Use Of Condoms essay topics

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  • Used Type Of Female Birth Control
    1,289 words
    Hannah Lager P.E. Teen Health Issues BIRTH CONTROL OPTIONS Over the years, birth control has evolved into an integral part of our society. Millions of women all over the world use some form of birth control, and it is growing more popular. There are many different kinds of birth control and it is important to be informed of your choices. In the past twenty years the number of unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases has grown dramatically. Alaska has one of the highest teen pregna...
  • Higher Condom Use With Partners
    1,828 words
    Why people do not use condoms Many men and women prefer unprotected intercourse or using another contraceptive method rather than using a condom. Among currently married women of reproductive age, only 5 percent use condoms for contraception worldwide, and only 3 percent in less developed regions of the world, according to United Nations estimates of contraceptive use. In this chapter we a re going to analyze or try to explain why some people don't use condoms. In order to do this, we used some ...
  • Condom Distribution In High Schools
    1,127 words
    Condoms in Schools: A Good Idea The movie Grease. One of the best-loved movies of the twentieth century, watched by millions in the movie theatre upon its release in 1978. A newer, generation that is more modern got to experience the gang at Rydell High when it was re-released in 1998. There are many memorable scenes in the movie, but one that really stands out is the scene where Rizzo and Knicky are making out in his car. They are swept into the moment and Knicky reaches for his wallet where a ...
  • Teenage Males Use Condoms
    845 words
    During the 1980's, efforts increased to alert the public to the dangers of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and unintended pregnancy, yet these problems have increased. Adolescents and young adults have been especially hard hit. Pregnancy and birth rates among teenagers are at their highest levels in two decades. Research has demonstrated that consistent condom use is an effective way to prevent the transmission of HIV and other STDs and in the prev...
  • Shortage Of Condoms In Uganda
    533 words
    AIDS envoy demands US give more condoms By Lawrence Altman August 31, The US Government's emphasis on abstinence programs to prevent AIDS is hobbling Africa's battle against the pandemic by playing down the role of condoms, a top United Nations official has charged. The UN secretary-general's special envoy for HIV / AIDS in Africa, Stephen Lewis, said 'Christian ideology' was driving the US AIDS assistance program with disastrous results such as a shortage of condoms in Uganda. The charges were ...
  • Condom Use Pleasurable Through Psychology To Condoms
    3,816 words
    Origin of the name The word condom is probably derived from Latin 'cond us' meaning receptacle. Another explanation is that the gut condom was invented by the English army doctor Colonel Quondam in around 1645 and that the word is a corruption of his name. We do not know who invented condoms, but we do know that they were in use. There is evidence of this in the writings of Marquis de Sade, Casanova and James Boswell. The latter, a Scottish lawyer and writer, protected himself against sexually t...
  • Condom Distribution Program
    1,128 words
    Are Americas Youth as Safe as They Can Be Sometimes, moral is not the same as right not when people suffer or die as a result. (Cohen, Richard) My first indication that access to condoms did not lead to increased sexual activity occurred when I was a teenager and my friend Irv settled a poker debt by giving me a condom. I placed it in my wallet and there it stayed, unused for so long that, like the trees of the Petrified Forest, it turned to stone. Had I not lost that wallet, it would today be a...
  • Teens Need Condoms
    908 words
    Jenna Griggs CP English per. 6 December 10, 1998 Distribution of Condoms is Unnecessary A few of my high school friends, are thinking about having sex with their boyfriends, but are too embarrassed to go to the store and purchase a condom. They think it would be much easier, if the schools just made condoms available on campus. Should schools offer free condoms to high school students No, they shouldn t. If schools offered free condoms to high school students, it would legitimize and promote sex...
  • Genetic Abnormalities And Disorders Conclusion There
    1,359 words
    PREGNANCY: RISKS, COMPLICATIONS AND CONTRACEPTIVES Part I. Risks and Complications to the woman and child during pregnancy a. Introduction There are many risks that a woman (and the child) undertake before, during an dafter pregnancy. These are due to a varied number of effects such as exposure to temperature extremes (very hot or very cold environments), radiation (from x-rays and dental instruments), certain harmful chemicals, drugs and certain contraband materials (such as marijuana smoke whi...
  • Used Form Of Birth Control
    1,172 words
    Robert Ston um Eng. Writing 101 M W 1 - 2: 15 CONTRACEPTION Almost 3,500 years ago, men in Egypt wore condom-like sheaths as attractive and eye-catching penis covers. By the 18th century, condoms were being made from sheep intestines. In Victorian England, sexual stimulation was believed to shorten one's life, so sex once a month was considered more than enough. In the ancient Middle East, Arabs placed pebbles in the uterus es of female camels when they set off on long journeys. They thought tha...
  • Birth Control Idea
    619 words
    Environmental health has always been a concern of the globe. Until recently, overpopulation has only been an idea of the global community. Now, in the year of 2000, it is not only a concern, but a juggernaut of a problem. Today, I come in front of the President and Congress to bring forth the idea of new laws, proposals, and other concerns. Today, it is evident that the world is in a state of chaos; the food surplus is decreasing, the fossil fuels are being used rapidly, acres of land torn down ...
  • Rates Of Condom Use
    2,636 words
    Contraceptives have been used for over a thousand years to allow people to have safe sex. The purpose for these products is to either prevent pregnancy, protect against sexually transmitted diseases, or both. The biggest problem surrounding this issue is the number of people who have no access to proper contraceptives. For a long time this hasn't been that much of an issue because the world population was not as large or increasing as quickly as it is now. However, overpopulation is becoming a p...
  • High Risk For Hiv Aids
    1,699 words
    PART A AIDS is a disorder in which the immune system loses its effectiveness, leaving the body defenseless against bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic, cancerous and other diseases. The danger from AIDS comes from the infections that begin when the immune system no longer functions effectively. The intervention for dealing with AIDS which I have chosen to describe is the Retrovir brand Zidovudine (AZT or ZDV). Retrovir belongs to a class of anti-HIV drugs called Nucleoside Reverse Transcription ...
  • Female Condom
    258 words
    Are Male Condoms Or Female Condoms Are Male Condoms Or Female Condoms A Better Contraceptive? The male condom is a thin layer made of latex or sheepskin that fits over the erect penis and stops sperm from entering the female's body when ejaculating. They are the most commonly used contraceptive and you can purchase them at drug stores or supermarkets without a prescription. The best condoms have a reservoir tip, are made of latex and are lubricated. Male condoms contain no health risks unless yo...

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