Just Look essay topics

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  • Attractive And Happy With Your Image
    561 words
    Body Image Presented Through The Media In the world we live in today, we are constantly hearing or seeing advertisements through the media about why you need to lose weight, grow more hair, or have whiter teeth, etc. It is scary to just sit down and watch these advertisements on TV, because they make you feel that if you do not have the perfect body image, which I do not believe there is one, then you will not get the job you want or the boyfriend or girlfriend you have been going after, almost ...
  • Philosophy
    416 words
    What is Philosophy? I believe that Philosophy is the study of different ways of thinking. In philosophy, you should question everything and never take anything for face value. There are always two sides to every coin as there are different ways of looking at things, is what philosophy teaches us. In philosophy, you must throw off all the limitations you have set on yourself when dealing with how you view things and how things seem to be. Reality is a big topic of discussion in philosophy. How yo...
  • Minded Students
    417 words
    guess you could say I live off alienation. It seems in my life I have always asked to be alienated from my surroundings. Just like many great authors and artists I found alienation to be a great tool to teach people the age-old lesson that one should not "judge a book by its cover". In class we talked about alienation but we never discussed how it could teach a lesson in a beneficial way. We talked about how alienation is not all bad but we never really concentrated on the good points. When I mo...
  • Just Smiles
    501 words
    We are walking down the solid rock stairs to look for some wine he wants me to taste. I can't see that far because of the dimly lit passage. I follow him into a room were there are many old bodies it scares me all of the old bones piled on one an other. I feeling drunk ask, 'where is the wine?' It must be really good because he keeps talking about it I think. He points to a small opening, and says, 'You go first. ' I walk into the room. I notice it doesn't have any wine in it. I stare at the bri...
  • Peaceful Like Its Just A Place
    339 words
    Second Draft Melisa Bi lic 8th period TITLE: Shepherdess with her flock in a Barbi zon landscape ARTIST: Charles-emilie Jacque Medium: Oil on Canvas Date: (1813-1894) The painting i was look in at that caught my attention the most was the one above. The painting was of a woman in a deserted place with the greenest grass, light blue sky with a couple of clouds coming in like it was going to rain at any time, and shes just standing there watching her herd of sheep while they munch on the grass. I ...
  • Jerry Anna
    2,131 words
    Lifted Up EXT: open field, a hot-air balloon is loading up Anna Wallace (a young woman with sunglasses on) is just getting onto the balloon. Bruce the attendant tucks her money into his pocket. Don the Pilot is already aboard, doing a last-minute flight check. Jerry Brewer is pacing frantically on the grass in front of the attendant. EDITING NOTE: Get the pilot to give some tour-guide speech about the scenery, and use it in the montage scene, and edit it in wherever you see fit. BRUCE Are you co...
  • Look At A Rap Stars Car
    288 words
    People know what they do. If you don't like someone you just go and grave your gun. this is the fist thing people do these days. so if you are bout it just come holly at me. Or go and get your car and do a drive by. those who think they are gangstas need to just prove their self and maybe you might get some sought of look. But if you are not hard don't even be proud of yourself. But for those dudes that look at television all night need to just give up life. If you go to school, and not do anyth...
  • Morning Mum
    439 words
    natasha Smith. A Scream in the Night. Chapter 1 A. .. I jumped out of my bed and turned on the night. I slowly created over to my bedroom window, what I saw was petrifying. A humongous light came bursting in at me I was sure that it wasn't the sun. It came closer each second, closer, closer and closer, bigger, bigger and bigger. But before I got to faint, Mum got up and the light. Weird. Chapter 2 I put on my warm and cosy dressing own, slipped my foot into my bright and yellow slippers, and cre...
  • Look At The Picture
    344 words
    Artist's Statement If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine Any photograph I take I want one to dissect their own imagination, searching within themselves the story the picture tells, to draw out ones imagination. To taste the substance of what the photograph is, what they hear and feel from the image. To not just look at the picture, but to actually see it, and understand it under their own terms. I want someone to look at my art and wonder, what's...
  • First Met Dave
    558 words
    Although Gilgamesh was physically perfect and two thirds god, in actuality he is not all that different from any other human. Just like most of us, Gilgamesh had insecurities, doubts, and fears. Additionally he had his flaws. The fact he had to constantly prove himself as brave and strong through dangerous missions shows he probably wasnt as confident as he seemed. In the end, his fear of death consumes him and makes him seem more human then ever before. One of his major flaws was his arrogance....
