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  • One's Honor With Violence
    2,750 words
    Beginning with the urban drug wars and the Rodney King riot all the way up the spectacular lynchings in Texas and Wyoming, and now the mass murder / terrorist strike by teenagers in their own high school, the 90's is a decade made numb by civil disorder. In between came the incidents at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, and Waco, Texas, involving dubious law enforcement assaults on separatists, which led to the terrorist bombing at Oklahoma City - the single worst terrorist act in American history. Since then,...
  • Perpetrators In Spousal Violence
    1,774 words
    Violence against family members is something women do at least as often as men. There are dozens of solid scientific studies that reveal in a startlingly different picture of family violence than what we usually see in the media. For instance, Murray Straus, a sociologist and co-director for the Family Research Laboratory at the University of New Hampshire gave some statistics that blew my mind away. He concluded saying that women were three times more likely than men to use weapons in spousal v...
  • More Hours Of Television Violence
    790 words
    BLOOD! GUNS! DEATH! TV heroes endorse tanks of noxious, flesh-eating gas The complex age of elaborate laptops, portable color televisions in every room, and pocket radios the size of a basic calculator have all taken their toll on American society. In a furious outburst reflecting the contemporary society in which we live, television has come to represent all that is evil and wicked for our children. Through gruesome, explicit, and often unrealistic portrayals of death and violence, the impressi...
  • Violence By The Military Regime In Algeria
    2,326 words
    Chris ThormanPOLA 293-04 Research Paper April 7, 2003"Thus, what motivates men to slay the enemy is anger", Sun Tzu says in The Art of War. The conflict between Algerian Islamic fundamentalists and the Algerian military backed government is rooted in anger. The conflict, which began as skirmishes between government forces and Islamic fundamentalists, has taken on the proportions of a civil war as fundamentalists carried out kidnappings, assassinations and other forms of civil disturbance. The go...
  • Guns And Other Weapons Around Schools
    3,321 words
    Throughout the 1990's there was a lot of good and bad times. Starting with the good things, I will begin my paper with 5 of the up-most important events in this period of time and then conclude with 4 of the down sides. Early in the 90's was Desert Storm, which was a huge success. The 1991 bombing of Baghdad was a demonstration of smart, powerful weapons, planning ahead and military superiority. Having control in the air was a major goal of those who had planned out the attack. Starting attacks ...
  • Title Of The Article
    740 words
    Bullying and School Violence The article title states exactly what the article talks about, the many different cases of bullying and violence in schools. The title tells you exactly what to expect from the abstract but does not give away any information on what it includes. The author did a good job deciding on the title because although it is simple, it grabs your attention, it certainly did mine. Bullying is a very common happening among young children so the title having the word bully in it,...
  • Way Of Violent Behavior
    802 words
    Violent Behavior in Society It gained through violent behavior is only temporary and it lasts until the time of revenge comes around. Violence was glorified hundreds of years ago. Back then it was a form of apure entertainment. We know how among ancient Romans, gladiators (usually slaves or captives trained for the purpose), fought with swords or other weapons at public 'shows'. The more harm the gladiators inflicted the bigger hero he was, and the more respect he gained. All the crimes they com...
  • Important And Common Arena For Political Violence
    2,980 words
    In modern works on late Republican Rome, the 50's BC are characterised as an age of street gangs, massacres and rampant political violence. Scholars see the battles between Clodius, Milo and Sestius in 57, the electoral and legislative tumults of 55 and the unceasing gang warfare of 53; they read the lurid accounts of Cicero, depicting the sewers clogged with corpses, people feigning death under piles of bodies, and the streets having to be swabbed clean of blood (Pro Sest. 76-77). 1 This attitu...
  • Innocent People As The Twentieth Century
    2,151 words
    Throughout the past, there have always been wars and murders that accompany the changing of the times and different views of how this should happen. War and killing was on an organized basis, such as old military battles. There were rules to war and any violation of these rules was considered morally unethical and cowardly. However, at the dawning of the twentieth century, the world was beginning to see rules of war that no one had ever seen before. The first revolutionary step in the violence d...
  • Solution To Violence
    1,309 words
    A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess This novel is short? only being about 180 pages? but looks may deceive you, or in other words don? t judge a book buy its cover or its thickness. A Clockwork Orange is actually 360 pages because you have to read between the lines. You may think that the story's theme is that the future will be filled with horrible decadent violence (that is what I first thought), but if you read between the lines you will understand that this book is written for one main pur...

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