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  • Protean Career
    580 words
    Careers as Lifelong Learning With the decline and / or transformation of firms that have been the ultimate providers of security to employees, such as IBM, GM, Boeing and Lloyd's of London, the career path of a series of upward moves based on a long term relationship suddenly seems pass'e'. For this chapter let us think of the career in terms of the development of a person's skills, capacities to learn and self-identity. I What has happened to careers? Downsizing, restructuring, outsourcing of A...
  • Male Dominance In The Work Force
    2,377 words
    Gender Inequality in the Labor Force Will I or will I not be promoted Is there going to be an increase in my pay this year Do all of my male co-workers earn more money that I do These are just a few examples of concerns that run through a woman's mind when dealing with inequality issues in the workforce. Because of male dominance in the work force, women do not have a fair chance of getting a high priority job or large promotion. This paper will discuss the various impacts of these concerns on w...
  • Womens Earnings
    2,526 words
    In Mrs. Burrows seventh grade English class, I wrote a paper entitled Women vs. Men in the Work Force. I researched for weeks and weeks to get all of the information I could on pay differences, percentages of working women and what jobs they were doing. In 1988, my paper focused on sexual discrimination and the wage difference. For example, in 1998, women received 63% of the pay men received for the same job. I remember finding that out and asking my dad why that was happening. My father, parent...
  • Jobs In Their Advanced Country
    1,355 words
    I am a firm believer and advocate of a genuine global economy, I believe that we must allow companies the freedom to produce in lower wage, less developed countries. The perceived exploitation of people in less advanced countries may seem coarse, but this utilization of inexpensive labor clearly boosts the respective economies currency. Thus, it is desirable for every party involved. As for overseas production being undesirable for the advanced country due to the loss of jobs for their people, t...
  • Men In Higher Status Jobs
    2,502 words
    Running Head: WORKPLACE ROLES OF MEN AND WOMEN COMPARED IN TODAY'S SOCIETY Work Place Roles Of Men and Women Compared in Today's Society Submitted by: Steven KopacSubmitted to: PierroStudent #: 2321040 Seminar Time: Tuesday @ 11: 30-12: 30 Course: Sociology 1 F 90 Brock University Date: Thursday February 8, 2001 Work Place Roles Of Men and Women Compared in Today's Society "Rosy cheeked and bright eyed, she would know how to darn a stocking and mend her own dress... command a regiment of pots an...
  • Farming Technology
    523 words
    Cary, John. The Social Fabric. Reading, Mass. Long han Inc. 1999. The Midwestern Farm First let me start off by saying that the Author could have tried to make this essay a little more interesting. Yes, he had to talk about the dail chores of the men, women and children, but he made it so dull. Life in the Midwest was not dull, it was a time of excitement and intrigue and he could have incorporated this into his essay to add some spice. Although, the author did give straight up facts about life ...
  • Corporate Taxes
    774 words
    The Economy: What is wrong with the economy? - A terrible loss of jobs, over 2 million jobs have been lost. However I would like to state it isn't just one person's fault. - The complete and utter desolation of the tech industry... we all know about the dot com bust and how many problems that caused. - Also September 11th didn't help too much. The terrorist's defiantly achieved their objectives in really messing up our way of life. While the wealthy are becoming richer and the number of milliona...
  • Income And Other Offers In The Job
    906 words
    When journalism is chosen as a career, society tends to have a stereotypical image of a group of photographers chasing celebrities. If not, then an image of an anonymous person writing biased comments about current affairs, trying to manipulate the truth. However, their real work earns them every cent they deserve unlike the heartless lawyers who earns millions for defending criminals. The work of journalism, on the hand, consists of interviewing and attending events in all conditions in order t...
  • Combat During A War
    670 words
    Throughout the history of the United States of America, Civil Rights have expanded to include everyone. Many activists have fought for rights, setting precedents to be followed. In 1920, the 19th Amendment granted suffrage to women. Since then, women have been gradually stepping up on the ladder of success. Everyday more and more opportunities are opening themselves up for women. Because of these changes, we have had to add unheard of words such as congresswoman, policewoman, etc. to the diction...
  • Optometrists Practice
    899 words
    Over half the people in the United States wear glasses or contact lenses. Optometrist, also known as "Eye Doctors" or "O.D. 's, have to provide there services in order to meet the demands. Optometrists have to be well-educated and friendly people. All States and the District of Columbia require that optometrists be licensed, which requires a Doctor of Optometry degree from an accredited optometry school and passing both a written and a clinical State board examination. Licenses are renewed every...
