Used Punishment essay topics

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  • Jacques Use Of Capital Punishment
    578 words
    Capitol Punishment: Toy of Evil Men One might believe that because capital punishment plays such a large role in Charles Dickens' A Tale Of Two Cities, that Dickens himself is a supporter of it. This just simply is not true. Dickens uses capitol punishment as a tool to define the evil embodied in both the French ruling class, and the opposing lower class during the French Revolution; as well as comment on the sheep-like nature of humankind. In the beginning of the novel, capital punishment serve...
  • Few Examples Of Corporal Punishment
    461 words
    Corporal Punishment People a few years ago, thought of the only way to punish someone who did a sinister deed was to use corporal punishment. This is meant to enforce pain to someone who has done wrong by hitting them, beating them, strapping them or even whipping them. These are only a few examples of corporal punishment. Why do we have corporal punishment, How do we benefit from it and how do we abuse it? The most obvious reason for corporal punishment is to castigate one for doing wrong by me...
  • Suppression Of The Specific Punished Behaviour
    2,338 words
    Introduction Punishment is a process through which "the consequence of a response decreases the likelihood that the response will recur" (Gray, 2002, pp. 115). Further, punishment can be seen as an effort to decrease the response rate to stimuli by either removing a desired stimulus or presenting one which is undesired (Gray, 2002). Recent studies suggest that punishment can be an effective method of behaviour modification. However, as reported in Lerman and Vorndran (2002), there are a number o...
  • Type Of Reward System For Favorable Behaviors
    297 words
    Answer the following questions about the type of discipline and rewards you were given by your caretakers in your growing up years: a. Would you describe your parents as strict? Yes / NoI would consider them to be fair... but if I had to chose I would have to say strict. What was the most common method of discipline used? They would discipline by explaining my wrong-doings and probably make my go to my room and I was not able to use anything in my room. I would have to sit there until I felt I w...
  • Indirect Experience Of Punishment And Punishment Avoidance
    4,054 words
    The Theory and Testing of the Reconceptualization of General and Specific Deterrence In the May 1993 issue of the Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, the introduction of the re conceptualized deterrence theory was presented, explaining that general and specific deterrence are both functions of crime. Mark C. Stafford, an Associate Professor of Sociology and Associate Rural Sociologist at Washington State University, and Mark Warr, an Associate Professor of Sociology at the University o...
  • Exile And Capital Punishment
    1,633 words
    In the 1660's the Russian government under Czar Alexis I had begun the practice of punishing common criminals and political offenders by exiling them to Siberia. During the last two centuries of Russian imperial rule, punishment varied significantly from czar to czar. Different styles of interrogation and justice were prevalent with each successive ruler. Autocracy allowed for what seems to be a harsh system of imperial punishment. In actuality, the practice of capital punishment and torture wer...
  • Use Of The Word
    1,293 words
    "Bring Back Foolishness" Jeff Jacobys' essay, entitled "Bring Back Flogging" was, in my sincere opinion, poorly constructed. There are numerous instances where I felt that he had either not supported his premises with valid information or had negated his support in later sentences. The essay begins by drawing forth images of Puritan punishment. He cites two instances of punishment, which were particularly torturous and radical in nature. He then draws a comparison between this inhumane punishmen...
  • Dante's Creative And Imaginative Punishment For Sins
    1,242 words
    Johnson, Brad# CRUEL PUNISHMENTS OF SINNERS IN THE RAGING INFERNO Dante Alighieri was born in Florence, Italy in 1265. In his life, he composed two major books of poetry: Vita Nuova and The Divine Comedy. The Vita Nuova is composed of love poems, sonnets, and lyrics. The Divine Comedy, is an epic poem segmented into three books, each of which recounts Dante's travels through hell, purgatory, and heaven. The first section of The Divine Comedy, Dante's Inferno, is a narrative with a man named Virg...
  • Kind Of Corporal Punishment
    582 words
    The whip that a lion-tamer uses is the single most important tool that will assists him in successfully taming the lions. To demonstrate his point clearly to the beasts, he must thrash the lions with his blood-sucking whip whenever they perform an incorrect act. This is the only way that he can communicate with these low-intelligence animals, because lions cannot even understand the most indecent word in the English language. But as for humans, most of us are able to understand the language that...
  • Corporal Punishment Of Sinton High School
    865 words
    'The fundamental need of American education is to find ways of engaging today's children in the thrill of learning. Fear of pain has no place in that process. ' - The Christian Science Monitor. Because Ms. Pe~na and I are in compliance with this statement, we have decided to bring to the attention of the community, the corporal punishment of Sinton High School. There are many effective ways of properly punishing a disobedient student, but there are also limits to certain disciplinary measures. G...
  • Punitive Discipline
    643 words
    Discipline used as a noun means arranged, proscribed behavior. The verb "to discipline" means different things to different people. Most definitions of "to discipline" fall into two general camps: 1) to control, punish, and correct; or 2) to teach, guide, and influence. The majority of studies today show, that the second definition is more effective in producing the desired behavior. The word discipline is often used as a synonym for punishment, but this is wrong. Discipline is a system of actio...
  • Unlimited Access
    624 words
    Capital Punishment The goal of my paper is to point out the injustices in capital punishment. I will focus on the immoralities in legalized murder, the justices system in general, statistics, and comparisons. Thesis: Looking out for the state of the public's satisfaction in the scheme of capital sentencing does not constitute serving justice. "An evil deed is not redeemed by an evil deed of retaliation. Justice is never advanced in the taking of human life. Morality is never upheld by legalized ...
  • Flogging With Prison Sentences
    1,311 words
    Jeff Jacoby's, "Bring Back the Flogging", argues that flogging should be a method of corporal punishment that should be reconsidered by our criminal justice system. Within his opening argument, Jacoby uses two methods to sustain the readers' attention: sex and violence. Jacoby describes Richard Hopkins sentence, in 1963, for selling arms and gunpowder to the Indians as being " 'whipt, & branded with a hott iron on one of his cheeks'". He also mentions Hannah Newell conviction of adultery in 1694...
  • Spank Children
    883 words
    According to people. biola. edu / faculty /paul / sparetherod. htm, they have set guidelines for disciplinary spanking. Dr. Den Trumbull advises that if a child has not behaved after verbal correction or time-out, then spanking is an effective method for the child who refuses to obey his parents. He says that a parent should not spank the child for revenge, but by love for the purpose of wanting the child to learn that he has done wrong. He believes spanking is not necessary and inappropriate be...
  • Use Of Physical Punishment
    1,754 words
    Avoiding Physical Punishment In Child Rearing Essay, Avoiding Physical Punishment In Child Rearing Is "sparing the rod's polling or saving the child? Is violence, resentment, anger or fear worth the risk taken when striking him or her. Whether your for or against using physical punishment in child development, as a parent, you will someday have to face this issue. Many parents are taught this method in their childhood, and are not aware of any other way. Often originating from religion, physical...

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