Our Will And Our Lives essay topics

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  • Macario's Friend And Allos
    2,496 words
    America is in The Heart Journal Part One: Allos was a young boy from a little province of Binal onan located on the central part of the island of Luzon in the Philippines. He lived with his dad, who farms on their own land, which is the primary source of their living. His mom, living in the town, selling goods in the market. They were among the peasants who worked very hard for the rich landlords just to feed their family. When his brother Leon came back form a war in Europe, he met a girl from ...
  • Basic Premise Of The Takers Philosophy
    731 words
    Ishmael The book Ishmael, which was written by Daniel Quinn, is an adventure for the human mind and for society as a whole. Throughout the book Quinn explores many factual scientific principals, but the intent of the book is not to give one a lecture on science. The intentions of Quinn are to discuss and examine the beginnings and also the history of our ecologically dominating culture in which we live in. In this book, Ishmael is a telepathic, highly educated gorilla who explores with his fifth...
  • Symbolic Of Louise's Life Of Freedom
    1,050 words
    The Story of An Hour In 'The Story of an Hour,' Kate Chopin uses characterization, symbols, and conflicts that suggests that in certain situations, the death of a loved one may be a blessing. Such situations may include an abusive relationship, or an unhappy marriage, as this story suggests. In Chopin's story although the circumstances might lead the reader to believe that Louise's husband's death would cause her great pain, ironically, when she hears the news, she feels a great sense of relief....
  • Terms Stoic And Stoicism
    1,403 words
    In the tree of Ethics, there are many twigs and branches that all trace back to a single root: how a person ought to act. Now, the paths that some branches take to get to that single root differ in many ways, yet all arrive at their own definition of how they themselves should live. The 'branch' that I will be talking about today, is Stoicism. I will discuss the history and beginnings of Stoicism in the Hellenistic period, the basic ideas of stoicism, and I will share my own personal beliefs and...
  • Transportation Machine
    954 words
    Could there be a transportation machine that has no emissions whatsoever? Could this contraption go great distances without a doubt? Could it stay balanced on two wheels with you on it? What is it? Actually, it is an "It". The "It", or more formally known as the Segway Human Transporter is a vehicle that is said by some to "change the way we live". With so much hype, this machine of the future has high expectations from not only the public but to many environmental activists as well. I believe t...
  • Affects People And The Problems
    1,225 words
    As a political activist, Jim Wallis, the founder of Sojourner magazine, wrote an excellent book called The Soul of Politics: Beyond 'Religious Right' and 'Secular Left'. In his book Wallis tells us about the problems afflicting our country and that they must be remedied. His title is accompanied by the phrase Beyond 'Religious Right' and 'Secular Left'. By this he means his book is for everyone, not just liberals or conservatives, but for all people. The object of the book is to 'address the spi...
  • Path Towards An Exemplary Life
    1,172 words
    "Therefore let them be instructed by you, at least by your deeds". What does this verse mean to me? Well, what does it mean to you? How many of you believe you live a life of example? Perhaps you feel unqualified? That's exactly how I felt. When I sat down and started to think about the oratory I was going to be giving for the last year I would be in high school. I wanted it to be moving. Funny. And finally I decided that I wanted it to be about exemplary life. I felt like I had no right, no pri...
  • Nanobot
    674 words
    UPLOADING YOUR BRAIN... ' I'm sorry, Jim, but I just don't think it's right for a man's atoms to be scattered all over creation and then brought back together again. It's just not right. ' (Character, Dr. Leonard McCoy, original Star Trek series) I wonder what Bones would have to say about swallowing, or being injected with billions of microscopic robots, or nanobots, to enter into a three dimensional cyberspace - a virtual reality environment or to enable him to live forever? In an article that...
  • My Best Friend
    1,382 words
    The only place that I have lived is where I live now, Green Bay, WI. Yeah I have moved from Allouez to Bellevue, but I have lived in the same city my whole life. It's been quite eventful, and I m glad that I live here, although there is not a whole lot to do. Most of my family lives here and most of my friends do too, so if I had the choice to move out of here I wouldn't do it. If I did, I would have to leave all of my closest friends and start all over and make new ones, and anyone who has done...
  • Fundamental Principles Of The Buddhist
    1,343 words
    "Ethics" in a particular belief system, is a moral philosophy or set of moral principles and rules of conduct that a group of people believe in and live by. In the Buddhist religion, the fundamental Buddhist teaching is the doctrine of conditionality. Everything is dependent on conditions - nothing has a fixed and final essence and this includes ourselves. Buddhism seeks to minimize any thoughts or actions, that cause humans to suffer and that suffering results from the nature of the reaction to...