  • Kids
    329 words
    Children " ve never been fond of children, no matter how cute they are. I'm not a child hater, mind you. I've just never found a mutual link with kids. And I'm sure they probably feel the same way hehe. You often hear how some women coo over kids. Or maybe you have conversations with your girlfriends and each of you exchange stories about how many kids you want later in life. Or the sight of a mother and child ignites the passion of motherhood within you and you say 'Oh, I want to have kids when...
  • Back To The Ship And My Brother
    2,082 words
    After going from city to city in the Starship, we where looking for a place to stay at. We had left Earth because I was being taken over by the aliens that where discovered from other planets. We knew we would encounter other aliens while exploring other planets so we took proper precautions and brought the protection we would need through out the trip. We where going in outer space so the aliens would not track us and follow us to destroy us. We had arrived to the first planet and just by looki...
  • Beehive With Honey Like The Other Bees
    291 words
    La a beja hara gana Once upon a time in a beehive a bee that did not want to work. Its to say, she would fly fro tree to tree to take the nectar of the flowers; but instead of to converted in honey she just took it all. It was then, a beehive bee. Every morning, just when the sun started to warm up the air, the bee looked by the door of the beehive, she looked it was a good weather out and she brushed herself with her feet. Then she would fly very happy on a beautiful day while the other bees wo...
  • Just Look
    1,571 words
    ... Mum we " re there. Come on we " ll get to bed and you can have some real rest. Wait here while I book us a room". He left the car crossed the carpark until he reached reception. He smiled at the man behind the counter. "Hi there". He said. "I'd like a room for the night, twin beds please, for my mother and I". The man behind the counter grunted. "We only got one room left, it's a single but I can give you sheets at an extra cost and you cam sleep on the sofa". Anthony thought about this for ...
  • Police And Walk Down The Street People
    637 words
    Do our judgment of others defined by the symbols they signify? Are judgment of others defined by the symbols they signify? Why do we judge people based on how they appear? From the min we see somebody wearing bagging jeans, big shirts, just the whole package. We take them to be no good. When that's not always the case. Do we look at them for what they symbolize? By the way they walk, talk, act. Names and titles always symbolizes a person. It describes a persons outlook. When you hear psycho. We ...
  • Pirates Look
    473 words
    Back in history, there were pirates that surrounded Hong Kong and European countries. They would look for treasures and keep an eye for gold. A passenger ship was one of the few ships that pirates look for since it contained jewelry and money from the people. It was easy to do. Just get in, take what you need, and get out. The passengers would not fight, nor would they try to be brave and get their necessities back. Pirates could get in and out quick; thus, the authorities never were able to com...
  • Act Tough And Look
    630 words
    Everyone is guilty of it. even those who claim they " re not. think about it! EVERYONE cares about appearances. I care about appearance. I care about how I look, and though I try not to, sometimes I judge others on how they look. but personality does matter most to me, and unlike a lot of people, I don't just say that to make myself look better. I really believe it. The one thing that makes me incredibly upset is when people judge others on appearance cruely. they see someone and call her a pot ...
  • Look
    290 words
    Diary of a Black Black Women Dear Diary The first thing I said "He's gonna love me and it want take much" Just maybe a second or two of my breath-taking strut I looked at his eyes; look like the Fourth of July Lit up so bright and brow reaching towards the sky Anyway you know me, I threw my chin up and let my braids down Gave a look so mean that Don Juan a give me his crown I try to look important so that he will see my retail value a brother with fake cheddar H 3 8 nothing here is for sale that...
  • Doc Martin Day
    521 words
    Brad Chapman 09/29/99 Creative Writing Block 3 Interior Monologue Here he comes, my wearer! Oh who am I fooling? He never chooses us. After all, the Doc Martins are his favorite, and why shouldn? t they be, it's the newest trend... blah blah blah! Why would ANYONE choose me, I? m all faded, a sad sort of red, not to mention the warn-out sole of my left-sided counterpart. Wait, what's this? He's picking me up, I can? t believe it, he's picking me up. He's picking MEET up! He's putting me down. Oo...
  • Mirror
    210 words
    She stood there, staring in disbelief at her reflection. Could the person looking back at her from the mirror really be herself? She ran her fingers through her long dark hair and sighed. Her hair felt stringy, greasy even. She turned on the faucet and ran some cold water in the sink, splashing some on her face. She'd been crying and her once sparkling green eyes were red and bloodshot. Her milk-like pale skin looked washed out instead of radiant and flawless like usual. She closed her eyes for ...

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