Movies And Plays essay topics

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  • Movie A Midsummer Nights Dream
    2,017 words
    So often, when books or plays get made into movies, the whole story is butchered, and the final outcome is uninteresting. This is not the case for A Midsummer-Nights Dream. The movie A Midsummer-Nights Dream was extremely well acted out, and had an entertaining plot that kept its viewers intrigued. Its plot was fun and dream-like that kept its viewers entertained. The story line and critical elements were well acted out exciting to follow. Shakespeare created many parallels between this play and...
  • Philadelphia For The Movie's Final Sequence
    525 words
    This movie caused a lot of hoopla when it was released back in '93, for it was the first Hollywood studio movie to fully tackle the subject of AIDS. Now, I don't want to take anything away from the film, because it is still quite entertaining, but it certainly doesn't come off as a groundbreaking film anymore. Even back when it was released, I personally didn't think it was that big of a deal because by that time we'd already seen the subject matter covered for years, in news reports, documentar...
  • Burpleson Air Force Base
    690 words
    Adam Gifford 11-2 Dennis Fille brown 11-2 Eric Augen braun 11-1"Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb " Dr. Strangelove or: How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb" is comedy that portrays the situation during the Cold War in comical fashion. The movie is about the United State's attempt to recall the planes ordered by the paranoid General Ripper to attack the Soviet Union and essentially save the planet from destruction. Producer and director Stanley Kubr...
  • Boy Singer For His Band And Sinatra
    1,073 words
    Frank Sinatra As we inch towards the year 2000, we look back to the pre-dominant individuals of the 20th century. Time magazine voted Frank Sinatra as the world's most influential vocalist of the 20th century. Frank Sinatra not only excelled but transcended music and became a true personality of our time. Whether you " re talking about recorded music, live performances, movies or simply living large, Frank Sinatra has done that all. He has become an international figure, having the reputation as...
  • Linda And Vaughn Trust Karl
    1,582 words
    Sling Blade The Complete Review This film by virtue of its independence has shied away from the usual hype associated with American movies. The result is an original screenplay by Billy Bob Thornton that is transformed into a mesmerizing tale of the south. Thornton cast actors with ability rather than their image or 'Hollywood status'. Sling Blade challenges us to re-evaluate our principles and our definitions of right, wrong and of justice. Billy Bob Thornton plays a slightly retarded psychiatr...
  • Couples In The Movie Theater
    623 words
    Movie: Delta Force - Suicide in Chinatown There was a normal afternoon in Chinatown. Everybody was really interested in Silvester Stalone's new action movie that was being played for the first time this weekend. Delta Force was the movie. Stalone was acting as a very famous cop. He became popular because one year before he killed all a group of terrorists that was planning to put a bomb in the Empire State Building. Now he is fighting against some bank robbers. The critics and also the public we...
  • Movie Of Action
    842 words
    Belly is one of the most controversial films in America. It is one of the most technically polished Hip-hop films to date. Does it have great acting No, it does not, but DMX as Boz has a solid performance while the other actors do a believable job considering they are by nature rappers and not actors. A good action movie Yes, it builds refreshingly and unexpectedly to a spirit of redemption and responsibility while containing a variety of action sequences for your buck. A movie for the whole fam...
  • Block For Cyranos And Roxanes Happiness
    1,088 words
    Cyrano de Bergerac, the Play vs. Roxane, the Movie In an effort to attract the audience of today, the producers of the movie Roxane retold the play Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rustonds in a way that is appropriate and at the same time appealing. In order to give the audience of today a story that they can understand and relate to, the producers have adjusted and manipulated the play itself. As a result, several similarities and differences exist between the play Cyrano de Bergerac and its movie...
  • Dancing In The Movie
    797 words
    Dazzle wizz le When thinking of musicals the first one that came to mind was Annie. Annie, starring Albert Finney, Carol Burnett, and Aileen Quinn as Annie's one of many versions of musical and was released in 1982 and although the box numbers didn't show it it became an instant classic. I chose Annie because it was the very first musical i have ever seen. I grew up watching the plucky red haired girl and I plan show it to my children in the future as well. Annie fits in to the musical comedy ge...
