Use Of Creatine essay topics

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  • Creatine And The Increased Muscle Mass
    1,915 words
    CREATINE Creatine, Beneficial or Waste of money Having finally resolved to work out at the gym, you sweat and toil for weeks on end only to look in the mirror and see little to show for it. It's the paradox of the New Year's resolution exerciser. Seeing physical results can help exercisers stay true to their fitness programs, yet for many it takes months to achieve noticeable muscle changes. Creatine Monohydrate has become the most popular supplement in the world among individuals interested in ...
  • People Use Creatine Supplementation In Order
    1,345 words
    Powering Up With Creatine Many people have wondered if there are any dietary supplements out there that can help them become better athletes and still not harm their bodies. Creatine (methyl guanidine-acetic acid) is a substance that has hit the market with extraordinary power. Creatine is something that the body normally creates and contains. We normally obtain creatine from our diets. Some people use creatine supplementation in order to receive the maximum creatine ones body can hold. Creatine...
  • Creatine Supplementation And Other Muscle Building Products
    958 words
    Dietary supplements: Beneficial or Hazardous On any given day, a student athlete could walk into a trainers or coaches office holding up a bottle and ask Hey coach, does this stuff work This young athlete, playing three sports a year, is referring to the dietary supplement called creatine. This, and many more products, are becoming more and more popular these days among high school student-athletes. These young men and, quite possibly young women, are using this supplement without realizing the ...
  • Benefits Creatine Use
    1,192 words
    The Safety and Benefits of Creatine Topic: The Safety and Benefits of Creatine General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience of the safety of creatine use and also to inform them of the benefits creatine use can provide. Central Idea: Many people are misinformed on the subject of creatine use and exactly what it is and what creatine can do. Organizational Pattern: Topical Introduction I. How would you like to be able to increase your strength or even increase your bench pres...
  • Creatine The Athlete
    1,689 words
    Creatine Creatine is one of the primary things an athlete will do to put supplements into their body. These supplements range from protein shakes to illegal anabolic steroids. Some sports supplements are incredibly safe and effective, yet others work for a while and then fizzle out, while others still work well but do more damage than good in the long run. In the past athletes had to turn to such things as anabolic steroids or blood doping (the process of taking out blood and adding oxygen to it...
  • Creatine Use In Athletes
    719 words
    Creatine Creatine is one of the most popular sports supplements on the market and is used by bodybuilders, and athletes. It is an amino acid, like the building blocks that makes up proteins. It is also an important store of energy in muscle cells. Creatine is a natural nutrient found in our bodies and in the bodies of most animals. It can also be found in the form of a powder and sold as a supplement. Creatine is categorized as a food supplement by the Food and Drug Administration, like a vitami...
  • Use Of Creatine And Ephedrine
    2,035 words
    Bill Romanowski, Shannon Sharpe, and Mark McGwire, are just a few of the professional athletes that use and endorse fitness supplements such as Androstenedione, Creatine, and other products. Every on camera interview that you see Shannon Sharpe he is wearing an EAS mock turtleneck. EAS is one of the leading manufacturers of Creatine and other supplements. The hottest supplement in Hollywood is Ephedrine; a herbal-based drug designed to increase fat loss. Why do so many athletes use supplements? ...
  • Documented Use Of Creatine Supplementation By Athletes
    2,403 words
    Creatine for Athletic Performance By: Trevor Young E-mail: The Advantages of Creatine for Enhancing Athletic Performance If, about 5 years ago, you were to tell an athlete there was a supplement (which was not an anabolic steroid or other bodybuilding drug) that would help bodybuilders and athletes pack on as much as 10 rock-hard pounds of muscular body weight (which could lead to better performance for athletes) in less then 2 weeks; increase their bench press by 25 lbs. (which also would help ...
  • Use Creatine
    4,468 words
    The first weeks of my senior season of football were the toughest times I had ever had in my life. We had two practices a day. We had one practice early in the morning, and one late in the afternoon. Physically, I wasn't at a level like most of my teammates. I felt like I couldn't do anything on the high school level; plus I was being thrown around like a rag doll. I needed something that would help me reach my potential. That's when I tried creatine. I started out taking small doses of creatine...
  • Use Of Creatine And Ephedrine
    2,489 words
    Introduction Bill Romanowski, Shannon Sharpe, Mark McGwire, are just a few of the professional athletes that use and endorse fitness supplements such as Androstenedione, Creatine, and other products. Every on camera interview that you see Shannon Sharpe he is wearing an EAS mock turtleneck. EAS is one of the leading manufacturers of Creatine and other supplements. The hottest supplement in Hollywood is Ephedrine; an herbal based drug designed to increase fat loss. Why do so many athletes use sup...
