United Country essay topics

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  • Media Attention As The Rodney King Incident
    746 words
    Improvement in Race Relations Race relations in the United States are much better now than they were when Toni Morrison wrote A Slow Walk of Trees 25 years ago. The United States prides itself in being considered the most diverse country in the planet. Living in Los Angeles, California, one of the biggest metropolitan cities in our country, I have the opportunity of seeing different races every day. Our cultural melting pot of a country has evolved so much from the mid-1970's, that interracial m...
  • Successful In The Needs Of Other Countries
    582 words
    Marshall Plan Throughout World War II, America and other large nations have been giving large amounts of money to help rebuild small countries, and get them on their "feet". The Marshall Plan today is now focused on building a global economy within many different and under developed countries. However the United States has been focusing on the Asian countries more so than the ones in their own backward. When I refer to our "backyard" I am speaking of Latin America. They too are an under privileg...
  • Vietnam War Costs Thousands Of American Lives
    1,728 words
    Snap! In an instant a disagreement has gotten out of hand. In one second beliefs have clashed. In a flash an argument has boiled over... In a single moment, your country has gone to war. Since the dawn of man there have been wars. There has been condescension, discontent, and greed. Since the beginning of time there have been instances of "good versus evil". War takes lives. It kills fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, daughters and sons. War is scary, but it is as necessary as it is inev...
  • Pharmaceutical Industry Of Switzerland
    906 words
    Interpersonal Relations / Communications Dominant Cultural Patterns in the United States as Compared and Contrasted to Dominant Cultural Patterns in Switzerland Switzerland is one of the most mountainous countries in Europe. The Alps cover more than half of the country. It is a small country of 15,942 square miles. The country can be geographically divided into 3 areas: the Alps, the Mittleland (plateau), and the Jura mountains. The population of Switzerland is about 7.3 million, with the majori...
  • Largest City In Liberia
    1,775 words
    Liberia This paper is about a small country on the west coast of Africa called Liberia. It is a country built with the help of The American Colonization Society. I was established to place freed blacks in the days of slavery in the United States in the 1800's. The government was modeled after of the United Stats. Monrovia, the capital and principal, port is named after a president of the united states James Monroe. This country has historical significance for african Americans. As Africa's oldes...
  • Depression Throughout Europe And America
    727 words
    World Great Depression Macro Economics June 2005 The depression that plagued the United States in the 1930's was distinctive in its enormity and its consequences. Europe and other countries suffered in the depression due to three main areas of discussion. The effects of trade contributed to depression throughout Europe and America. United States and other countries unemployment soared. With the ravages of world war one many countries where in debt in post war world one or became in debt due to r...
  • United Nations
    3,527 words
    The United States As A World Power: How Much Longer Will The US Be The Policeman of the World? Juan Valdez The United States has been a super power for decades, and since America has always involved themselves in other countries' problems. Instead of isolationism, the country has practiced getting involved. Since the Monroe Presidency, America has been named the World's police force. Dispelling anarchists, and stopping coos, the united states portrays itself as the world protector. Since Monroe,...
  • Country Like Iraq Without United Nations Mandate
    1,316 words
    ANALYSIS After 12 years from the end of the Gulf War in 1991, the United States and Britain kept up a low-level conflict with Iraq and declared that their goal was to end the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein, and insisted that Iraq be disarmed of mass destruction weapons. In early 2002, the Bush administration announced that it considered Iraq to be part of an "axis of evil". Though United Nations arms inspections made increasing progress after their return in November and a large Security Council...
  • Communism Allied With The Ussr
    1,450 words
    The cold war spawned many different third world rebellions and affected many small countries during its course. The cold war occurred after World War 2 between two main opposing sides: United States and the USSR. The reason for the conflict between the two world superpowers was the differential views on government and the politically correct society. The term 'First, Second and Third world countries' applies to their association during the Cold war era. First world countries were the countries a...
  • Henry Clay As Secretary Of State
    913 words
    Hello, I'm John Quincy Adams. I grew up in Braintree, Massachusetts, and when I became an adult I traveled with my father on his diplomatic missions until I became interested in political journalism at Harvard and eventually became he sixth president of the United States. During my lifetime, from 1767 to 1848, the United States was desperately trying to make allies, as the country was in it's infancy. I followed my father's footsteps, as I was working in foreign relations before I became Preside...
  • Need For Other Agencies
    2,003 words
    The face of war has changed in the 21st century, a change that the United States is not totally prepared for. Our new enemies are not citizens of countries, they have no face, and they do not abide by any rules of war. Because of this, there is not a person safe from their attacks, from the President to military personnel to a college student in west Texas as now everyone is a target. They succeed by their element of surprise and their surprising ingenuity in creating their terror. Before someon...
  • United Nations
    2,758 words
    Throughout the past 70 years the U.S. has been involved in hundreds of conflicts all around the globe. Every time the United States troops are deployed to a foreign country, citizens of the U.S. want to know why. People begin to ask questions like, "what is the purpose of this" or "what is the nature of our involvement" Nobody wants to see the strong youth of our nation shipped of to a foreign country to get slaughtered without good cause. Millions of American men and women have devoted their li...
  • Roosevelt Corollary To The Monroe Doctrine
    585 words
    In the beginning of the 1900's, many Latin American countries had established large amounts of debt to European countries. Countries like Germany, Italy, and Great Britain began to identify ways for their loans to be repaid. In 1902, these countries teamed up and sent gunboats into Venezuela. These gunboats blocked ports that Venezuela used to trade with the rest of the world. These European countries were sending a message to other Latin American countries. Venezuela had defaulted on its debts ...
  • Country Of Opportunities For Education
    536 words
    The United States is a nation of Immigrants. Many people come to the United States every year from all over the world. These immigrants include international students, professionals, and refugees. They come to the United States for many different reasons, but mainly for better opportunities for themselves and their families: better jobs, better life, to join family, to escape war, and for freedom. Some immigrant is a person who leaves one country to settle permanently in another country or regio...
  • Philippines During The Cold War
    1,646 words
    The Philippines During the Cold War: 1950 to 1990 We know of the Cold War as the conflict between the two superpowers, namely the United States and the Soviet Union, over ideological, political, economic and social differences. This 'conflict' that started in the February 1945 Yalta Conference resulted in forty years of tensions that constantly presented the threat of a nuclear war. The Cold War not only affected the two countries involved, but also all other sovereign states continually fearing...
  • Influence And The Power On Other Countries
    647 words
    The United Stated is currently the most influential country on the face of the earth. Not only concerning the issues of money and business but also our choices of music clothes and recreational activities. Often times people think of countries such as Japan and China as being completely different. We think they have strange dress and odd customs, they are thought to have a completely different culture than ours. You will find that that is incorrect, the ir cultures are actually very similar to o...
  • Innocent People From Their Countries
    672 words
    There have been countless tragedies caused by man throughout history. The sinking of the ship Titanic, the two World Wars, the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, and the Oklahoma City bombing were all terrible disasters. However, none of these events have created as much hatred and anger in North America than the recent terrorist attack on the United States. On September 11, 2001, terrorists hijacked four planes, crashing two into the World Trade Center, one into the Pentagon and the other into a field...

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