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  • Angela's And Patty's Smiling Faces
    1,551 words
    Maria Burrows Room 209 The rain splattered against my car windshield as I grumpily drove to work. I hated my job, working as a nurse's aide in a New York hospital. I worked in the children's section of the hospital. Every day more kids arrived, which meant I had to change more hospital beds and clean up more messes. This was not my idea of fun. The only reason I had taken the job as a nurse's aide was to make enough money to live in New York City. However, I was thankful that this job would only...
  • Subordinate's Participative Input In The Budget
    1,337 words
    Advantages and Disadvantages of Participative Budgeting Participative Budgeting is the situation in which budgets are designed and set after input from subordinate managers, instead of merely being imposed. The idea behind this sort of budgeting is to assign responsibility to subordinate managers and place a form of personal ownership on the final budget. Nearly two decades of management accounting research has resulted in equivocal findings on the consequences and effects of participative budge...
  • Hmong Refugees From Southeast Asia
    1,190 words
    The Hmong Culture The Hmong Culture of South Asia is a very interesting ethnic group. Between 300,000 to 600,000 Hmong live in Southeast Asian countries, such as Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, and Myanmar. About 8 million more live in the southern provinces of China. Since the Vietnam War ended in 1975, Hmong refugees from Southeast Asia have settled in Australia, France, Canada, and the United States. The largest Hmong refugee community lives in the United States with a population of about 110,000. T...
  • Women Employment In Clerical Jobs
    817 words
    "The Evolution of Women in Society" Throughout United States history oppression of people has always been prominent, whether through African American's and segregation or Asian American's during the Vietnam War. What is often ignored is our history of the oppression of women. No matter what time in history, there is always a case to be found of the discrimination over gender. Many people know of how African American's came into freedom and the long perilous road it took, but few know the struggl...
  • Second Semester
    949 words
    Your Final Semester, A Guide ToI was recently asked by my old college newspaper to write a column about how seniors should approach the final semester of their utopian college existence. Knowing that I could provide a degree of wisdom possessed only by those who have truly enjoyed a diverse post-collegiate experience, I accepted. Plus, I still get excited about writing an unpaid column for my small college newspaper. Success, clearly, is relative. Nevertheless, I set out to write the column that...
  • Very Loyal Friend To Pike
    1,126 words
    Hanging Woman Creek is set in an era of American expansion when the major conflict of the Indian population was not much of a worry. The bigger worry for most men on the frontier was other whites. Bandits were plentiful, and the law was dealt out by the people. The book starts out in Chicago, concerning a man who had just been released from an overnight stay in prison. This man is called Pike, and has a reputation for being a fighter. His reputation is not that well however, because it seems tha...
  • Female Jobs
    1,035 words
    I have been exposed to many forms of feminism. Many different ideas, concepts, and situations have been brought to my attention, enabling me to formulate my own loose definition of feminism, and to take those concepts with me to utilize in my life as a woman in order to obtain the life I deserve. To first understand feminism, one must be aware of the factors and forces that made-and still make-the fight for women's rights such a relevant necessity. For example, women are mistreated and undervalu...
  • Bartending Bartender Job
    3,133 words
    On the rocks, shaken, stirred. These terms are heard commonly to the average bartender. What does one think of when they envision an image of the common bartender? One might envision just an ordinary person, but with the almighty power to assist you in achieving your desired state of drunkenness. Others might think back to the traditional old time bartenders, giving advice to the drunken male who is lovesick. Even others might think of the more recent bartender, the flair bartender, flipping the...
  • 2002 Acs Ict Australian Employment Survey
    3,319 words
    Australian financial review March 11, 2003 Tuesday SECTION: Computers; Pg. 34 LENGTH: 407 words HEADLINE: Official IT Unemployment Data 'way Off The Mark' BYLINE: Mandy Bryan BODY: Is unemployment in the technology sector 11.9 per cent as claimed by the Australian Computer Society, or 3.8 per cent as claimed by the federal government using its official employment statistics? Unemployed technology workers have argued that most of their unemployed counterparts did not show up in the official stati...
  • Firs Issue Of Playboy Magazine
    1,413 words
    Hugh Marston Hefner was born in Chicago on April 9, 1926, the oldest son of Glenn and Grace Hefner, and a direct descendent of distinguished Massachusetts Puritan patriarchs William Bradford and John Winthrop. He attended Sayre Elementary School and Steinmetz High on the West Side of Chicago, where he was no more than an average student, despite his genius IQ (152) (web), he distinguished himself instead with his extracurricular activities like: founding a school paper, writing, cartooning. He a...
  • Jobs In The Military
    1,656 words
    "As long as there have been wars, there have been women soldiers" (Skein, 1999). Taking this into consideration, it's almost absurd that there is debate today over whether or not women are fit to serve in the armed forces. Even as the nature of war is changing, the views about women in the military are hard pressed to catch up. To do this we must first, dispel the myths about women in the military. The view that women should be protected because they are frail and dainty is still widely held tod...
  • Married Women With Jobs
    992 words
    Stay at Home Moms: Mothers were urged to stay at home. Married women with jobs were frowned upon because there husbands were not supporting them. Eight percent of men did not want their wives to work. Unless a woman was single or self-sufficient, she was supposed to be thrifty and resourceful homemaker. Most moms devoted on average more than 60 hours a week to make their homes as comfortable as possible. But still many wives got part-time jobs. One in ten mothers worked outside the household. Ma...
  • Hollywood Memorial Park Cemetery
    1,506 words
    A brief story Having lived in the United States for over four years, I find myself working harder and harder every day and not getting anywhere. Until finally I got a break of a lifetime, I have find a job that would not only pay me a few bucks more, and why not. Working at a fast food restaurant was not something I wanted to do for the rest of my life. So anyhow, that break came when I applied with a prestige airline. Who ever would think that I would? ve gotten such a job. This airline was loo...

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