does not mean that it was poorly done. Just the contrary is true, it is one of the best film adaptations of a novel that I have seen. ...
  • Montages Of Different Occurrences Throughout Moore's Film
    2,063 words
    A Ride You " ll Never Forget The Academy for Motion Picture Arts and Sciences' criteria for "Best Documentary Film" includes in their definition for a documentary that it should be a non-fiction film that creatively addresses cultural, historical, social, etc. subjects. Bowling for Columbine won the Academy Award for best documentary film and has stirred up quite a bit of debate amongst its viewers. Thousands hail Moore for his ingenious creativity and are ready to take a stand to change America...
  • Film Apocalypse Now
    321 words
    Heart of Darkness vs. Apocalypse Now Comparison Francis Ford Coppola is an innovative, successful, and ingenious filmmaker. These qualities are well-represented in the film Apocalypse Now. The basic story of Apocalypse Now is about a Vietnam soldier who is sent on a classified mission to kill Colonel Walter E. Kurtz, a man who has made himself a personal Jesus in his surroundings. Widely known, but hardly accepted, the movie was indeed, based off of a book. That book was called Heart of Darkness...
  • Arts Of Sex From Sebastian
    977 words
    The film Cruel Intentions is a narration based on a bet between two step-siblings exploring society's sexual boundaries. We are first introduced to Sebastian, a fifth year high school Senior with no respect for anyone / thing except his own reputation of sexual conquest. His stepsister Kathryn is, well, as she puts it "I'm the Marsha fucking Brady of the Upper East Side". A quick summary, Sebastian wants to have sex with Annette, the new head master's daughter who wrote a manifesto on why she in...
  • Young Man's Life Sebastian
    677 words
    Cruel Intentions, is a film about a young man, Sebastian, and his stepsister, Kathryn, who together do everything in their power, sexual or not, to better their own reputation. They try everything, even if it means ruining someone else's life, reputation or well being, just to better themselves. They manipulate, use, and belittle every human being possible that comes in the way of their perfect life. Cruel Intentions, a film that uses the setting to produce the irony portrayed at the hand of the...
  • Previous Hitchcock Films
    1,845 words
    Films were a great form of entertainment from their debut in the early 1900's and continued to grow more popular over the years. The film making business hit a growth period in the 1920's. In Hollywood, the assembly line "studio" system of producing a movie was changed and refined, and the famous studious that dominate Hollywood production today, such as Universal Studious, were being put together. Censorship regulations were being formulated for the first time, and Wall Street began to take a m...
  • Love From George To His Daughter
    584 words
    Father of the Bride The film's name is Father of the Bride. It involves George Banks (Steven Martin), and Annie Banks (Kimberly Williams). The time period is in 1991. The technique of the filmmaker is very good, it tells the middle age people's thoughts and feelings. The actors are believable in their roles. Steven Martin who acts as George Banks is outstanding in his role, he acts very well, so the audience knows his feelings, and feels sorry for him. The stars are not the main reason for me to...
  • Great Job As Mallory Knox
    549 words
    Natural Born Killers" is one weird-ass movie. With the weird actors and funky camera movements. It's unforgettable. A trip into the mind of two serial killers. The film is real good, but I think it might be even better if you were drunk. You might be a little used to everyone acting weird and all the psychedelic colors. But since I am not old enough to do that yet, I'll just review as how I saw it. Mallory (Juliette Lewis) has a horrible life. Her brother is a little jerk, her father molests her...
  • Most Dramatic Sequences In The Film
    1,438 words
    Glory: A Look From Within It is the evening before a powerful and epic battle with more than victory at stake. Tomorrow, the 54th regiment will forever stamp themselves as a symbol of hope and freedom in a new world during an attack on Fort Wagner as soldiers for the North. Dozens of men with young children, wives, and an idealistic dream of a free world will die in a matter of hours. As the Northern soldiers gather on this night before war, there are no tears of fear to be shed. The din in the ...
  • First Photographed Abstract Film
    3,391 words
    Avant-garde films all start with the belief that film is more interesting as art than as narrative. Not surprisingly, the first people to think this way were artists. In Germany after World War I, Swedish-born painter Viking Eggeling and Berliner Hans Richter collaborated on scroll paintings which they took to UFA studios in the hope of reproducing them as animated films. Richter agreed to prepare a scroll using simpler square shapes, and the animators produced his one-minute abstract film Rhyth...
