United Vietnam essay topics

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  • Communist War Efforts In South Vietnam
    615 words
    Vietnam War The Vietnam War was truly one of the most uncommon wars ever fought. This conflict was so hostile and ironic, that the official beginning and end could never be identified, or pinpointed. Likewise, the enemies and the allies looked exactly alike. This turmoil made everyone in the war confused, because "anyone" could be a friend by day, and foe by night. Additionally, what made the war so difficult was the tactics used by many soldiers. These tactics were called "Guerrilla Warfare", w...
  • Military Forces Into North Vietnam
    1,377 words
    When many people think about the 1960's, Vietnam and President John F. Kennedy (JFK) come to mind, and for a good reason for that period in history changed millions of lives. Faced with the possible spread of communism through Asia, JFK stayed with his word to fight communism, thus the Vietnam conflict as we know today was started. In the early 1900's, France conquered Vietnam and made it a protectorate, which is a relationship of protection and partial control assumed by a superior power over a...
  • Vietnam War
    1,079 words
    In my opinion the Vietnam War was a terrible experience for both of the fighting sides. In this war both of the fighting sides lost huge amounts of troops, warfare, and civilian lives. The ideas and beliefs of people around the world about the Vietnam War are very different because of the controversy over this issue. The Vietnam War brought the United States shame and disgrace in the eyes of the outside world and the citizens of United States. The Vietnam War is a stain on the United States hist...
  • South Vietnam's New President
    558 words
    The Vietnam War Bullets cut through the air with blazing speed. Cutting skin as it sped through the air. Piercing cries of pain followed. It seemed like the terror and violence wouldn't end. What could men do against such reckless hate? So what was the Vietnam war all about, and why did the United States feel they had to get involved? President Harry Truman established a foreign policy doctrine commonly known as "Containment". This new doctrine was intended to prevent the spread of Communism. Th...
  • War Between South Vietnam And North Vietnam
    605 words
    The Vietnam War was a military struggle fought in Vietnam from 1959 to 1975. It began as a determined attempt by Communist society (called Vietcong) in the South, backed by Communist North Vietnam, to overthrow the government of South Vietnam. The struggle widened into a war between South Vietnam and North Vietnam and eventually into an international conflict. The United States and about 40 other countries supported South Vietnam by supplying troops and munitions for their fight, and the USSR an...
  • 1967 North Vietnam And The Nlf
    1,250 words
    Vietnam War From the 1880's until World War II, France governed Vietnam as part of French Indochina, which also included Cambodia and Laos. The country was under the control of an emperor, Bao Dai. In 1940 Japanese troops invaded and occupied French Indochina. In December of that year, Vietnamese nationalists established the League for the Independence of Vietnam, or Viet Minh, seeing the turmoil of the war as an opportunity for resistance to French colonial rule. The United States demanded that...
  • Official Country Name Of Vietnam
    560 words
    The official country name of Vietnam is the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The capital is Hanoi and the population of this country is 81,624,716 (July 2003). Ethnic groups include the Vietnamese (80-95%), Chinese, Hmong, Thai, Cham, and other mountainous groups. Languages used are Vietnamese (Official), English (second most favored), French, Chinese and Khmer. Some of the many religions practiced are Buddhist, Hoa Hao, Cao Dai, Christian (Roman Catholic, protestant) and Muslim. The life expectan...
  • Civil War Between North And South Vietnam
    1,689 words
    Causes and effects of the Vietnam War War is hell. Imagine how most every family in the United States was effected some way or another during the Vietnam War. Parents lost sons, wives lost husbands, sisters lost brothers, and children lost their daddies. A total of over two million lives were lost, and for what In this paper I am going to tell you why some people lost their loved ones for a few years and others lost them forever. Many people believed that the Vietnam conflicts started in the 196...
  • U.S. Involvement In The Vietnam War
    1,005 words
    Though out history, American has had its hand in conflict with other countries. Some of those conflicts have turned out into wars. Looking back at America's "track record" with war, America has a worthy past of having its citizen's support. Obviously the two World Wars we not controversial. The United States in the Korean War was criticized, fairly, for its strategy, but the need to defend South Korea was never questioned. In only the Vietnam War was the United States' very participation critici...
  • Truman Doctrine And Vietnam
    1,547 words
    In 1949, Mao Zedong led the Peoples Revolution, which established a Communist State in China. Communism has now been introduced to Asia. In this period, after World War II, Communism was a popular ideology being introduced throughout the world. Vietnam was one of the many countries under the threat of Communism. At this time, Vietnam was a French Colony. As time went on tension started to come between the French and the Vietnamese people. As tension increased so did the fighting between the Fren...
