Japanese People essay topics

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  • Japanese People
    906 words
    Chronicles of Japan Japan is one of the world's leading industrial and trading nation and the first Asian nation to develop economy. Japan is the East Asian mainland to receive the stimulation of foreign ideas. There were chronicles of Japan in ancient time. One of the ruler, Shotoku, introduced to Japan various cultural element borrowed from the Chinese. He ruled briefly. Knowledge of Shotoku's constitution came from the Nibongi and it was one of Japan's two oldest collections of legend and his...
  • Very Important And Powerful Tradition
    1,400 words
    Japan Slide Program Report Japan is a very small country, approximately 144,000 square miles (smaller than California), and is inhabited by a considerably large population of over 120 million people (half the United States!) This makes Japan the seventh most populous nation in the world. Japan is located at the far west side of the north pacific ocean, and consists of more than 4,000 islands! However, the Japanese people live on less than 10 percent of this land mass due to rough, mountainous, v...
  • Better The Japanese Language
    2,183 words
    Japanese: The Law of Inverse Returns Scott Barlow December 6, 1996 Shoji A zuma Japan 355 - 1 The law of inverse returns states that the better the foreign learner's Japanese is, the worse the reaction of the Japanese native population will be to the learner's use of Japanese. In this paper, I argue that the better the learner " japanese is, the better the treatment to the learner of Japanese from native Japanese. I will argue this point by making three statements and then provide opinions and r...
  • Japanese Soldiers
    1,279 words
    Eleven million precious lives were lost during the Holocaust of World War II. Six million of these were Polish citizens. Half of these Polish citizens were non-Jews. On August 22, 1939, a few days before the official start of World War II, Hitler authorized his commanders, with these infamous words, to kill "without pity or mercy, all men, women, and children of Polish descent or language. Only in this way can we obtain the living space [lebensraum] we need". Heinrich Himmler echoed Hitler's dec...
  • Japanese People Of San Piedro
    719 words
    The novel, Snow Falling on Cedars, by David Guterson, gives some examples on how past events can effect a community. In 1954 on an island near Seattle, this novel describes the trail of a Japanese American fisherman accused of murdering a white colleague. The only one who can prove that the Japanese man, K abou Miyanut, is innocent is his wifes childhood love is still in love with her. The novel explores how this conflict interferes with justice. This book takes place after World War II in a sma...
  • Japanese Culture To American Culture
    1,498 words
    The small island country of Japan is rich in a culture that has developed over thousands of years. It is very difficult to analyze another culture without some knowledge of that culture first. During my two year residency in Japan, my eyes were opened to the culture of Japan and its people and I grew to love it as much as my own. (The ideas expressed in this essay mainly consist of my own knowledge and observations of Japan). The Japanese are a very traditional people. But this should not be con...
  • Japanese People
    1,111 words
    Racism is the notion that one's own ethnic stock is superior to that of someone else's. Most all racism is as result of ignorance. Racism can range from a simple comment to make another human being feel inferior, to complex actions that make others feel unwelcome in society because of who they are. The theme of racism can be seen throughout literature. In the murder mystery novel, Snow Falling on Cedars, by David Guterson, many examples of wartime racism are evident. The novel is set on San Pied...
  • Japanese People
    678 words
    Modern Asia Japanese Involvement in the War War changes people's lives; it changes the way people act, the way they think, and what they believe in. The people of Japan hold tradition and honor above everything else, this is something that did not change throughout the war. Though the world is changing right before the Japanese peoples' eyes, they keep honor and tradition locked into their minds as well as their hearts. Frank Gibney's statement, "There is no question that the Japanese people had...
  • Japanese People
    524 words
    Japan: An Independent Dependant Nation The main element of Japanese culture is their idea of a "family" oriented nation. There is no focus on the individual. In the Japanese culture your job comes before your wife and children, your wife and children come before you, and you come before nothing. There is no individual separation; there is only group separation. There is also the idea of others' benefit for your benefit. Along with these two ideas, creativity of the individual is very discouraged...
  • Japanese Canadians To The Relocation Camp
    709 words
    Topic: Japanese Canadians during World War II During the World War II, there was more than 6 millions of Jews killed by Nazi, most of them killed in the concentration camp A place where selected groups of people confined, usually for political reasons. Concentration camps are also known by various other names such as corrective labor camps, relocation centers, reception camp. Most people think this kind of bloody action should never happen in Canada. Unfortunately, our kind, lovely, peace-keeper...
