Grandmother essay topics

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  • Watch For My Grandfather Birthday Present
    354 words
    One of a prized possession for me would be an old fashioned watch given by my grandmother ten years ago. My grandmother bought this watch fifty years ago for my grandfather forty years old birthday. It was made by "Citizen Watch Co", rectangular shape style and has a leather straps. The watch was very popular back into 1940 because it was a "limited edition" watch. However, the price of the watch is not the reason for me to treasure it so much, the story be hide is more important to me. My grand...
  • Misfit And The Grandmother
    984 words
    'A Good Man is Hard to Find': The Grandmother's Grace Flannery O'Connor's 'A Good Man is Hard to Find' tells the metaphorical tale of a family's fatal confrontation with The Misfit, an escaped serial killer. The incidents and characters throughout the story are aspects of a plot intending to symbolize the spiritual grace passed from one human to another, without regard for kindness or evil. The prominent character in O'Connor's story is the grandmother, who embodies this grace. By including impe...
  • Chinese Grandmother And Natalie
    1,017 words
    Ethnic Differences Across Generations Gish Jen's "Who's Irish?" explores a Chinese grandmother's thoughts and beliefs about her ethnically integrated family. The grandmother tells the story as though she is looking back on past events and thinking about how they have affected her present life. As her tale begins, she identifies her granddaughter, Sophie, as a wild three-year-old (161). Perhaps the grandmother associates with Sophie's strong will, because she reveals her own intense nature when s...
  • My Great Grandmother Love
    1,060 words
    My great-grandfather moved to this country from Thailand. His lineage situation is a bit confusing considering he is of mixed blood. In those days racism was on a uphill slope, especially in such countries as Taiwan and China, and Japan, that would have been considered blasphemous and it still is today. Today we live in a more enlightened time, being of Taiwanese and Jamaican blood he and his parents were abandoned by his family and outcast among their neighbors. He frequently had to cover his f...
  • Grandmother's Cat Startles Bailey
    1,263 words
    'A Good Man is Hard to Find'; In the short story, 'A Good Man is Hard to Find'; , the main character is the grandmother. Flannery O'Connor, the author, lets the reader find out who the grandmother is by her conversations and reactions to the other characters in the story. The grandmother is the most important character in the story because she has a main role in the stories principal action. This little old lady is the protagonist in this piece. We learn more about her from her direct conversati...
  • Conversation Between Sam And The Grandmother
    823 words
    Views and Characters Flannery O'Connor wrote the short story, 'A Good Man is Hard to Find'; in the hopes of portraying to the reader the racist views of the time: many of the ideals possess 'a kind of holy madness or beauty. ' ; (Kirszner 238). These are the words mentioned in Literature, and express the emotions that O'Connor made the grandmother experience in the story. The story takes on a sort of irony throughout to provide a comedic look at old values and traditions, displaying to the reade...
  • Grandmother's Point Of View
    895 words
    "I just know you " re a good man! You " re not at all common!" Just some of the last pleading words of the grandmother in the story, "A Good Man is Hard to Find" by Flannery O'Connor. In the story, the author uses colloquialism, point-of-view, foreshadowing, and irony, as well as other rhetorical devices, to portray the satire of southern beliefs and religion throughout the entire piece. Flannery O'Connor lived most of her life in the southern state of Georgia. When once asked what the most infl...
  • My Great Grandmother
    629 words
    Walter M. Hayden My great-grandfather was a combatant in World War II and a very courageous man. He was born Walter M. Hayden on January 22nd, 1920 in a small town in Nebo, North Carolina. He was a very intelligent, handsome man. He was honorably discharged from the military service of the United States of America in October of 1945. He and my great-grandmother, Willie Mae Green, conceived only one child within their forty-six year union. My grandmother Margaret Green didn't meet her father unti...
  • Misfit And The Grandmother Question
    1,585 words
    While " A Good Man Is Hard To Find", is a story which employs the search for goodness and for individuals with ethical values, the underlying theme is that neither seem to exist in O'Connor's story. O'Connor reveals that few things, or people, are what they seem. The theme that is ultimately embraced in this story is displacement, of both religion and goodness. Most importantly, one must take into account the role of both the grandmother and the misfit. They share some of the same values althoug...
  • My Grandmother's House
    773 words
    My grandmother's house has a very special place in my heart. I lived with my grandmother for many years when I was little. Her house always seemed to have something about it that set it apart from all the rest. As you walk into the front door of her house you notice a long, slender stairway that led up into the main hallway of the house. The strong smell of cigarette smoke is quite evident when you reach this point. Yes, my grandmother did smoke. My grandmother's house was always full of laughte...
