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  • School Fun For Students
    785 words
    School Has To Be More Fun Over the years school has become a very hated place for students. Many say it is because the classes are boring, others may tell you that it is because they have to wake up early for the sole purpose of going to school. The only way to make students like school once again is to make it fun, and how would we do that one might ask. Well, it's quit simple really, build a school arcade. An arcade will let school earn much needed money that can go to many different school re...
  • One Half Of The Books For Summer
    962 words
    Picture this, you " re at home, a week after school lets out for the summer. You work a steady 5 days a week, and its summer, so you want to relax. You grab for the remote just as you " re parents come home, and lug in the 4 hefty books required for the next school year. You moan as you think to yourself how you can possibly fit in time to read these enormous, time-consuming books. For many students, summer is a busy time, with summer jobs to uphold, sports, or vacations. Its hard enough to fit ...
  • Students Need
    681 words
    Teaching Students To Be Peacemakers David W. Johnson and Roger T. Johnson The research done by David and Roger Johnson for over 12 years is about whether there is a need and a benefit to teaching students how to be peacemakers. Though their research on violence and conflict in classrooms and how kids deal with this daily, they came up with a few guideline steps to teaching students the skills to dealing with these conflicts. These steps that they developed for students to be taught on being peac...
  • Different Cafeteria Hours
    385 words
    In La Sierra University, the school has a set of certain hours that one is able to go to the cafeteria. However, those hours only comply with the workers and the students no matter what. To many of the students, and others as well, those hours are not compli able to their schedule. Students are left with hunger, having no choice than to be late to class to go buy a snack or go off campus to buy fast food, when not necessary. Not all the students have the same class schedule which should be able ...
  • Students Run Into Math Difficulties
    356 words
    Gender Differences in Students' Academic Performance Students with urban and suburban backgrounds consistently outperformed students from rural and small-town areas. Parental education levels correlated with academic success. Considering the background of the study's female participants one could reasonably expect women to outperform men. However, in spite of the higher indicators of success possessed by women, this expectation was not fulfilled. Data and background predictions did not match up ...
  • Affects On Students
    405 words
    Summary / Response Part-time Employment Undermines Students Commitment to School Summary: In the essay, "Part-time Employment Undermines a Student's Commitment to School" by Laurence Steinberg, it explains how studies show that teenagers that work while attending school are more likely to loose their commitment to school. Steinberg tells the affects on students when they work more than twenty hours a week. His theory was that students are more susceptible to losing their interest in school, whil...
  • More Comfortable The Student
    603 words
    Educating our Youth The Authors that we read in class all had esteemed criticism when talking about our nations education system but the one essay that stood out the most for me was about our children being more interactive with the community. Robert Coles argues that our children need to be more respectable towards elders and be more involved in the growth of the community. Respectively I think that Mr. Coles makes a very convincing argument, and that when you break down all of the other argume...
  • Private Schools The Students
    889 words
    As time has gone by, Americans have increasingly paid more attention to the schooling process, trying harder all the time to get the best education possible for their children. As a result, more parents are turning from the public school systems to the private schools. This happens for several reasons. First, students that graduate from private schools tend to be better prepared for college. Second, private schools open up many opportunities to succeed in the business world. Last, the private sc...
  • Discipline The Students
    569 words
    The Reform of Schools The government of Ontario proposes there is a need to make universally accepted rules in the school system. For students to be more disciplined, the government needs to achieve new province wide standards. If the new school standards will not discipline the students, and if each school entails its guidelines, then the government's province wide code of conduct will fail. Moreover, the intervention of the government will not enforce the students to become more disciplined. W...
  • Reports Gains In Student Achievement
    796 words
    ... he Center for Innovative School Scheduling reported that discipline referrals were reduced from 25-35 percent in schools surveyed. In one Florida school, discipline referrals were reduced by fifty percent (TCISS, 1998). The March 1999 School Administrator reports that in the more than 100 case studies, discipline referrals were reduced by 25-50 percent (Rettig & Canady, 1999). Education World reports that in the schools surveyed, not only did attendance improve, but also fights and tar dies ...
