Miss Emily essay topics

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  • Miss Emily
    427 words
    Faulkner's 'A Rose For Emily' is told by a resident of Jefferson, Mississippi, a town in which the Grierson family is the closest thing to true aristocracy. To the outside world it might have appeared that Miss Emily Grierson grew up wealthy and happy, however it was a lonely life for her father ruled Emily with an iron fist, turning away every suitor. No man was good enough for his daughter. The first thing Emily did after her father's death was find a boyfriend named Homer Barron. She went out...
  • Miss Emily And Homer
    1,970 words
    William Faulkner's central theme in the story "A Rose For Emily" is to "let go of the past". Emily Grierson has a tendency to cling to the past and has a reluctance to be independent. Faulkner uses symbols throughout the story to cloak an almost allegorical correlation to the reconstruction period of the South. Even these symbols are open to interpretation; they are the heart and soul of the story. With the literal meaning of Faulkner's story implies many different conclusions, it is primarily t...
  • Emily's Isolation
    458 words
    Alienation and Isolation in William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" William Faulkner's short story "A Rose for Emily" displays themes of alienation and isolation. Emily Grierson's own father is found to be the root of many of her problems. Faulkner writes Emily's character as one who is isolated from the people of her town. Her isolation from society and alienation from love is what ultimately drives her to madness. Emily's isolation is evident because after the men that cared about her deserted h...
  • Dead Looking Miss Emily
    473 words
    The story's opening lines announce the funeral of Miss Emily, to be held in her home-not in a church-and the reasons for the entire town's attending-the men out of respect for a Southern lady, the women to snoop inside her house. Her death symbolizes the passing of a genteel way of life, which is replaced by a new generation's crass way of doing things. The narrator's description of the Grierson house reinforces the disparity between the past and the present: Once a place of splendor, now modern...
  • Miss Emilys Rose
    730 words
    Faulkner represents the modern society and lifestyle using Homer Barron and the narrator. The narrator symbolizes the town view of the mysterious Emily Grierson in the and eventually society's opinion of the mentally disturbed Miss Emily as the book develops. Homer Barron is a northerner who has come down to help build and modernize the town, and thus symbolizes the change and transition into a contemporary society. Homer probably never really loved Emily, even though Emily had a growing obsessi...
  • Love Wanted Miss Emily Grierson
    569 words
    Love Wanted Miss Emily Grierson was somewhat of a recluse. She spent the last years of her lonely life at home all alone except for the Negro man that was her life-long servant. Her build was that of a small woman, but through the years of her grieving she had gained many pounds and she had become quite large. Miss Emily's eyes were small and dark. Her hair was iron-gray in its color. Miss Emily Grierson's traits were driven into her personality by the numerous events that transpired during her ...
  • Miss Emily Like The Crumbling Town
    925 words
    Downfall of an Archaic Society Life is fickle and most people will be a victim of circumstance and the times. Some people choose not to let circumstance rule them and, as they say, time waits for no man. William Faulkner's "A Rose For Emily" is about a fallen monument, Miss Emily Grierson, who chooses to die with her outdated beliefs (87). Miss Emily lives during the Post-Civil War in a town, which is changing into the New South. Miss Emily did not have the individual confidence, or maybe self-e...
  • Miss Emily
    375 words
    William Faulker's " A Rose for Emily" tells the story of a young woman who is violated by her father's strict mentality. After being the only man in her life Emily's father dies and she finds it hard to let go. Emily was raised in the ante-bellum period before the Civil War. This story takes place in the Reconstruction Era after the war when the North takes control of the South. Like her father, Miss Emily possesses a stubborn outlook towards life and refuses to change. This short story explains...
  • Psychological Analysis Of Miss Emily
    1,334 words
    William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" focuses on Miss Emily Grierson, a distraught women who seems to have lost control of her own mind. While "A Rose for Emily" is just a story, psychoanalysis ts go so far as to question Miss Emily, as well as Faulkner's psychological state of mind. According to Michael Meyer, "Psychological approaches to literature draw on Freud's theories and other psychological theories to understand more fully the text, the writer, and the reader" (1510). With the help of p...
  • Emily's Father
    560 words
    A Father's Role After Miss. Emily lost her father and her love in her younger years, she regressed into a state of fantasy, longing for times gone by. This fantasy world allowed her to keep Homer for all times in a room of roses, where she preserved him, as one does a rose. Emily was a very lonely woman and that was due to her father. He sheltered her and did not let her get close to other people. Her father made himself her world and he was all that she knew and when he died the world that she ...
