Use Of Animals essay topics

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  • Use Of Laboratory Animals
    829 words
    Animal Experimentation ANIMAL RIGHTS- The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was founded in England in 1824 to promote humane treatment of work animals, such as cattle and horses, and of household pets. Within a few decades similar organizations existed throughout Europe. An American society was founded in New York in 1866. Then after, these organizations were protesting the use of animals in laboratory experiments and the use of vivisection for teaching. Until the mid-1970's the f...
  • Used In Animal Experimentation
    1,409 words
    Animal Rights 'Isn't man an amazing animal? He kills wildlife -- birds, kangaroos, deer, all kinds of cats, coyotes, groundhogs, mice, foxes and dingoes -- by the million in order to protect his domestic animals and their feed. Then he kills domestic animals by the billion and eats them. This in turn kills man by the million, because eating all those animals leads to degenerative -- and fatal -- health conditions like heart disease, kidney disease, and cancer. So then man tortures and kills mill...
  • Results Of Tests On Animals
    1,751 words
    Animal testing is not a new thing. For many centuries scientists and testers in research have used animals of all kinds. Most of the animals are small ones like rodents - rats, mice, hamsters and gerbils. Some dogs, cats and a variety of goats, monkeys and rabbits have also been used. The animal rights issue is an emotional one. For decades the value of animal research has been grossly overrated. Although researchers claim that they depend on animal test data to achieve medical advances, we shou...
  • Animals In The Research Lab The Use
    339 words
    Animals In The Research Lab The use of living animals is an important way to solve a medical problem. Researchers continually seek other models to understand the human organism, study disease processes, and test new therapies. In seeking quicker and not so expensive ways to look for biological information that can be applied to human disease, scientists sometimes study simpler things such as bacteria, fruit flies and a few other things. Researchers have spent many years learning how to sustain c...
  • 3 D Animation
    386 words
    3 D-ANIMATION ABSTRACT: The main goal of the paper is to provide a brief outline about the features and applications of 3-D Animation. In order to make the entities look natural we go in for three-dimensional animation to bring in reality. 3-D Animation provides many features using which one can give out excellent animations. We can make use of this animation to impose the human movements and difficult facial expressions into computer images with the assurance of higher degree of realism. All th...
  • Practicing Of Animal Welfare In Experimentation
    1,608 words
    The issue of animal experimentation is a widely debated topic in the United States. A fundamental question of this debate is whether the functions of animal testing and research are morally and ethically justified. In the viewpoint of the pro-research community, animal testing is a necessary practice. They support this position by stating that humans, instinctual ly, prioritize their own survival above other animals thus making any use of animals justifiable (Fox 5). The supporters of animal tes...
  • Behavioral Research On Animals
    515 words
    Animals and Research 2 Animals are Valuable in Behavioral Research. From the dawn of time, when the first human killed an animal for food, or drove it from a fruit patch so that he could eat instead, there has been competition with animals for basic resources. Likewise, over the ages, humans have contemplated their relationship with animals. Ancestral societies worshipped the animals they used recognizing that the lives they took fueled their own lives. Further introspection on humanity's place ...
  • Debate Over The Rights Of Animals
    910 words
    The methods, discoveries, and conclusions of science, as well as their role in society, have generated endless debates throughout history. There was a time when one could be put to death for believing that the earth was round, or ridiculed for claiming that animal species evolve over time. Today people argue over whether it is ethical and responsible science to transplant organs, to allow a suffering person to die, or to genetically alter foods so that they possess special traits. One particular...
  • Use Of Animals In Laboratory Test
    868 words
    The Use of animals for Laboratory Testing There has been an on going debate on whether to use animals for laboratory testing. There are people now saying the use of animals in laboratory testing is not necessary and there are other alternatives. Many of these people claim the tests that are performed on the animals are not particularly valid. On the other hand, others claim that laboratory testing has been depended on animals to achieve medical advances. Whether or not the use of animals in labo...
  • Medical Testing On Animals
    981 words
    Animal Testing Animals have been used in testing of various products for many decades. Products are usually tested somewhere before they are marketed to humans. These products vary from medical supplies to just make-up. Many animal rights activists, such as the PETA organization, have argued to get laws passed which makes such use of animals unlawful. This question of animal's rights has been debated for many decades with out coming to any common ground between the two sides. The importance as w...