  • Clear Answer To The Question Being
    1,478 words
    To what extent can BFC be viewed as drawing on key elements of Bakhtin's notion of? Bowling for Columbine is a post-structural film produced by Mike Moore. It leaves a message about America and its people. Today, the world is not a safe place. However, the world is made unsafe by the people who don't believe it is safe. This is what the film is based on: fear and guns. Bowling For Columbine is a to an extent as it contains many elements of a. These elements are shown through repetition, polyphon...
  • Censorship Of Films
    1,111 words
    Censorship in America Since this country was founded, we have had a set of unalienable rights that our constitution guarantees us to as Americans. One of the most important rights that is mentioned in our constitution is the right to free speech. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a re...
  • Documentary Film On Mahatma Gandhi
    2,843 words
    ... Mahatma Gandhi was a multi-faceted man, one whose writings spanned every subject under the sun, including: agriculture, education, science, sanitation, economics, literature, industry, women, children, health, family planning, religion, and, of course, politics. Many were surprised to learn of his prolific writing, and were astounded to hear that he had probably written more than anyone else in history (his collected works run to over 100 volumes, several hundred pages each). Mahatma Gandhi ...
  • Film Erin Brokovich
    909 words
    Erin Brokovich: A True Woman How can I make a difference This is a question most of us ask ourselves at some point in our lives. Most of us wish we could but we don t try very hard at achieving that goal. Erin Brokovich is a must see movie. It will prove if you are rich or poor, you possess the power to change someone's life. She makes us want to reach out and help others. The subject of this film is simply Erin Brokovich, played by Julia Roberts. She is a very determined and courageous woman to...
  • Klines Otto
    832 words
    Justin Issa Voice and Movement 12.5. 00 Kevin Kline in A Fish Called Wanda The film A Fish Called Wanda is on the A FIs (American Film Institute) Greatest 100 Comedies list. Although this film features talented actors like John Cleese and Jamie Lee Curtis, Kevin Kline easily steals the show. Kline gives a brilliant performance as the pseudo-intellectual Otto. What makes Kline so remarkable is the way that he moves and makes his character dance across the screen. Right from the outset, in one of ...
  • Life And Films Of George Lucas
    2,750 words
    Part I, Summary: THX 1138, American Graffiti, Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back the list goes on and on. Although many have not heard of each of these films, everyone certainly has to know the man behind them. George Lucas has, in many cases, written, produced, and directed, not to mention edit, his own films. His vision was the driving force that imagined and created these movies. All have made back the cost of the film and most have received millions of dollars in profit. Although it sounds a...
  • Hartley's Image Of A Realistic Film
    1,161 words
    Real Life of an Ex-Con In 1990, Hal Hartley wrote, directed, edited, and produced his first major motion picture, The Unbelievable Truth. Hartley may have done all those jobs because his budget was so small, or he may have just cared about his work, like that of an painter with each brush stroke. The cinematography exhibited in this film is rather startling; the variation of camera work and group shots seen in this film is similar to the 1960's French new wave cinema seen in Breathless. The appr...
  • Faith And Religion In The Film
    1,860 words
    1. What reasons are given for Brian and Jake becoming religious? How could this be seen as odd in today's society? What is the predominate view in Western society regarding devoting ones life to one's faith? Brian and Jake's decisions to devote their lives to their religions were ones that were influenced from a young age. For Brian, it was always something he wanted to do. Brian was always called 'A gift from God' by his mother in referral to the way that after fourteen years of trying for a ba...
  • International Understanding About Jinnah This Film
    2,340 words
    The following is a report on the Movie 'Jinnah'. Which is based on the life of our national hero, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. Topics given below show the brief description about him, Making of the movie, it's reasons and impacts. HISTORY Who was Jinnah? Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a great advocate of Hindu Muslim unity. He was of the opinion that both Hindus and Muslims should make joint efforts to get rid of British rules and domination. Jinnah was a national hero of Pakistan -- ...
  • Crime Fiction Film
    1,636 words
    A Talk With David Fincher Good morning David Morning Your latest work Se 7 eN has had mixed reviews at the box office. How do you answer to critics who say that the film is nothing more than a shower of insolence that incites violence?? Bad reviews have never phased me. Se 7 eN does contain controversial obtrusive material that is aimed to provoke reaction. There is something slightly off about everything. It's like a beat that you don? t? dwell upon? but, when you make a collection of them it a...

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