Vaccines For Diseases essay topics

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  • Symptoms Of Tetanus
    333 words
    Tetanus is a potentially life-threatening disease, usually associated with infected puncture wounds. Its common name is lockjaw, because a typical first symptom of the disease is stiffness and tightening of the jaw muscles. Tetanus has been recognized for centuries, even as early as the 5th - 4th century B.C., in the picturesque descriptions Hippocrates gave of the disease. This infectious disease is caused by the bacteria Clostridium tetani, which is sometimes found in soil. It produces a toxin...
  • Hepatitis B Vaccination Safe And Effective Vaccines
    613 words
    What is an Infectious Disease? An Infectious Disease is a disease caused by germs, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. These diseases are all 'caught', hence they are often termed communicable diseases. Examples of specific infections include Strep throat, mononucleosis, cold sores, athlete's foot, appendicitis, boils, vaginal yeast infections, African Sleeping sickness and tuberculosis. HEPATITIS B VACCINATION Safe and effective vaccines are now available for protection against hepat...
  • Decline In The Public's Confidence About Vaccines
    784 words
    I feel that microbes are not out of control. First, they all relate to infectious diseases. Second, they all present growing risks to health to people in the Canada and around the world. And third, they have been on the radar screen for some time but the blips seem to be getting brighter, so they can't be ignored any longer. It's time to focus and take action. Bioterrorism, emerging infectious diseases and microbes that are resistant to the best antibiotics and antivirals we can construct are th...
  • Meningitis Passive Immunization Vaccine
    1,106 words
    Encephalitis is a disorder associated to any disease affecting the central nervous system causing inflammation of the brain. Due to the fact that the disorder is so common in many hundreds of diseases it is hard to narrow the disorder down. Many diseases can cause this disorder such as: meningitis, epilepsy and many parasitic infections, which attack the brain tissue and meninges, causing them to swell and push against the skull. Minor and serious symptoms can occur ranging from headache, fever ...
  • Introduction The Importance Of Vaccine Preventable Diseases
    516 words
    My Audience will know the Importance of Immunizations. INTRODUCTION The Importance of Vaccine Preventable Diseases. ATTENTION GETTER "Fact Texas is ranked last in Immunization coverage rates among the 50 states"B. ESTABLISH THEME Un immunized kids are starting to become a risk factor in our Texas school, to a point where they are starting to exclude students from school activities. C. CREDIBILITY I speak from first hand knowledge, not only am I faced with these problems on a day to day basis, my...
  • Anthrax Vaccination Program
    943 words
    Anthrax Vaccine: Safe and Effective, or Not? Intro: The Anthrax vaccine is a mandatory shot for military; while some people are willing to take the shot to save their lives, others believe if they take it, it will ruin theirs. I. The Anthrax Disease A. Anthrax is a bacterial infection caused by Bacillus Anthracis. 1. It primarily affects livestock, but can occasionally spread humans. a. The infection can be treated, but is almost always fatal. 2. The bacterium produces spores that lay dormant fo...
  • 16 Cases Of Paralytic Poliomyelitis
    453 words
    Poliomyelitis, infectious virus disease of the central nervous system, sometimes resulting in paralysis. The greatest incidence of the disease, also known as infantile paralysis, is in children between the ages of five and ten years. The disease was described in 1840 by the German orthopedist Jacob von Heine. In its clinical form it is more prevalent in temperate zones. Symptoms The virus usually enters the body through the alimentary tract and spreads along nerve cells to affect various parts o...
  • Diseases From The Vaccinations
    1,021 words
    Choose Better Health Parents today are to quick to run to the doctor looking for some kind of drug to give their kid every time they are ill. When you have a newborn child you are told that the child must be vaccinated to live a normal healthy childhood, but this statement is not true because there are natural ways to treat colds and other flu's by letting your body do the work. Your body is a self-regulating, self-healing organism if you re nervous system is allowed to function drug free. Today...
  • Vaccinations For Hepatitis A
    382 words
    Infectious hepatitis is a contagious liver disease, which is sometimes fatal. Infectious hepatitis is more commonly known as hepatitis A because of the virus that causes it. This disease infects around 143,000 people in the United States per year. Hepatitis A is found in the feces of an infected person. The virus is spread through person to person contact or through contaminated water and food. Infectious hepatitis has many symptoms that are not always detectable. The main symptoms are fever, ch...
  • Suffering Of Small Pox Victims
    1,083 words
    Small Pox Small pox, which was once the most feared disease known by mankind started out in the days of Christopher Columbus. The disease set out to change the lives of the people in the worse way. It became known as an epidemic disease that ended up killing hundreds of people. Small pox started out in Hispaniolaand because of no cure, it traveled to the island of Puerto Rico, and then Cuba. It was only a matter of time until it spread to the mainland, somewhere in America. In the Middle Ages, s...