  • Technology Of Computer Animation
    2,068 words
    Animation: Where it came from and where will it be Animation in the past fifty years has taken large steps in improvements to what it is today. It has changed in many ways from techniques to their usage in entertainment. It has opened opportunities for new employment in companies. It has allowed us to see things we could only imagine. It has also changed the way of life. To animate, according to the New World Webster Dictionary, is to make something alive or to give it motion. An animator accord...
  • Humane Use Of Animals In Medical Research
    581 words
    Animal Testing for Humanity Animal research is vital to human existence. This testing enables doctors to find treatments and cures for various diseases and aliments. The people, who object and think that "mad" scientists preform all animal research, merely do not understand the importance. There are many regulatory acts protecting the animals in experiments, therefore proving that ending animal research all together would be a harsh blow to society. The regulations, such as the Animal Welfare Ac...
  • My Opinion On Animal Testing Murder
    690 words
    Annually, millions of animals suffer and die in painful tests in order to determine the safety of cosmetics. Substances like eye shadow and soap are tested on rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, dogs, and many other animals, despite the fact that the test results do not help prevent or treat human illness or injury. Cosmetics are not required to be experimented on animals, and since non-animal alternatives exist, it's difficult to understand why some companies still choose to conduct these brutal and un...
  • Animals For Medical Research
    1,616 words
    One of the questions facing society today is whether animals should be used in scientific experimentation. In the middle of this controversy, many ideas about nature, primarily animals, are formed. Each side has different arguments, each one posing questions on the place of humans with respect to animals and the rest of the natural world. The history of the benefits of animal research is marked by dramatic breakthroughs. Working with animals in research is vital to continue medical progress. The...
  • Animal Research
    574 words
    Animals have been used in medical research for centuries. Most of the animals used for research are rodents - rats, mice, hamsters and gerbils. Some dogs, cats and a variety of goats, ferrets, pigeons, monkeys and rabbits are also used. The struggle against this tyranny is a struggle as important as any of the moral and social issues that have been fought over in recent years. For decades the value of animal research has been grossly overrated. Although researchers have depended on animal test d...
  • Good Outcome Of Animal Research
    512 words
    Did you know that every year 12,000 children are diagnosed with juvenile diabetes? Juvenile diabetes is also known as insulin-dependent diabetes, which requires insulin shots. However, new research now shows that taking the insulin shot can be avoided. Through animal research, scientists are discovering that there could be a new way to take insulin orally. Fortunately, this is not the only medication being tested. This type of research is a good example of how animal research is not a bad idea. ...
  • Use Of Animals
    926 words
    There are many different categories that fall under the term Animal Rights, but this essay will only discuss a few. Although all of the issues having to do with animal rights are equally important, the ones discussed in this essay are the major ones. Animals have just as many rights as we do. We do not need to use real animals for school dissection. There is no need for humans to use real animal fur anymore. Animals do not need to be used for lab testing for chemicals, household cleaning product...
  • Use Of Animals In Laboratory Experiments
    2,623 words
    Do all animals have the same rights as humans? Some but not all, animal rights activists believe animals have inherent legal and moral rights, just as humans do. According to this viewpoint it is unethical to use animals for any purpose, whether for pets, research, recreation, clothing, or as food (Press 17). Animal use in testing is a huge controversial issue. Some believe animals have the same rights as humans and should for no reason be used as test subjects for research. Others, including me...
  • Humans Use Animals
    1,145 words
    Many humans use animals for testing each year. Animal testing is when the animals are put through something or injected to see how they react to what medical research they have been used for. There are three very important reasons why animals should not be used for testing harmful or dangerous materials. One of these is that testing and its use is trivial in the cosmetic industry. The second reason is that animals have rights and animals can feel pleasure and pain just as humans do. The third re...
  • Use Of Animals In Laboratory Experiments
    400 words
    The American Medical Association has stated that it believes that research-involving animals is essential to maintaining and improving the health of human beings. They point out that all advances in medical science in the 20th century, from antibiotics to organ transplants, has been achieved either directly or indirectly through the use of animals in laboratory experiments. Animal research is being used to find a cure for AIDS, cancer, heart disease, aging and congenital defects. The AMA claims ...

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