  • Athletes Use
    1,696 words
    1 When you are involved in athletics, you have to be competitive. You have to want to win more than anybody else. Athletes these days, however, are really taking winning to the extreme. Athletes today are using various supplements to increase their size, muscle mass, and their potential to perform well. Athletes have been taking all kinds of supplements to gain an edge on their opponents. Little do they know, these supplements are not FDA approved. No one knows the long-term effects of these sup...
  • Use Of Creatine In Their Programs
    1,065 words
    CREATINE: Hazardous or Healthy? In sports today, everyone is looking for that extra advantage to enhance their performance, and to compete harder and stronger than their opponent. Creatine has become a major part of many athletes weight training and conditioning programs in the past few years. Many people have different opinions as to whether or not this substance should be used. After researching the topic of Creatine, I have concluded that there is nothing wrong with taking the supplement call...
  • Ncaa Baseball Players And Coaches In Oregon
    2,844 words
    Creatine in NCAA Baseball Mark McGwire uses it. Sammy Sosa uses it. The Atlanta Braves have tubs of it in their locker room. Then why does Scott Carnahan, Linfield Colleges varsity baseball coach and coach of the 1994 U.S.A. Olympic baseball team emphasize, I will not participate in distributing it to any of my players It is Creatine and it has become a health concern among most NCAA baseball coaches in Oregon. Creatine is a substance that is naturally produced in every human being. Every adult ...
  • Side Effect From The Use Of Creatine
    2,351 words
    INTRODUCTION Today in society there is a lot of pressure on the perfect image. Image is the way that everything is judged in the world. So with that perspective in mind, the search for the "perfect body" is what everyone is looking for. But with all of the commotion that is happening, very few people want to put in a solid effort in order to achieve this "perfect body". Others just simply don't have the time to workout on a consistent basis. So the easy way out, as always, is searched for. Not t...
  • Athletes Use Creatine
    1,573 words
    Throughout time, humans have had a fascination with being excellent at what they do, and athletics have been no exception. Many substances exist, and many have been criticized and analyzed for their safety, legality, and morality for athletes. With the banning of steroids from competitive sports, and the implementation of random drug testing in most sports, most athletes, professional, recreational, and would-be professionals are hoping to gain an edge. More recently, one such edge has been disc...
  • Energy In The Body The Creatine
    619 words
    Creatine Athletes and regular people alike try many different supplements to find one that they can use to help increase their muscle mass. They may not realize it, but their bodies already produce a chemical that is great for that purpose and consuming more of it in form of a supplement can be exactly what they are looking for. Creatine can be a good and useful supplement to increase muscle mass and weight if you know exactly what it does and the correct way to use it. Creatine does occur natur...
  • 88 Of Creatine In Your Body
    2,160 words
    In today's society, so much of your daily life is influenced on your looks. From teenagers to adults, you want a good-looking body. Not just for yourself to be healthy, but the way people act and want to be around you, attraction, and even jobs are all influenced on looks. For this, the latest craze among athletes, bodybuilders, teenagers, and any other person with the dream to be stronger is a supplement called creatine. Creatine has been proven to give you more energy during short burst activi...
  • Use Of Creatine To Their Players
    1,884 words
    In today's society, there is a great amount of emphasis placed on your physical appearance. Everyone desires the perfect body, however not many people are willing or able to put the time and effort in to achieve that status. So the search for an easy way out began. First there were anabolic steroids. People injected testosterone into their veins in order to increase the muscle mass-produced from weight lifting. Soon the side effects became known and the use of steroids dropped off. The death of ...
  • Creatine Use Among High School Athletes
    1,450 words
    Based on their recently completed survey of high school athletes, Mayo Clinic doctors are recommending a large-scale study on the use and long-term effects of creatine, a supplement used by athletes who believe it enhances athletic performance. The survey of high school athletes completed at the Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Center showed that users of creatine usually rely on friends for their information about the supplement and most either aren't aware of the dosages they take, or take more tha...
  • Effect Of Creatine Supplementation On Performance
    638 words
    A SAFE ALTERNATIVE TO STEROIDS? "How can I build muscle, boost my performance and lose fat?' This question has generated hundred of books and magazine titles. Many people even risk their health in a chance to look "buff. ' If you spend the time reading these articles you will certainly find no shortage of proposed answers, complete with picture documentation of the results with the use sport supplements. Even recreational athletes who might play softball on the weekend or shoot a game of hoops o...

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