Reform Party essay topics

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  • Election Of Senators
    548 words
    Reforming the Senate One must address the three major problems with the Senate and the many solutions in order create a Parliament that would speak and act on behalf of Canadians in all parts of the country. The three main criticism of the Senate are that it over-represents the business leaders of the country, that it serves as a patronage device for the government party, and that the distribution of seats does not give equal representations to all regions of the country on basis of population, ...
  • Black Panther Party For Self Defense
    1,683 words
    Is Violence the Answer? : The Black Panther Party Organized in the 1960's at the height of the American Civil Rights Movement, the Black Panther Party emerged as a revolutionist group pioneering a strategy of militancy. The Party's aims were to eliminate the discrimination challenging African-Americans in America since the time of slavery, and to protect their communities from police brutality. Inspired by contemporary radical leaders such as Malcolm X, the party recognized that in order to rest...
  • Votes For The Green Party
    1,940 words
    The issue of electoral reform has become more important than ever in Canada in recent years as the general public has come to realize that our current first-past-the-post, winner-take-all system, formally known as single-member plurality (SMP) has produced majority governments of questionable legitimacy. Of the major democracies in the world, Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom are the only countries that still have SMP systems in place. Interestingly enough, there has been enormou...
  • Populist Party And The Progressive Party
    748 words
    Populists vs. Progressives A political party is an organization whose aim is to gain control of the government apparatus, usually through the election of its candidates to public office. Political parties take many forms, but their main functions are similar: to supply personnel for government positions; to organize these personnel around the formation and implementation of public policy; and to serve in a mediating role between individuals and their government. Political parties are as old as o...
  • Soviet Leaders In Moscow
    1,977 words
    The 1968 Invasion of Czechoslovakia It has been 30 years since Soviet troops marched and tanks rolled down Wenceslas Square in Czechoslovakia's capital to crush a reform movement known as Prague Spring. Alexander Dubcek's attempts to create "socialism with a human face" are often seen as historical and ideological forerunners to Mikhail Gorbachev's reform policies of glasnost and perestroika in the 1980's in the USSR. The events of 1968 shattered many illusions about Socialism and the Soviet sys...
  • Reforms In Czechoslovakia In Order
    3,158 words
    The Novotny regime in Czechoslovakia fell in December 1968 due to lack of economic reforms unresolved political problems of the Slovak part of the country, and Novotny's failure to deal with growing friction between the regime and the country's intellectuals and students. Dubcek was appointed the new president, however during the Prague Spring, the reforms that were brought in by the new leadership began to pose many problems. Although, according to several sources, Moscow felt it necessary to i...
  • Effect Of Gorbachevs Reforms On The Gdr
    1,756 words
    Which Major Domestic And International Factors Made German Unification Possible There were four major groups which played a large role in the unification of Germany in 1990 and whose actions made this unification a possibility. The first of these was the Soviet Union. and in particular President Gorbachev, whose actions in the USSR set the scene for the end of the Cold War and made reunification a possibility. Second, the SED, the communist government in the GDR, which essentially failed to reac...
  • Liberal Party Of Canada
    1,770 words
    Through Canada's one hundred thirty years as a nation, it has developed and changed. These developments and changes have been influenced through the main political parties of Canada. The two main political parties of Canada throughout the years have been the Progressive Conservative Party and the Liberal Party. The Reform Party, the New Democratic Party, and the Bloc Quebecois, form the minority parties of this country. Each one of these parties have their own views and policies that distinguish...
  • Candidates For The 2000 Reform Party
    1,061 words
    History of the Reform Party In 1992, with Americans disappointed in the policy options and candidate choices offered by the two traditional parties, a self-made Texas billionaire named Ross Perot spent over $60,000,000 of his own money to run for President as an independent. Much of that money was spent by his organization, "United We Stand America", to get Perot's name on the ballots in all 50 states. The candidate benefited from a demeanor that was unusually candid for television-age politics....
  • Dissolution Of The Soviet Party And Government
    989 words
    During the late 20th century conditions among the Russian people became increasingly tense, resulting in the soviet government attempting to institute various reforms. During the era of Leonid Brezhnev, a period referred to as the "stagnation" emerged. Economically, issues such as the over-centralization of industry, improper distribution of funds, a costly war with Afghanistan, and a system of privileges for a few, plagued the Soviets. Socially, conditions maintained much the same state they ha...
  • Spain Of The Many Reforms
    900 words
    1. Briefly explain the rise, rule and fall of Miguel Primo de Rivera. In 1923 Primo de Rivera overthrew the government in a military pronunciamento (coup d'etat). Hardly anybody protested to his take over and once in charge he restored order to Spain. Initially it seemed he was doing a good job as he suppressed the anarchist's trade union, the CNT and Catalan nationalism. He also brought peace to Morocco and during his rule experienced a short economic boom. The public became increasingly hostil...
  • Disraeli's Importance In The Second Reform Act
    1,360 words
    Although image was vitally important to both Disraeli and the style of politics he practiced, this does not mean that he was a shallow, worthless politician. Many historians, looking at the historians implemented by Disraeli in the Conservative Party, and in government, conclude that Disraeli dressed modest, piecemeal reforms up in fancy rhetoric. In fact, Disraeli, within the constraints of party and the prevailing political climate at the time, implemented a series of reforms that together can...
  • Europe 1989 Revolution Or Reform
    2,655 words
    EUROPE 1989 - REVOLUTION OR REFORM? The transition from communist rule to multi-party democracy in Eastern Europe and the USSR is one which has confounded contemporary political scientists, evading traditional parameters of both reform and revolution. By studying the events of 1989 in a sequential and comparative manner, we find that the process followed a third strategy - one of 'negotiated' or 'co-ordinated' transition, in which existing regimes, accepting the inevitability of change, engaged ...
  • Turkey And The Akp Faces
    474 words
    US State Department Director Douglas Hengel, Office of Southeastern European Affairs gave a briefing on his recent trip to Turkey and his observations of the Turkish elections held on November 3rd. While Hengel would not speculate on the future of the new Turkish government, he and the State Department await the formation of the new government and look forward to working closely and constructively with the Justice and Development Party (AKP.) The AKP is currently preparing to form a new governme...

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