  • My Grandmother With Psp
    1,661 words
    Until I left for college, my family and I visited my grandmother several times a week. I did not like visiting my grandmother. Seeing her is depressing. My grandmother doesn't live in her own home anymore. She currently resides in a nursing home. My grandmother is sick, and it is so sad to see her in her present state, when only a few years ago she was full of life, and would take me shopping or to the amusement park. She was such an active person. She went "a mile a minute", and nothing could s...
  • Home And My Grandmother
    691 words
    Webster states that a favorite is one that is preferred above all others. When it comes to favorite's there are many kinds. I can name my favorite ice cream, color, and number in two seconds. It was a matter of figuring out who my favorite person is that was the problem. It took me days to figure it out. Literally, it took me six days to come up with an answer. Whenever I write about something, I could probably make something up and still get a passing grade on my paper. You must understand that...
  • Their Take On The Grandmother And Misfit
    2,659 words
    A Good Man Is Hard to Fin This story was the first I read by O'Connor and probably my favorite to date. Every time I read it I catch myself laughing out loud at the grandmother who exemplifies southern women to a tee. The story begins with the typical nuclear family being challenged by the grandmother who doesn't want to take the vacation to Florida. She has read about a crazed killer by the name of the misfit who is on the run heading for Florida. Unfortunately, she is ignored by ever member of...
  • Direction Of The Misfit
    1,108 words
    A Good Man is Hard to Find Flannery O Connor's A Good Man is Hard to Find is as full of religious theme as O Connor's life was full of spiritualism. O Connor's biography is useful to fully understand her work. Having been a Catholic raised in the south, O Connor was of the religious minority, allowing her to view the south and southern ways differently than a typical Baptist southerner. We are first introduced to the story's protagonist and the family's matriarch as she is trying to enact a last...
  • Whole Family Except Grandmother
    1,404 words
    "A Good Man Is Hard To Find' "A Good Man Is Hard To Find' By Flannery O'Connor "A Good Man Is Hard To Find,' by Flannery O'Connor, presents many topics that can be discussed and debated. Christianity is one of the main topics that influence this paper and its meaning. The exploration for the meaning of the Christian faith is continuous throughout O'Connor's paper. Christianity is filled with sin and punishment, good and evil, belief and unbelief, but grandmother fully tells her opinion as she tr...
  • Conversation Between Misfit And The Grandmother
    1,527 words
    In Flannel O? Conner?'s, ? A Good Man is Hard to Find? a great deal of irony is used to express her views on how society and culture in the present day and how it has changed from the past. O? Connor used the family's grandmother as a key component in the story because of her personality and also because of her old age. She was able to show her feeling about the deterioration of respect for family and elders through the grandmother. The tale's idea explores into deeper things then just respect. ...
  • Grandmother's Point Of View
    1,384 words
    A Look at Flannery O'Connor's "A Good Man is Hard to Find' By Amy Carr In the short story A Good Man is Hard to Find, Flannery O'Connor uses many different tactics to accurately portray the south in the 1950's. O'Connor uses her style, themes, and point of view to tell a story of a family outing gone wrong. The story involves a grandmother, her only son and his wife, and their two bratty children, June Star and John Wesley. On their way to Florida, the grandmother convinces the family to detour ...
  • House The Grandmother
    334 words
    The Antagonist of the story Was the Misfit the antagonist in the story or was it the Grandmother? In A Good Man Is Hard To Find, by Flannery O? Conner, a family of five decides to go on vacation. Many things go wrong resulting in a terrible ending. The author uses a lot of foreshadowing to show how the story will end. She does this to make the Grandmothers unawareness clear. It is evident that the Grandmother is the antagonist in the story because she led them down a dirt road in the middle of n...
  • Grandmother And The Misfit
    1,382 words
    Ravi B. Lucas April 18,200 A Good Man Is Hard to Find The story of? A Good Man Is Hard to Find? by Flannery O? Connor has been debated and analyzed so much because it can be interpreted one thousand different ways. O? Connor's characters are usually searching for an elusive salvation, and her stories illustrate her views on the human condition. Many spiritual themes weave their way through her work, but never seem to achieve their intended ends. In this story, groups of criminals massacre an ent...
  • Story And The Grandmother
    1,315 words
    Eating breakfast and reading the paper, a southern family is preparing to depart for their vacation to Florida. Set in northern Georgia in the mid 1950's, on a summer day (the children are at home, so it is a good possibility they are out of school for their summer break) when conflict begins to set in over the planned final destination of a vacation. The setting eventually progresses to a dirt road outside a town ironically named Toomesboro. O Connor begins to foreshadow the story's irony by ha...

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