Miss Emily essay topics

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  • Miss Emily And Homer Barron
    1,668 words
    LastName 1 Dave February 28, 2001"A Rose for Emily"-William Faulkner In the story "A Rose for Emily", William Faulkner, the author talks about a life of a woman and the town she lived in. The story begins just when miss Emily died. The author doesn't tell us much about that time except that many people were interested to see what was in her house. As the story progresses, the author decides to jump all the way to the beginning when miss Emily was still a young woman and her father was still aliv...
  • Miss Emily
    478 words
    After the Civil War, many Confederate soldiers returned home and founded nothing and many had no place to stay. Many people that God was punishing them for all the sins that they had done to the blacks. But many other Southerners refuse to accept that they were defeated by the Union. Instead, they thought that God spared them for something more important. So, they thought of the war as a lost cause and they interpreted it as a stepping stone to the South's salvation. This is the feeling in Missi...
  • Era Miss Emily
    1,527 words
    Almost everyone laments how the world has changed since they were young, how everything is now faster, more complicated, and less friendly. In William Faulkner's 'A Rose for Emily,' Miss Emily sees the world change in many different ways, and yet stays the same. In her case, the world she grew up in literally is gone, and she does not posses the skills to change along with it. She is a woman lost in time, with no real place among society, especially not a society who places her on a pedestal, en...
  • Left Feeling Sorry For Miss Emily
    781 words
    An Interpretation of William Faulkner's 'A Rose for Emily' In the short story ' A Rose for Emily,' William Faulkner tells the sad story of a woman who has had an extremely sheltered life. It is a tragic story in which Miss Emily's hopes and dreams for a normal life are hopelessly lost. William Faulkner was simply writing a sad story that can be related to anyone who has had hopes and aspirations, but has conflict within themselves and with others and who is unable to fulfill any of them. Miss Em...
  • Death Of Miss Emily Grierson
    1,425 words
    Michael Palomo Palomo 1 Professor Moyle English 2300 February 28, 2000 The Components of The Plot In William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" there are numerous aspects of the plot that can be explored. The use of conflict, foreshadowing, and flashbacks throughout the story form the plot along with its characters. The plot's stages can be traced throughout the story. The start and end of the exposition, climax, and resolution can be identified. There is also a protagonist and a few antagonists in t...
  • Regional Attitudes In Louisa's Life
    1,143 words
    ... stories, A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner and A New England Nun by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, both contain analogous regional attitudes resulting in similar outcomes for the protagonists of each story. The archaic 19th century regional standards the authors utilized within the text of these short stories, emphasizes the role of a woman within society as being strictly limited to family and household matters. Can the regional standards of the 19th century be such that if not met, a woman is...
  • When Miss Emily Grierson
    4,989 words
    I. Implied author of the story"A Rose for Emily", a story of horror first published in 1930, is considered by many scholars one of the most authentic and the best narratives ever written by William Faulkner. It is a story of a woman, Emily Grierson, and her relationships with her father, the man she was in love with and the community of Jefferson, the town she lived in. While discussing any narrative text it is crucial to mention the implied author of a text. As Wayne C. Booth, the most famous f...
  • Miss Emily And Mr Shiflet
    785 words
    Although "A Rose For Emily" and "The Life You Save May Be Your Own" are two different stories that have two different outcomes and have two totally different authors, they still have many similarities along with some differences, as you can tell already. For instance the comparison about how both stories deal with crazy people or how one story has numerous deaths while the other has none. Hopefully this paper will explain to you the similarities and differences in these two well written yet some...
  • Old South Emily
    2,026 words
    William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" takes place during a period of new thoughts, ideas, and a different way of life for the United States. Faulkner draws a vivid representation of this change that the South faces during the turn of the century. He shows the destruction of the South, represented by the changes of the entire town, as well as the resistance to the changes by Emily and many of the townspeople. In addition to the characters, the house can also be seen as a symbol of the changing So...
  • Miss Emily And Her House
    784 words
    The World is Forever Changing Human nature resists change because we are creatures of habits and routines. William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" shows the damage that can be done if a person is unwilling to change, and unable to let go of past ideals. Emily Grierson is a Southern belle clinging to her old south mentality. She was raised in the south firmly entrenched in the hierarchy of the old wealthy families complete with southern white supremacy ideals. Miss Emily's father instilled in her a...
