Type Of Diabetes essay topics

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  • Causes Diabetes
    829 words
    Diabetes (794 words) Diabetes Mellitus is a debilitating disease that basically sucks the energy out of a person. This is caused by the failure of a person pancreas's to produce valuable hormone called insulin. This failure in part causes a persons blood sugar level to be unbalanced, causing reduction in energy and maybe even nerve damage. In addition to this, diabetes can also be a major cause of adult blindness, the losing of maybe a foot or a finger, kidney failure, and a whole plethora of ad...
  • People Use U 100 Insulin
    790 words
    Diabetes There are three types of diabetes. Type I is called Diabetes Mellitus. In type I the body stops making insulin or makes small amounts. Without insulin glucose cannot get into your cells which is needed to burn for energy. Glucose will collect in the blood. Over time high levels of glucose in the blood may hurt the eyes, kidney, nerves, or heart. Type I occurs mostly in people under 30, though it may occur at any age. The signs may come suddenly and be quite severe. The symptoms may incl...
  • Kidney Disease From High Blood Sugar Levels
    399 words
    Diabetes This disease is caused by defective carbohydrate metabolism. It causes large amounts of sugar in the blood and urine. It can damage the kidneys, heart, eyes, limbs, and endanger pregnancy. About five percent of the United States population has it and about half are undiagnosed. A diabetic that is treated life span is lowered by one-third There are two types of diabetes. Type I, insulin-dependent (I DDM). And type II, non-insulin-dependent diabetes (NIDDK). Type I This type usually occur...
  • Diabetes Educators And Health Care Providers
    872 words
    Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes education is an important part of a treatment plan. Diabetes educators and health care providers are available in many areas to teach essential skills needed after initial diagnosis of the disease. Appropriate education teaches people with diabetes how to incorporate the management principles of the disease into their daily lives and minimize dependence upon the health care provider. An education program is helpful to learn more about the disease process, how to contro...
  • Type 2 Diabetes
    747 words
    Alicia PurdomClass: English 101 Professor: Mrs. Kravitz-Sheppard Date: February 5, 2004 Diabetes (diabetes) Diabetes is a disease characterized by excessive urination. Diabetes is caused by insufficient insulin production or lack of responsiveness to insulin, resulting in hyperglycemia (high blood glucose levels). There are 2 primary types of diabetes, type I (insulin-dependent or juvenile-onset), which may be caused by an autoimmune response, and type II (non-insulin-dependent or adult-onset). ...
  • Causes Type 2 Diabetes 1
    1,140 words
    Craig R. Kevorkian Bell C Health Seminar January 31, 2001 Diabetes Type 2 1. Insulin in a healthy human body 1. Insulin 1. a pancreatic hormone that helps the body to convert glucose into energy. 2. Effect of Insulin on Protein Synthesis (1) the total quantity of protein in the body is increased by insulin (1) results from three functions of insulin similar to growth hormone (1) increased active transport of amino acid into the cells 1) amino acids- the basic building blocks of proteins (2) acce...
  • Control Diabetics With Blood Sugars
    2,665 words
    Diabetes is a very grave and serious disease involving many hardships, but a good diet, exercise, and overall healthy habits can keep your diabetes under control which in-turn makes you feel better and avoid later complications. Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce enough insulin, a hormone needed to convert the sugars and starches that we eat into energy needed for daily life. The cause of the disease is a mystery, but genetics and environment seem to play major roles. There...

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