  • Number Of Students In Class
    390 words
    Many public schools use flunking a student as a regular policy to keep up good quality education in their particular school. While faced with the possibility of being flunked, a student will, without a doubt study harder. But, if schools used policies like, a decreased class size, a mandatory dress code and shortened summer vacation time, students will receive an even better education. First of all, let us examine the idea of a decreased class size. When the number of students is reduced from th...
  • Independent Learners Through Homework The Average Students
    763 words
    Homework: The Key to Student Success One of the most difficult challenges that teachers and parents face is getting teenagers to do their homework. A common complaint with high school students is the fact that they do not have enough time to do their homework. In the year 2000 American students are holding down more jobs, taking on more household responsibilities, and participating in a greater amount of extracurricular activities than any other generation of American students. (Homework: Time T...
  • High School And College Students
    549 words
    Cheaters Never Win. Or Do They Numerous studies have shown that both high school and college students often cheat and lie. There are different methods and severalties of both offenses. I believe any incidents of cheating or lying is wrong and unacceptable, but unfortunately it is becoming more and more accepted by students as time goes on. A study was done by the California-based Josephson Institute of ethics. This study interviewed 8,965 young people throughout the nation. The results of the st...
  • High School And College Students
    844 words
    Education is an important part of everyone's lives. From early age until death people go to school to learn. Even though it may seem like all schools and students are the same, there are many differences. As a recent graduated student from high school, I have observed notable differences between high school and college students. First of all, high school students differ greatly in age, styles, and interests. In high school, all students are teenagers between the ages fourteen and eighteen, while...
  • Students Need Time
    469 words
    More and more children and students these days seem to be more preoccupied with their schoolwork than ever. With new curriculums and testing in progress we have to stop and think how much stress students are in these days. Not many people stop to think about the younger generation. The amount of homework assigned to students should be reduced. First, the amount of homework should be reduced because children need to be children. It seems that even younger elementary children are being assigned tw...
  • Student's Achievement
    386 words
    'The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it' (John 1: 5, The Bible). Life as it is is a choice, a choice between good and evil. For generations good and evil has co-existed on the Earth, within mankind. It has been a test man has never conquered; the evil within us. 'And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the Earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually' (Genesis 6: 5). Hence, in The Lord of the Flies Golding ...
  • Student
    344 words
    Students are often challenged by school. Who wants to go to work then come home and do more work? Teachers have to make learning fun to solve this resistance in students to learn and study. There are a number of ways to help students cope, enjoy and be more successful in school. Consider the following ideas and try them with your students. 1. Allow brainstorming and do not penalize students for errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. These can always be corrected later. 2. Have the student...
  • Reasoning Behind Student Searches
    582 words
    It is overwhelming how much controversy there can be over simple statements. It may have been written over two hundred years ago, but people are still confused over this matter. As attorneys, our first intent is to express the reasoning behind student searches. It is obvious that there has been a major increase in the number of student property searches in schools from the time of the drafting of the Fourth Amendment (1791), until now. It is equally obvious that the amount of violence and drug u...
  • Lot From The Homework Center
    250 words
    A Plan for a Homework Center The school board came up with an idea of making the school day two periods to give students time to do homework in a homework center. The idea of extending two classes is a good one. There are a lot advantages and disadvantages. Students could gain a lot from the homework center. They would have less books and work to take home. There would be more time for teachers to help the students that have trouble. That also means the students would have more class time to get...
  • Counseling Students
    256 words
    Current Event Are students safe in school anymore? Today two more lives are lost in a school shooting. This time it happened in Arkansas University. It is all under investigation right now, but it appears to be a murder-suicide situation. They still have not given any information on the shooter, but the victims apparently were a professor at the university and a graduate student. How many more lives need to be lost and how many more lives will be lost until the government or someone decides to d...

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