  • North Vietnam
    340 words
    Vietnam War When most people hear the words Vietnam, what does it make them think about? The main answer most people come up with is death, or policing actions of the United States. The Vietnam War wasn't about death it was about the French Colonial Rule of South Vietnam. "The Vietnam War was the legacy of Frances failure to suppress nationalist forces in Indochina as it struggled to restore its colonial dominion after World War II". This is the start of Vietnam War. This is also one way that Am...
  • Cease Fire And Attacks On South Vietnam
    718 words
    The Vietnam conflict Part of French Indochina, Vietnam was occupied by the Japanese Imperial Army during World War II. Ironically, America's first involvement in the region was in support of a Vietnamese patriot named Ho Chi Minh, the leader of a small nationalist movement which had been waging a campaign against the Japanese since 1941. At the end of the War, Ho and his 'Viet Minh' movement actively resisted France's attempt to regain control of Vietnam, and turned to the Soviet Union and Commu...
  • Vietnam Veterans Against The War
    1,497 words
    U.S. Withdrawal U.S. President Lyndon Johnson's decision not to seek reelection in 1968 prompted serious negotiations to end the war to began. Between 1968 and 1969, contacts in Paris between North Vietnam and the United States were expanded to include South Vietnam and the NL. Under the leadership of President Richard M Nixon, the United States changed its tactics to combine U.S. troop withdrawals with intensified bombing and the invasion of Communist sanctuaries in Cambodia. Due to the length ...
  • Most Tragic Part About The Vietnam War
    1,581 words
    "I've always said, if you don't go in to win, don't go in at all... Either you conduct the conflict with all the assets the United States has at its disposal to bring about a quick and successful outcome or you stay out". -Alexander M. Haig JR. The War That Couldn't Be Won! By withdrawing its forces from Vietnam in 1973 did the United States admit defeat? This is an argument that historians and observers have been having for years. Before answering that question however, we must first understand...
  • Special Forces Unit Of The Military
    1,928 words
    There are many different divisions of the United States military. Some of these divisions are special forces units, these are units that have special training in certain areas of combat. A few of these Special Forces are, the Navy SEALS, the Green Berets, Air Commandos and Marine Corps Snipers. These divisions had a significant impact throughout the Vietnam War, because of the special training they went through. These men were a vital part of the U.S. war effort in Vietnam. The Green Berets were...
  • Responsibility For Americas War Effort In Vietnam
    1,727 words
    FOSTER 1 The Vietnam War is probably the most questionable of all American wars. First, it is morally deceptive. It was both a war against communism and a war to suppress nationalist self-determination. Second, it can be (and was) very confusing. American objectives were not always well defined. As a result, United States policy often wondered: the United States would Americanize the war only to Vietnam ize it later. Third, things in the Vietnam War were often not what they seemed. To attempt to...
  • Place In Vietnam
    1,324 words
    The Life of Vietnam Here in America we see that our lives are already complicated but the lives of the Vietnamese people are far worse. The things that we take for granted are considered privileges in Vietnam, such as air conditioning, toilets, and electricity. Another thing that we take for granted is our education systems. There are many differences between the two nations school systems. In America any one can go to public school with no charge, while in Vietnam you have to past a rigorous te...
  • Deter Communism From Vietnam
    1,433 words
    War? What is it good for? Why did the United States go to war in Vietnam? These questions remain open. Why did the U.S. feel that they needed to get involved with a war that did not involve them directly? Didn't America's first president warn us of entangling alliances? There are many different reasons for our motivation for war. I think that the most important is anti-communism, domino theory, Eisenhower administration, and the United States arrogance of power. George Herring believes that our ...
  • Popular Support In South Vietnam
    962 words
    America wanted to prevent the spread of communism by making sure that Ho Chi Minh did not spread communism to all of Vietnam. America decided to establish a stable non-communist government based on popular support in South Vietnam. After being conquered at Dien Bien Phu, the French were forced to leave Vietnam after a hundred years of colonial rule. The Geneva Peace Accords, signed in 1954, for the time being divided Vietnam along the 17th parallel until national elections, designed to rejoin th...
  • Biggest Threat To The South Vietnam People
    722 words
    The Vietnam War The Vietnam War is a great case study in critical thinking. The American people have many different opinions on the United States entering the war. Some Americans were hawks and wanted to go to war in Vietnam. They thought that the Americans were right for entering the war. On the other hand, people thought we had no reason for entering the war. The main reason this war makes a great case study is because it is very controversial. The first narrator thought that we were absolutel...

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