  • Harrison Ford Plays Captain Alexi Vostrikov
    913 words
    1961: one of the world's most feared years. Russia and the United States of America are head-to-head in the Cold War at its zenith. Both superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, armed with nuclear strength and willingness to use it, threaten the world with great ferocity. In November of 1960, the United States sent the Soviet Union a submarine vessel called George Washington. With the reputation of the Soviet Union endangered, the Russians hurry to produce a devastating weapon of the...
  • Incredible As Spiderman
    916 words
    Imagine that old Spiderman comic book coming to life and blowing you away. This movie was incredible. The graphics, the acting, the plot... EVERYTHING was perfectly laid out by director, Sam Raimi. I couldn't have cast the movie any better myself. Everything flowed together in the classic superhero vs. villain showdown. I have been waiting for this movie since I first started reading Spiderman comics with my older brother and I was more than pleased with its outcome. A genetically engineered spi...
  • Cronenberg's Movie Version
    652 words
    In class discussions much has been revealed about M. Butterfly: how it criticizes Western concept of the East, how Western women emasculated the men with their confidence et cetera. These issues are openly stated in the play instead of being implied which has been rather disturbing as it seems to underestimate the reader (and the audience) as being incapable of coming up with their own ideas about the play. Hwang leaves nothing to chance. He wants his message to be well understood. Unfortunately...
  • Gibson's Presence In Signs
    835 words
    . A person on a walk waves at a passing vehicle. Only moments later, the driver of the truck falls asleep at the wheel and the passing pedestrian becomes pinned to a tree with only the truck holding their body together. Was the accident a pathetic coincidence, or simply an act of fate? The movie Signs manipulates the mind using suspense and fear forcing the audience to solve the debate between fate and coincidence. Signs is a true masterpiece. The end of the world is here. The development of cro...
  • Puck O David Straithairn
    780 words
    A MidSummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare was turned into a movie in 1999. Popular celebrities became Shakespearean actors using old English. The play which was once a romantic comedy was transformed by Hollywood into something, well different. The movie version of the book was interesting. The maker had a different point of view in how the film was shot and how the characters acted. The film and the book had some major differences. In Shakespeare's play, he makes the characters Athenian....
  • Best Scenes In The Movie
    756 words
    ENGLISH REVIEW Rating: PG Critics warning: Adult themes, sexual references and violence Critics rating: 3 out of 10 A Midsummer Night's Dream, the movie opens with a young lady named Hermia who falls in love with Lysander against her fathers will. The opening scene should be powerful but there is really loud background music, and unfortunately this tends to overpower the voices of the actors. Somehow you can manage to understand enough to know that Hermia's father Ege us, orders her to get marri...
  • Movie And Play Ariel And Robbie
    506 words
    In Shakespeare's play The Tempest is a fairy named Ariel has similar features and characteristics to the robot named Robbie in the movie Forbidden Planet. Ariel and Robbie are similar many ways but they also differ too. The Tempest took place on a planet, where Prospero had brought some people to an island with his powers. Ariel was a fairy slave for prospero. In the movie Robbie was the slave in which Dr. Morbius built. They lived on a planet with other people and Dr. Morbius' daughter Alta. In...
  • Mafia Movie
    1,509 words
    As Americans we generally tend to cheer for the good guys. We love to see those who are fighting for what's right win. This seems to hold true in all aspects except for movies involving the "mafia". In these movies men whose ideas are the ones we are cheering for, these characters fight generally to make money and gain power, a major part of the American dream. These men's American dreams seem to be a bit different than the rest of ours though, they do not believe in our government, and they hav...
  • Play To Today's Audience
    642 words
    The Fairies are only in our Dreams William Shakespeare seems to have created A Midsummer Night's Dream from his own childhood. In Shakespeare's time it was believed that fairies and little people did exist. Fairies were said to be the reason why the unexplained happened. An unexplained bottle of milk toppling over, or a bucket in the stables was said to be the work of fairies, who avoided human interaction. Puck is the audience's key to the motives of the fairies. The movie version of a play giv...

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