  • Old South Like Miss Emily
    1,396 words
    12/2/97 period 1 William Faulkner?'s? A Rose for Emily? tells the story of a young woman who is violated by her father's strict mentality. After being the only man in her life Emily's father dies and she finds it hard to let go. Emily was raised in the ante-bellum period before the Civil War. This story takes place in the Reconstruction Era after the war when the North takes control of the South. Like her father Miss Emily possesses a stubborn outlook towards life, she refuses to change. This sh...
  • Modern Town Of Jefferson And Miss Emily
    632 words
    While the town of Jefferson is undergoing renewal, renovation, and moving into a more modern era, Miss Emily is tenaciously holding on to the past, refusing to go gently into the future. She is trapped in a time warp, unable to move forward, which puts her at odds with the town that is looking towards the future. This conflict can only be resolved in one way; Jefferson will move forward, not backward to an age gone by. Since Miss Emily can not bear to live in any world but that which her father ...
  • Townspeople Thought Miss Emily
    1,397 words
    A Rose for Emily William Faulkner's short story, A Rose for Emily demonstrates that seclusion causes the inability to form relationships and people to go crazy. Emily turns psychotic after her father's death and cannot form a relationship with anyone. As a young adult, Miss Emily was very lonely. Her father would drive away all of her suitors. Because of her father doing this Emily never learned how to form a relationship with anyone. When her father dies Emily is only thirty years old. Miss Emi...
  • Miss Emily Murders Homer Barron
    1,679 words
    A Rose for Emily By William Faulkner In A Rose for Emily, Faulkner presents a very horrifying picture in this story, and he does this by playing with the chronology, using detailed imagery, symbolism, and foreshadowing to present a detailed setting. Faulkner uses the element of time to enhance details of the setting. By avoiding the chronological order of events of Miss Emily's life, Faulkner enhances the plot and presents two different view of time held by the characters. The first view (the wo...
  • Miss Emily S
    579 words
    WHAT IS LOVE Love as defined by Webster's is? a strong and deep feeling of attachment, great affection; passionate attraction and ardent affection, especially for one of the opposite sex? (183). My definition of love is unconditional acceptance, devoutness, and trust, between two consenting individuals. The people involved in a loving relationship share life's turmoil's and life's pleasure?'s. In Faulkner?'s? A Rose for Emily? , Emily's concept of the word love varies greatly from both Webster's...
  • Miss Emily's Stubborn And Coquettish House
    1,587 words
    American Lit. November 13, 2000 Symbolism of Decay In "A Rose for Emily,' Faulkner uses the elements of time and setting to foreshadow Emily Grierson's decay of life, physically and mentally. By avoiding the chronological order of events of Miss Emily's life, Faulkner first gives the reader a finished puzzle, and then allows the reader to examine this puzzle piece by piece, step by step. By doing so, he enhances the plot and presents two different perspectives of time held by the characters. The...
  • Past For Miss Emily
    1,144 words
    After World War One, there were many changes occurring in the world. Man's inherent need to follow tradition was now being challenged by a continually changing, modern world. The past and the present often conflicted. William Faulkner, a southern born writer, based much of his novels and short stories on this conflict. He aptly reflects the turmoil of the past and the present in, ? A Rose for Emily? The conflict between the past and the present is symbolized in the beginning of the story by this...
  • Conclusion Miss Emily In My Opinion
    1,268 words
    House of Despair Analyzing "A Rose for Emily' The story "A Rose for Emily' by William Faulkner in my opinion was a very interesting story. The story was about a old and troubled woman named Emily Grierson who, because of her father's death, had become one of the towns obligations and also one of it's problems. Emily was a very stubborn old lady who refused to pay her taxes because of a little tale that Colonel Sartoris, who was the mayor at the time, had told her. He told her that her father had...
  • Rose For Emily Faulkner
    1,676 words
    "A Rose for Emily' As any reader can see, ' A Rose for Emily' is one of the most authentic short stories by Faulkner. His use of characterization, narration, foreshadowing, and symbolism are four key factors to why Faulkner's work is idealistic to all readers. Introduction I Characterization A. Emily as the protagonist B. Emily's state of mind II Narration A. Narrator as a story teller and observer B. Narrator looks into past Foreshadowing A. Theme B. Mood C. Past and Present IV Symbolism A. Mis...
  • Rose For Emily By William Faulkner
    1,391 words
    Analysis Of "A Rose For Emily' Essay, Analysis Of "A Rose For Emily' "A Rose for Emily', by William Faulkner, begins and ends with the death of Miss Emily Grierson, the main character of the story. In the story William Faulkner uses characterization to reveal the character of Miss Emily. Faulkner divided the story "into five sections, the first and last section having to do with the present, and the now of the narration, with the three middle sections detailing the past' (Davis 35). Faulkner exp...

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