  • Japanese Man Kabuo Miyamoto
    536 words
    The book Snow Falling on Cedars is about a Japanese man Kabuo Miyamoto who is on trial for murder. He is accused of murdering a white man, Carl Heine. Much of the story is told through the memories of various characters. It is set in the 1050's in Puget Sound on a fictional island called San Pedro. I think Snow Falling on Cedars was an excellent book. I felt that the author was able to present an unbiased view of the internment of Japanese-Americans during WWII. He presented many diverse viewpoi...
  • Japanese People In Camps
    499 words
    "Herd 'em up, pack 'em off, and give 'em the inside room in the badlands" (Hearst newspaper column). Many Americans were feeling this way toward people of Japanese descent after the attack on Pearl Harbor. The feelings Americans were enduring were motivated largely by wartime hysteria, racial prejudice, and a failure of political leadership. The Japanese-Americans were being denied their constitutional rights, they were provided poor living conditions in these relocation camps, and by the time a...
  • Average Japanese Home
    1,785 words
    The Japanese culture is unlike any other in the world. It has long been known for it's excellence in education and it's strong background of family and religion. The Japanese way of life is an assortment of art, literature, music and more; it is nothing short of spectacular. I will explain about some of the different aspects of the Japanese life style as well as take a cultural look into the life of the Japanese. Finding a place to live in Japan isn't easy. Limited supply and high demand result ...
  • Japanese Occupation In South East Asia
    5,522 words
    Japanese Occupation in South-east Asia Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction Background Pg. 3 Thesis Pg. 3 Research questions Pg. 3 Rationale Pg. 3 Methodology Pg. 4 Chapter 2: Literature Review Pg. 5 Primary sources Pg. 5 Secondary sources Pg. 6 Chapter 3: Research Methodology Pg. 8 Procedure Pg. 8 Types of sources Pg. 8 Compiling and presenting the data Pg. 8 Chapter 4: Results and findings Pg. 10 Background information Pg. 10 Conflict between Japan and United States Pg. 11 The Japanese Oc...
  • Rape Of Nanking
    1,360 words
    I have read the book titled The Rape of Nanking. This book is appropriately titled due to the subject matter it covers. It covers an incident during World War II known as The Rape of Nanking. The book was written by Iris Chang and is two hundred and thirty pages long with an additional twenty four pages of pictures. The Rape of Nanking was an incident that occurred in December of 1937. Nanking at this time was the capital city of Nationalist China. During this incident Japanese soldiers raped, t...
  • Prejudice Towards The Japanese People
    1,810 words
    In the 1940's, Malcolm Little (also known as Malcolm X) stood up against racism towards all Black people. This courageous act becomes even more courageous when it is considered that he was following in his Fathers footsteps, even though his father was murdered because of his philosophies about equality. It often takes great courage for one to stand up for their individual beliefs. It is courage that offers hope for equality in the generations to come. Society in general tends to oppose anything ...
  • Desperation Of The American People
    607 words
    December 8, 1941 was a solemn day. The day after Japan dropped the bomb on Pearl Harbor, the people of the United States mourned. If ever there was a time when Americans wanted to enter World War II, it was then. The United Sates had been deceived by the Empire of Japan, with whom they thought they were at peace. Franklin Roosevelt's speech to Congress, asking for permission to declare war on Japan, shows the resentment and despair of the American people. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, many ...
  • West Coast Japanese Americans
    1,876 words
    Our country was founded on the principals that all people are created equal. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights clearly define the rights of people living in our country. There have been periods in our country's history when we have blatantly disregarded the Constitution and jeopardized the integrity of the Constitution itself. For the first hundred or so years of our country's existence our economy and survival for that matter depended on the work of slaves, African slaves. We treated an entir...
  • Differences Between American Culture And Japanese Culture
    391 words
    The United States is based on a various subcultures. Among these, Japanese culture is one of the most influent ones. I've been a member of Japanese culture in the United States for two years. As I see it, there are differences between American culture and Japanese culture. The example as a difference in a sense of values is how to treat people. In Japanese culture, they respect all people mostly. It's because they think it courtesy to respect people. If you go to Japanese restaurant, the employe...
  • Small Japanese Cars
    1,306 words
    In this essay I will be describing different aspects of Japanese culture and explaining why they are finding popularity in various ways in Australia today. I will also be describing how Japan is represented in Australia. I will also write a conclusion of what I have written. Japanese culture has played an important part in everyone's lives. Whether it is through the electrical technology made in Japan, the cars we (our parents) drive or the food we eat, it is impossible to ignore the impact that...

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