  • Miss Emily
    634 words
    "A Rose for Emily" can be interpreted in many ways. Faulkner stresses that "A Rose for Emily" is a ghost story. On the other hand, the content of the story has lack of any fragment dedicated to a straight manifestation of ghost, therefore it is difficult to support Faulkner's opinion. In spite of it, the stories there are elements such as sense of times, few episodes, and supportive evidences for Faulkner's explanation. Emily is an old lady who is very stubborn. Faulkner manages to show this thr...
  • Outsiders Of Her Community Miss Emily
    1,021 words
    "Old habits die hard". William Faulkner's "A Rose For Emily" is an excellent representation of this age-old saying. The story was written around 1930 by Faulkner who was born and raised in Mississippi, and takes place in a southern community which was reluctant to adapt to the rules and regulations set forth by the Northerners after the Civil War. The story plays with ideas of Southern pride, dignity of the family, and most of all human nature. Miss. Emily Grierson is the focus of the story, and...
  • Mystery The Death Of Miss Emily Grierson
    1,364 words
    The Death of Miss Emily Grierson "A Mystery' The death of Miss Emily Grierson, was it "A Mystery', was this woman so mysterious that everybody in the community had to come visit her at death. The men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument, the women mostly out of curiosity to see the inside of her house, which no one save an old manservant – a combined gardener and cook – had seen in at least ten years (Faulkner 55). The house was described as being a big squari...
  • Lives In The Past Meets The Future
    534 words
    This story is set in the south where Faulkner contrasted the past with the present. The first hint of this is his comparison of the death of Miss Emily to that of a fallen monument. This comparison sets the scene for the reader to look and see how the new meets the old in the south. The description of her house in the second paragraph "lifting its stubborn and coquettish decay above the cotton wagons and the gasoline pumps– an eyesore among eyesores' (p. 71) is a perfect example of what th...
  • Miss Emily Grierson
    1,502 words
    William Faulkner?'s? A Rose for Emily? has been interpreted in many different ways. Most of these rely solely on hints found within the story. I believe that his life can also help one analyze this story. By knowing that Faulkner's strongest influence was his independent mother, one can guess that Miss Emily Grierson's character was based partly on Maud Falkner. William Cuthbert Faulkner was born in New Albany, Mississippi on September 25, 1897. His family moved to Oxford, Mississippi when Faulk...
  • Miss Emily And Tobe
    1,327 words
    Contin Mari angela 428384/LL Faulkner?'s? A rose for Emily? : the narration The narrator in this short story is an omniscient one, endowed with the ability of inner view into the minds of his characters. He echoes the words, thoughts and suspicions of an entire small-town community, and he seems to be fully acquainted with its ways. He is someone from the? inside? , someone who probably lives in the community. Although he never gives up his identity he establishes himself as someone who is famil...
  • Miss Emily And Mrs Compson
    1,053 words
    "A Rose for Emily' came out in 1930. To some readers this horror story is the most "gothic' that Faulkner ever wrote as a writer. But if horror is all he / she gets from the story then that person is missing the meaning of the story. "A Rose for Emily' is told by a nameless narrator (first person) describing the life of a pathetic women, Emily representing a figure from the past. Her life is shaped by her fathers repression, in effect taking away her opportunity to love and driving her mad in th...
  • Bad For Miss Emily
    704 words
    A Rose for Emily In A Rose for Emily, William Faulkner brings us into the life of a real southern woman, or may I say the typical depiction of a southern woman. He brings us into the life of Emily, a now older woman, past her years. He tells us in the beginning that she has died and then goes into details of her home. Throughout the story Miss Emily is portrayed as a really strong women who has had to over come a lot, such as the death of her father whom she was very close to. She inherited the ...
  • Old South Like Emily
    1,017 words
    A Rose for Emily William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily' tells the story of a young woman who is violated by her father's strict mentality. After being the only man in her life Emily's father died and she found it difficult to let go. Emily was raised during the pre-civil war era. Like her father, Emily possessed a stubborn outlook towards life, and refused to change. Emily could have been seen as a representative of the old south. She represented the ideas and mores of a society that was crushed ...
  • Rose For Emily
    512 words
    A Rose For Emily is a story of a southern women and the secret she has kept for 40 years. A Clean, Well-Lighted Place takes place in a caf? in a Spanish country. There are three characters in this story, two which are waiters, and an old drunk man. This story is very mysterious just as A Rose for Emily. Both stories are told in an omniscient point of view. A Rose for Emily begins off telling us that Miss Emily has now died and people have come to her funeral. We see how the men have come out of ...

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