  • Stephen Jay Gould
    760 words
    The Panda's Thumb: More Reflections in Natural History Stephen Jay Gould With a touch of humor, geology, evolutionary theory, biology, cartoon characters and even some references to baseball, The Panda's Thumb definitely makes excellent reading for people with all types of interests. The old clich'e, "Don't judge a book by its cover", or in this case, title, holds true for The Panda's Thumb. Theories concerning adaptations of the panda are only a fraction of the many exciting facts held within t...
  • End Of The Elegy The Speaker
    1,174 words
    ELEGY (WRITTEN IN A COUNTRY CHURCHYARD) Thomas Grays Elegy laments the death of life in general while mourning long gone ancestors and exhibiting the transition made by the speaker, from grief and mourning to acceptance and hope. It was written in 1742 and revised to its published form in 1746, and is one of the three highlights of the elegiac form in English literature, the others being Milton's Lycidas and Tennyson's In Memoriam. It was first published, anonymously, in 1751, under the title "A...
  • Door To Her New Life
    560 words
    Birds Die Too In Kate Chopin's "Story of the Hour", several elements contribute to the overall meaning of the story itself. Her death is foreshadowed in the beginning when it mentions that she was "afflicted with heart trouble". Because of this, when her sister told her that her husband had died, it was done so delicately. After Mrs. Mallard is told, is where the story really begins to set a tone of elegiac settings, and how she is expressing herself is in direct contrast to weather, i.e. 'the s...
  • Our Little Game
    814 words
    What's stopping us from killing one another in spite or anger? Do we fear the law, or do we fear the punishment? The Law is a deterrent but let us question this, we do not harm others because we fear being punished and not because we know that we do not bear any right to do so. Sounds nebulous? I wouldn't kill someone I hate more because of the punishment I will face than the fact that I will grieve his family. Lucid? Which is why, in the land of the Free where people have been numbed to the lon...
  • Their Soul And The Lords Of Karma
    3,661 words
    I suppose in the world, today, there are really three approaches to the idea of reincarnation. A two-fold one in the West, where the idea itself is almost non-existent, either a belief in the transmigration of souls - that you could be a human being in one life and an animal in the next, and therefore that there is great danger in swiping flies and treading on ants because it could be your grandmother - or simply an interest in past lives. That is almost the sole interest in the concept of rebir...
  • Lemurs And Other Species Of Animals
    3,567 words
    Patrick Hummer Professor Sroufe March 5, 2001 Madagascar: A Dying Land In Need of Help Madagascar is one of the most diverse areas of land that has undergone evolution totally independent from surrounding continents. The plant and animal species located on the island are all endemic to the island, meaning all are native species. The amount of diversity is very high compared to that of other continents and the species found here cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Currently all organisms ...
  • Humankind
    1,171 words
    Humankind Will Survive After thousands and thousands of years since humankind was first created, we still exist because of the goodness of humankind. To be good, a person must look back upon ethical and moral norms. There have been many disasters as well as discoveries which provide us with wonder of humankind's endurance. Although mass killings, environmental issues and technology may be slowly destroying parts of the human race, many things will overpower this evil. Such things as caring commu...
  • Great Blessings Of An Eternal Marriage
    2,376 words
    I can't believe my brother has finally found the women he's going to spend all eternity with! Not to put any pressure on you, but our dear, beloved prophet, President Gordon B. Hinckley once said that "the most important decision of your life will be the individual whom you choose to marry... make sure that it is with the right person, in the right place, at the right time". He continued in His counsel about this "extremely important" decision by giving a step-by-step process to follow. I strong...
  • Our Own Lives
    1,105 words
    What is the meaning of life? Life's meaning does not need to be invented or deduced or conjectured anew in each age. It can be experienced if we begin to follow the bread crumbs dropped by those who have traveled the road before us. Countless spiritual pilgrims have felt the longings we all feel, have encountered the obstacles we encounter have devoted themselves to the truth we wish to do. It is a great reassurance to pick up their writings or teachings and begin adapting them to the particular...
  • Focus Of The Company
    333 words
    Age difference in today's society from the perspective of a young, entrepreneurial minded individual can be a detriment to their drive and focus. As corporations are hiring those that are younger to bring energy to the table, the older more experienced employees may find this threatening. Many young, focused people may feel that they are threatening the aura that has dominated in the past with the control of the company being in the hands of those that have experienced more life and have lived l...

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