  • Companies Outsource Peripheral Services To Companies
    1,567 words
    Topic Outline: Outsourcing Thesis: How outsourcing jobs has affected IBM's Human Resource Management Department I. What is outsourcing. Factory work to outside contractors. Management responsibilities. Human Resource Management duties II. Why use outsourcing A. Reduction in labor forced. Saving's factory. Technological advantages. Increase customer satisfaction. Winners. Stockholders B. CEO " sC. Clients. Outside contractors IV. Losers. Local employees I. Families. The community Conclusion - - O...
  • Womens Hockey
    622 words
    The most controversial topic in history has been, Who is more superior man, or woman Be it from the men ruling or to the dominating woman of the nineties, the only right answer is a yes to both sides. Men have there strong points and women have there strong points too, but they are in different areas. Men tend to belong in the workforce as heavy laborers and women behind the desks, women can have children and men cannot, and mens sports tend to be more popular then womens. Most men are Physicall...
  • California Four Billion Dollars A Year
    1,591 words
    What is economy? Little do most people know it is the backbone of everything we depend on, such as electricity, stores, schools, and hospitals. Our economy is made up of taxes, jobs, imports, exports, energy production and use, and goods and service production. These all depend on each over. Like a line of dominos, if one falls they will all fall. Our present economic situation is severe and in desperate need of repair. Every single person in California depends on the economy in one way or anoth...
  • Enhancing My Learning Potential
    926 words
    Personal Biography (1) My work experience in the Human Resources field started approximately 8 years ago. My first Human Resources position was at a company and my title was Human Resource Assistant. With that being my first opportunity in the HR field I learned as much as I could. There was constructive criticism but as in any job you need to take the criticism and try to figure out what it is that you need to do differently. While there I tried to learn as much as I could by asking questions a...
  • My School And Work Goals
    839 words
    Abstract I have many personal goals that I would like to achieve. Some of the goals are centered on work, such as doing my current job better, gaining a promotion, and getting a bigger raise. Some goals involve getting good grades, keeping up with homework, and finally getting my degree. However, the most important goals I have involve my family and personal time. I have come to realize that it is necessary for me to achieve my school and work goals these achievements will require hard work and ...
  • New Dot Com Companies
    2,459 words
    Over the past few years IT has played an even greater role on the world economies. Before the use of IT in our economies the way governments watched over there economies was totally different compared to today where things as the internet has made keeping track of sales, purchases is a hard thing to do. Also such other things such as the premise that IT has caused unemployment, the contribution of IT to the inability of governments to control their economies and the influence of IT on the stock ...
  • Female's Job
    671 words
    "Overwhelmingly, and worldwide, human communities and cultures were at that time so engineered as to give immense advantages to men" (p. 25) Throughout history, in cultures across the globe, women have always been looked upon as seconds in society. Ever since the beginning of time it seems as if the role of a woman has been limited to baring children, cooking, cleaning, and performing all other domestic tasks. There has never been a time or place when women shared complete equivalence with men. ...
  • Great Shell Shortage Of May 1915
    674 words
    Lucy McConnell Why did the number of women employed in Britain begin to rise from mid-1915? From when the war broke out in August 1914 to mid 1915 there was little change in the number of women employed in Great Britain. This was because the war was expected to be over by Christmas and the governments policy was 'business as usual', which encouraged the people of Britain to carry on with their daily life as normal. Also women were held back by social attitudes in Britain as parliament and societ...
  • American Workers
    933 words
    The Rising Discrepancy Among the Rich and the Poor The United States of America is unquestionably one of the most economically developed countries in the world. Apparently, with the riches come the self-interested ness and indifference towards the difficulties of others (try the 90-100 billion dollar's worth of food gone to the trash every year (What) when millions around the world are dying of hunger). This indifference is not only for citizens abroad, but also for citizens within our country. ...
  • Does More Technology Create Unemployment
    1,996 words
    Listening to Marshall Brain explain the future as he sees it, it's relatively easy to suspend disbelief and agree how plausible it is that over the next 40 years most of our jobs will be displaced by robots. After all, it only takes a typical round of errands to reveal how far we " ve come already. From automated gas pumps to bank ATMs to self-service checkout lanes at major retailers, service jobs already are being replaced by machines on a scale of obvious magnitude. Fast-forward today's innov...

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