Soldiers And Civilians essay topics

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  • End Of The War
    777 words
    The Atomic Bombs of World War 2 Ryan Bored World War II was a war no one expected to be as gruesome and painful as it was. The actions performed during the war were of such magnitude that those who survived were torn for their lives, their children suffering much the same effect, as the ripples of time crashed down upon the shoulders of the men and women forced into a battle for their futures, as well as millions of others. The unfair burdens pressed down on the unwilling participants of this wa...
  • Graves Use Of Documents In His Autobiography
    1,158 words
    Graves Use of Documents Robert Graves depicts the dramatic and somewhat gruesome memories of his days in World War I in his autobiography, Good-bye to All That. Without ever being involved in a war, it is hard to comprehend the horrific and dramatic events that take place. As with any story, it is easier to imagine and understand what occurs when there is evidence to support the narrative. By including letters, articles, and newspaper cuttings, Graves is able to give the reader a better understa...
  • People Of Sierra Leone
    1,300 words
    SIERRA LEONE Just about the size of South Carolina, Sierra Leone is a tropical country in west Africa. It's more than 71,000 square kilometers and has a population estimated at 4.8 million. It was colonized by great Britain in 1808-1961. With over twelve ethnic groups, and several languages, Sierra Leone is very diverse. The official and commercial language of the country is English, and each group has its own ethnic language, but, an important vehicle of communication is Kri o, the 'Lingua Fran...
  • Massacre At El Mozote
    1,515 words
    Mark Danner, an editor for the New York Times magazine, recounts in The Massacre at El Mozote a horrific crime against humanity committed by a branch of the Salvadorian army. He gives multiple points of views and cites numerous eye witnesses to try and piece together something that has been tucked away by the government at the time. In December, of 1981, news reports were leaked to major newspapers in the united states about an atrocity committed and a total massacre of a hamlet in El Salvador, ...
  • Regular Vietnamese Civilians From The Viet Kong
    1,933 words
    The Viet-Innocent Imagine yourself in a newly strange, unfamiliar tropical jungle environment. The catch is, your purpose is not to take eye-catching photographs for National Geographic magazine. Instead, you are assigned to kill people of a foreign land you have never seen before, because your government tells you it is the patriotic, honorable duty you owe your country. Everything is all right in the beginning. You arrive in Vietnam, familiarize yourself with your platoon, acquaintances and cl...
  • Control Of Combat Operations In Quang Ngai
    2,638 words
    The people of Quang Ngai, China have a history of rebellion dating back far into the sixteenth century. It was there that the Vietminh troops led revolts against and defeated the French in the 1930's and after World War II and where the Viet Cong fought the Saigon government in the 1950's and 1960's. When Vietnam was partitioned in 1954, Saigon officials estimated 90,000 southerners went north to join the Hanoi regime. More than 90 percent of them came from Quang Ngai. By the mid-1960's Quang Ng...
  • Of The Local Civilians
    291 words
    Recently rumours have spread that Wirra wee and most of the Australian coastline has been invaded. The Middle East soldiers are well prepared and losses have been minimal. Some of the soldiers are professionally trained while others are mere youths or old recruits. Many local civilians have been captured. The invasion took place at the Commemorations Day concert because it's a tradition and everyone would attend the show grounds. Without any doubt, the soldiers have made the show ground their ma...
  • Soldier And Peyton
    391 words
    Peyton Farquhar, a confederate civilian, lives in South Alabama. He owns a plantation and is thirty-five years old. Even though he is a civilian, he is a very loyal confederate. The story starts off with Farquhar being prepared to be hung. As he is standing there on the railroad bridge, he stares down into the water that is far below him. He notices a sound. A very slow sound. This is the sound of his watch ticking. This shows that time seems like it is slowing down to him. He thinks to himself ...

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