  • Three Injections Of The Vaccine
    983 words
    I am doing a report on the disease Diphtheria. The definition of the disease is a bacterial disease that affects the throat and can cause serious or fatal complications. It is a serious disease caused by the bacterium. There is a lot of history on this disease. In the late 1800's diphtheria came across western Europe and the United States, it killed thousands of children. The diphtheria characterized by infection is more contagious than the disease characterized by respiratory infection. Diphthe...
  • Significant Effects Of Vaccinations On Reported Diseases
    1,865 words
    Vaccinations: A Clear Benefit By: Julie Roberts June 19, 2005 Vaccination: A Clear Benefits clear definition of a vaccination is, "the generic term for immunization procedures. Immunization is a procedure whereby living or nonliving materials are introduced into the body... :" (Nossal, 1999) The concept that people who survive an infectious disease do not get the same disease again is the basis for the administering of vaccinations. Vaccines are normally given to healthy individuals for the prev...
  • Child Disease History Before Vaccine's Invention
    810 words
    Vaccine Children are one of God's best gifts to people, as watching their children grow is one of the best pleasures people enjoy during their life course. For this reason, parents must take good care of their children during their early years, as they are vulnerable to many diseases due to their weak immunity. There are many diseases, infecting children, that may lead to death such as the polio disease. Scientists found a solution to this problem, by injecting a tiny sample of the virus into th...
  • Influenza Viruses In The Vaccine
    989 words
    INFLUENZA A virus called an Orthomyxovirus causes influenza. Often called flu, sometimes-even grippe. It is a very contagious disease, and it infects many parts of our bodies. This also includes are lungs. A person can get influenza if someone coughs, sneezes, or even talks around you while they are infected. Influenza is sometimes considered serious in some cases but can be prevented and treated. When you get the "flu" in the lungs, the lining of the respiratory tract is damaged by becoming swo...
  • Antigen In The Food Vaccine
    2,106 words
    Today eighty percent of infants are being vaccinated for diphtheria; pertussis (whooping cough), polio, measles, tetanus and tuberculosis (Landrige 2000). This percentage is up from about five percent in the mid-1970's; however, the death toll from these infections is roughly three million annually. Millions still die from infectious diseases for which immunizations are non-existent, unreliable, or too costly. Vaccines all function with the same idea in mind, priming the immune system to swiftly...
  • Salk's Vaccine
    655 words
    In America in the 1950's, summertime was a time of fear and anxiety for many parents; this was the season when children by the thousands became infected with the crippling disease poliomyelitis, or polio. This burden of fear was lifted forever when it was announced that Dr. Jonas Salk had developed a vaccine against the disease. Salk became world-famous overnight, but his discovery was the result of many years of painstaking research. Jonas Salk was born in New York City. His parents were Russia...
  • One Both Sabin's And Salk's Vaccines
    728 words
    Dr. Jonas Edward Salk was born on October 28, 1914 in New York City. He laid the structure for our understanding of advanced study of disease and medicine. Jonas Salk was the oldest son in his family. His parents, even though they didn't have any primary education, were determined to make their children succeed in the society. They encouraged their children to study hard and helped them when they fell. Jonas Salk was the first member of his family to go to college. He earned money from working a...
  • Research Of The Meningococcal Disease
    1,044 words
    PROJECT DETAILS: The primary investigators involved in the research of the Meningococcal Disease are Scientists, Doctors, Microbiologists and Pharmacologists from a Melbourne Institute of Medicine. The project is expected to take at least four years and requires $2 Million to assist in the research and prevention of the disease. INTRODUCTION: Meningococcal Disease is a harsh infectious disease that attacks either the brain and spinal tissue or poisons the blood. Either one can kill a person if t...
  • Homoeoprophylaxis And Allopathic Style Homoeopathic Vaccination
    2,101 words
    Investigate and understand the Vaccination Dilemma 1. Orthodox Vaccination 1.1 Investigate and explain the case for allopathic vaccination. List your research. Basic vaccination principles are more than 200 years old, and many allopathic practitioners stress the overwhelming good they do. (1) The Australian Government and Health Department recommend all children to be vaccinated from birth. Hepatitis B is given at birth, Diphtheria Tetanus Whopping Cough, Haemophilis influenzae type B (Hib) and ...
  • Us A Live Attenuated Measles Virus Vaccine
    3,414 words
    Preventative measures to limit the spread of communicable, infectious diseases have been practiced since ancient times. A simple, but often cruel, safeguard was to separate diseased from healthy individuals by isolation or quarantine. These infectious diseases have had significant impacts on life expectancy, infant mortality and population growth. With the exception of safe and clean water no other modality not even antibiotics has had such a major effect on mortality reduction and population gr...

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