My Mother And Grandmother essay topics

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  • Grandmother's Waning Suggestion
    1,662 words
    A Good Man Is Hard To Find "Adversity defines the essence of who we are and who we desire to be!" This can be best realized in the rural southern regions of the United States during the late 19 forties and early fifties. Without a specific location of long-term concentration, this story finds three generations of a family taking a vacation (planning at least) to Florida despite objections from the grandmother. Factor in her impatient son (Bailey), his wife, and two smart-ass children have margin...
  • Ellen's Mother
    402 words
    By: Skeeter Kaye Gibbons, the author of the novel Ellen Foster, believes that a quote from the Emerson's "Self Reliance" is connected with Ellen's struggle to survive and find her way in the world. The first line of this quote says, "Cast the bantling on the rocks" is related to Ellen herself. A bantling is an abandoned child. Ellen is a bantling even though she was not abandoned, she was deprived of a normal childhood. Her life as a child was extremely hard, physically and emotionally. She neve...
  • College And My Mother
    913 words
    My Personal Goals The personal goal's I want to achieve as a student at University of Phoenix is to receive a college degree and make my mother proud. I know once that has been achieved, my future prospects are limitless. I am a product of a parent who grew up on welfare, but not only obtained her Bachelor's degree, but went back to school two more times to obtain her Doctorate of Education. Her mother sacrificed plenty to send her to college and my mother always knew the power of education. As ...
  • Grandmas Time
    1,365 words
    Grandmas Passing Grandma was a frail older woman, in her early 70's, and of small stature. Her skin was of a light brown complexion, wrinkled and ashy. When I sat on her knee, her brittle hands would always gently wrap around my waist. I would kiss her on her cheek, which was always cold for some reason. Grandma always wore dark blue dresses that came down to her ankles and an old pair of black dress shoes everywhere. You know, the ones with no heels that appear as if they are slippers. She was ...
  • My Mother In The Car
    2,429 words
    It was a typical August afternoon for Florida. Temperatures simmered in the eighties and the humidity was so thick you could cut it with a knife. My mother was outside gardening and I stuck my head out the front door to ask her how she could endure the heat. She replied, "I won't be long, I just want to get these ferns planted". My mother has never demonstrated a talent for gardening, nor a desire. She was covered from head to feet with potting soil and surrounded by her miniature gardening tool...
  • Laugh With The Queen Mother
    652 words
    Israeli military operations intensified today in the West Bank, with tanks and troops on the move in three villages as Israel continued its effort to uproot terror following six attacks in five days. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon told his nation on Sunday that Israel was 'at war against terror' and vowed to tear out terrorists 'by the roots. ' Meanwhile, at least three people were injured -- one seriously -- when a car exploded in West Jerusalem today. LONDON, England -- Britain's Prince C...
  • Chris And Cathy
    1,146 words
    Flowers in the attic thats what four children thought of themselves. They were born so brightly colored, but fading duller as their long dreary nightmarish days, held prisoners of hope, and kept captive by greed. The Dollengangers were a loving and happy family. Chris had meet Corrine when she was fourteen. After she turned eighteen they eloped. They had four beautiful children. They all had blond hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. Christopher was the oldest. He was very bright for his age making s...
  • One Time The Grandmother
    930 words
    Flannery 'O Conner is a wonderful writer. She has the ability to claim peoples' attention and claims their souls with the grace of a few words. In "A Good Man is Hard to Find" and "Everything That Rises Must Converge", she does just this. Not only does she claim your attention with these stories, but she also shows a most harsh and cruel look at reality. Between these two stories, the two older women are portrayed as ladies who live in the past. These two women are so ignorant in what they do an...
  • African American Family The Mother
    651 words
    Cross-Cultural Introspective Culture is the customs, institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or group. My culture has influenced me in many ways. Being an African American woman, I have to strive to the best I can be. My ancestors died, so that I may live a full and wonderful life. I have to take advantage of every opportunity that comes my way. I believe that I am black first and a woman second. As an African American, I feel that I have to prove myself to the world. I fe...
  • Thoughts Of My Father
    950 words
    Aust gust 18, 2000, It is a bright summer morning. The sun somehow bleeds through the closed vertical blinds covering my window. When I fully regain my senses from being dead to the world for about 8 hours, I smell the aroma of breakfast being cooked. I must admit that's something that I m not custom to, but come to think of it here at my father's house is there anything that I m going to be Custom to. There was a time that I thought my father was the scum of the earth. when I was five years old...
  • Weekly Trips To Grandmother's House
    1,155 words
    There has never been a time when my grandmother wasn't with me, helping me in any way she could. She left everything she ever had in Mississippi to come help my mother with me, the moment I was born. From then on she dedicated all of herself to making my life the best it could be. As I grew up and her time with me was less, her dedication was not. I know that there will never come a day when she is not willing and wanting to listen to my problems or forfeit anything she is able to for me. My mot...
  • My Mother Cry
    699 words
    For as long as I can remember I, as many kids do, have looked upon my mother as a matriarch. She is the foundation of my family. I am the youngest of 8 children. If I, or any of my siblings, ever had so much as a sniffle Mother was at our side, tissue in one hand, thermometer in the other, ready to nurse us back to perfect health. I have always seen Mother as the strongest most competent woman on the planet. The day I walked into her hospital room and saw my very pale, very small, very weak moth...

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