Use Of Sex essay topics

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  • Story Of King Shahryar And His Brother
    1,097 words
    Sex, Lies, and Open Sesame In Richard Burton's translation of Arabian Nights, several stories revolve around three ideas; sex, lies, and violence. It seems that one idea hinges on another and the stories use one to justify the other. This paper will explore the use of sex, lies, and violence and their interdependence on one another throughout three stories. These stories are The Story of King Shahryar and His Brother, Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, and The Hunchback's Tale. It will also discuss...
  • Safe Sex
    1,278 words
    Safe Sex- How to Protect Yourself The purpose of this paper is to give people information on the advantages, disadvantages and different forms of safe sex. This paper is done for the purpose of preventing STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), not for the purpose of birth control. This gives you different ways to still enjoy sex as you normally would, but with some different and somewhat unusual changes. Some may find this appealing and some may find it hideous. The options are up to you; I am ju...
  • Performance For A Teenage Audience
    999 words
    Describe And Evaluate The Preparation Of Your Performance To A Targeted Audience ~A Teenage Play~ Introduction We were asked to create a performance for a teenage audience. We thought and discussed many options for a subject matter and came up with relevant happenings to teenagers. The more considered subjects were sex, school and study pressure, friendship and love. Our final decision was about sex because we felt that sex is a major part of teenage years and that not enough teenagers are prope...
  • Peoples Attitudes And Behaviors On Sex
    948 words
    The article, "Adolescent Sexuality, Pregnancy, and Parenthood", was about peoples attitudes and behaviors on sex. There was a survey done of 697 students from 20 schools in Missouri indicated they had not has sex. The factor's scores differed by gender, grades, alcohol consumption, family structure, father's education, and urbanicity. Their most frequent reasons for not having sex were related to fears of pregnancy and disease, including human immune-deficiency virus / acquired immunodeficiency ...
  • People Use Contraceptives
    698 words
    Contraception and it's Moral Standing The use of contraception was never as widely proclaimed and exhibited as it is now. The use of contraception has become so mainstream, that it is now "normal" for even teens to use these contraceptives. Schools promote the use of this once taboo practice of artificial birth control, and partake in the distribution of condoms amongst students. This is a clear example of how modern society and its practices can change the way people act morally and physically....
  • Condom Use Pleasurable Through Psychology To Condoms
    3,816 words
    Origin of the name The word condom is probably derived from Latin 'cond us' meaning receptacle. Another explanation is that the gut condom was invented by the English army doctor Colonel Quondam in around 1645 and that the word is a corruption of his name. We do not know who invented condoms, but we do know that they were in use. There is evidence of this in the writings of Marquis de Sade, Casanova and James Boswell. The latter, a Scottish lawyer and writer, protected himself against sexually t...
  • Sex And Love Side Of The Poem
    1,339 words
    Cyrus Faze li English 1 B Wallace Analysis of Imagery in "Loving from Vietnam to Zimbabwe" After reading Janice Mirikitani's poem "Loving from Vietnam to Zimbabwe" there is a profound amount of imagery used by Mirikitani that explains a reality of sex, love, and war. Mirikitani uses an interesting and unique format in the way she has written her poem. The "I" that Mirikitani uses is not referring to herself but rather another woman who is Vietnamese, or many women whom are Vietnamese. She has es...
  • Nonverbal Communication On The Other Hand
    1,910 words
    Gender and Communications Communication is an ongoing, transactional process in which individuals exchange messages whose meanings are influenced by the history of the relationship and the experiences of the participants. (Adler, p. 384) Communication depends on relationships between the people who are communicating, and on common basics between them. Problems in communications between people may arise due to differences in cultures, perceptions, values, and expectations from life. As in many ot...
  • New Advances In Sex Selection
    1,505 words
    Sex Preselection For many years, mankind has wondered how to choose the sex of a child before its birth for which countless myths, folk remedies, and magic potions have been offered as a solution. None of these methods were based on scientific evidence. However, in recent years gender selection has been made possible through advances such as preimplantation genetic diagnosis using biopsy methods combined with in vitro fertilization and sperm separation using flow cytometry techniques (Reubinoff,...
  • Effective Sex Education Programs
    1,737 words
    Irresponsible Attitudes Toward Intimacy and Contraception in Teens When it became clear that HIV / AIDS was beginning to seriously affect the heterosexual community, greater numbers of individuals began practicing safe sex or abstinence. In addition to self-reports, one indicator that this was true of teens as well as adults was declining teen pregnancy rates. Those rates, however, began rising again in the late 1980's after years of decline. Teens are typically greater risk takers than their ad...
  • Rochester's Use Of Sex In His Work
    2,682 words
    The satirists shared a talent for making other individuals feel uncomfortable, particularly by making them aware of their own moral inadequacies. They used irony, derision, and wit to attack human vice or folly. One method the satirist utilized to catch their readers' attention, while also making them feel uncomfortable, was to describe those things that were deemed inappropriate to discuss openly in society. The classical example of a topic that was discussed behind closed doors, yet the satiri...
  • Gta Vice City
    462 words
    The aim of the game is to complete criminal jobs for various underworld bosses. Some of the jobs include assassinating people, blowing up buildings and vehicles, stealing cars etc. The bonus level is called kill frenzy. This is where you kill X amount of people in a certain amount of time. When you have amassed particular amounts of money, you move onto the next city (next level). The cities get incrementally harder. The weapons used are also a point of complaint for parental groups. They includ...
  • Effects Of Sexual Intercourse On Their Relationship
    2,242 words
    During the 17th century, certain poets wrote poems with the specific purpose of persuading a woman to have sexual intercourse with them. Three of these seduction poems utilize several strategies to do this: Andrew Marvell's "To His Coy Mistress", and Donne's "A Valediction: Forbidden Mourning" and "The Flea". Some of the reasoning used by both poets is similar to the reasoning used today by men to convince women to have sexual intercourse with them. These gimmicks vary from poem to poem but coin...
  • 1 8 Disadvantages Of Commercial Sex Prostitution
    4,897 words
    Introduction 3 1.1 Definitions of Commercial Sex 3 1.2 History of Commercial Sex 3 1.3 Types of Commercial Sex 3 1.3. 1 Unorganized Prostitution 3 1.3. 2 Organized Prostitution 4 1.3 Features of Commercial Sex 4 1.4 Hazards of Commercial Sex 4 1.5 Reasons for engaging in commercial sex 4 1.5. 1 Biological Phase 4 1.5. 2 Psychological 4 1.5. 3 Psychiatric Explanation 4 1.5. 4 Economic Factor 4 1.5. 5 Demand and Supply 4 1.6 Characteristics of a Successful Commercial Sex Worker 5 1.9 Myths of Comm...
  • Safe Sex
    251 words
    April Aids Engl. 118 April 14, 1996 I. Introduction Thesis- Practicing safe sex is essential in a world where diseases like AIDS exist. II. Body a. There are many forms of safe sex, abstinence being the only 100% effective one. 1. If one chooses to have sex then condom use is very important. 2. The faults of condoms. 3. There is no type of sex that is safe b. Many say that the idea of safe sex is a myth c. There is a lack of education, about AIDS, especially in teenagers. 1. Is it really worth t...
  • Flea His Blood And His Lady's Blood
    1,167 words
    Analysis Of "the Flea' By John Donne Analysis Of "the Flea' By John Donne Shai Steck English 2 Essay 1? The Flea? John Donne Observe a typical bar; every Saturday night sweat drenched bodies emitting alcohol and pheromones from every pore, exchange conversation, pleasantries, and yes even sex (perhaps not directly in view but certainly eluded to). Is this anomalistic, barbaric behavior acceptable? Should sex be taken so lightheartedly? Or do we take it to seriously; guarding sex like it was the ...
  • Baseball And Sex
    1,405 words
    Baseball is the pastime of America where men kick back, spread their legs out, and enjoy a beer. Sex, the pastimes where men relax and spread their legs out and afterwards have a beer. As you noticed, baseball and sex both are similar in their ways of pleasuring, so much so that they intertwined them. Men use baseball as a way to depict how far they went with women. Yet how far do they really go, and what do getting to first, second, third base mean? I am especially curious about a home run. To ...

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