Use Of Weapons essay topics

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  • Primary Use Of Handheld Weapons
    1,519 words
    During the 16th century England and much of Europe found itself in turmoil and in a constant state of war. The outbreak of fighting led to the invention and development of new weapons and the growth and change of weapons of old. The development of weapons was a trademark of the time, with a sort of renaissance, or re-birth in the field of weaponry (Miller). The technology was highlighted by the invention of gunpowder by the Chinese which eventually found its way to England (Grolier). However, th...
  • Most Important Weapons Of Medieval Times
    1,652 words
    Medieval Weapons Weapons are the tools of today and the death of tomorrow. At one time all weapons were tools. They were a means of survival among a harsh planet and cruel animals. The age of knights changed the true meaning of these tools forever. They now possessed the power of life and the power of death. Europe was an ever-growing bushel of civilizations. These civilizations were always under threat from other growing civilizations. At this point tools became weapons. Weapons are the tools o...
  • Pen As A Weapon In School
    918 words
    Violence in our schools has always been a problem, now more than ever before. Each year many students are injured and some are even killed during so-called 'school-yard brawls. ' ; In fact, more than 1,000 students are seriously injured per year during school violence in California alone. (web) In most cases of serious injury, weapons were involved, including common school supplies such as pencils and pens. Historically, the school systems response to possession of weapons on campus has been at ...
  • Dagger Blade With The Sword Blade
    805 words
    The period of 1000 years in Europe between the 5th and 15th centuries was the time known as the Medieval Ages. During this time, most of Europe was under the control despotic feudal overlords, and the land was infested with pestilence and war. Living under the threat of invasions from foreigners, the people of Europe developed a different kind of weaponry. These weapons were found very useful to the Europeans, and devastated their enemies. This paper will examine three weapons designed in the Me...
  • Used Weapon
    362 words
    Medieval Weapons Medieval Weapons were (are) very dangerous. They can kill, puncture, wound, hurt, or anything else. All weapons from the Middle Ages were looked upon as frightening and crucial tools to kill. From a small dagger to a large cannon; all weapons would kill, no doubt about it. A lot, in fact most of the weapons were used for siege and defense against castles. Castles were the most integral part of the Middle Ages. They held the king, the servants and anyone else important. If you wa...
  • Use Of Smart Weapons
    791 words
    The Impact of AI on Warfare. It is well known that throughout history man's favourite past time has been to make war. It has always been recognised that the opponent with the better weapons usually came out victorious. Nowadays, there is an increasing dependency, by the more developed nations, on what are called smart weapons and on the development of these weapons. The social impact of AI on warfare is something which needs to be considered very carefully for it raises many ethical and moral is...
  • Use Of Nuclear Weapons
    933 words
    Ever since the first nuclear weapon was built in 1945, nuclear war has been a threat. The two major nuclear powers in the world today are the Soviet Union and the United States. If a war ever broke out between the two, which involved the use of nuclear weapons, the whole world would suffer from the effects. In this report I am going to prove that nuclear weapons are a threat to all of us. A nuclear weapon is any device that causes an explosion by the release of the energy in an atom. They are mu...
  • Only True Solution To Nuclear Weapons
    706 words
    A Nuclear Solution? During the nuclear age, some nations have attempted to reduce the number of their nuclear weapons as much as some nations have tried to obtain the weapons. Numerous programs have been started to decrease the number of nuclear missiles. The problem with those plans is "decrease" and not disarm. Many countries don't want to give up their biggest weapon and who could blame them. Some countries need that weapon as a way of defense against an aggressive nation. Since the only true...
  • Confederate Weapons And Artillery Although The Union
    2,947 words
    The Weapons of the American Civil War The Civil War, also called The War Between the States, was one of the bloodiest wars in American history. What made the Civil War such a massacre? The Civil War was such a bloodbath because the technological advances were so far superior to the tactics of the infantry, that the weapons virtually obliterated the soldiers. Soldiers would form lines known as a battalions. In these battalions, soldiers would basically march to their deaths. In addition to weapon...
  • Weapons Used In The War Many Weapons
    1,376 words
    Vietnam Essay: Weapons Used in the War Many weapons have been used in many different wars. The Vietnam War is no different. At one point we had over 500,000 soldiers, field medics, officers, and medical staff. Many people died in this war, that was fought over to keep communism in check. Vietnam spurred many different weapons on both sides, varying in capabilities, strengths and weaknesses. As General William Wetmore land once said, Aggressiveness, quick reaction, good use of firepower, and old ...
  • Used Chemical Weapons
    591 words
    Chemical and biological weapons are the most dangerous threats that our soldiers face today. But just how much do most of us know about them? The American public had been bombarded by stories of how our government keeps secret weapons, does secret experiments, and the everlasting conspiracies. And many accept it all. Rather than simply trusting our government, (which is perhaps as foolish as believing several unsubstantiated), I've compiled several simple facts regarding recent and historic deve...
  • Use Of Nuclear Weapons
    817 words
    The United States in World War II created nuclear weapons in a secret wartime project. The U.S. spent over $2 billion dollars in 1945 on the project in fear that the Germans might succeed in creating a similar weapon. However the German's did not seriously pursue the development of the nuclear weapons during World War II. Four years after the United States exploded the first atomic bomb in 1945 on Hiroshima, the Soviet Union tested their own. With this the nuclear arms race began. The U.S. succe...
  • Crossbow And The Longbow
    910 words
    The Crossbow and Longbow: Revolutionary Forms of Medieval Warfare The crossbow, a medieval missile weapon used in combat and recreation, revolutionized warfare in the 11th Century. The mechanical device was introduced to the English by the Norman Invaders in 1066 and became widely used among the armies of numerous countries. The crossbows were originally constructed of horn and pliable wood but were eventually made of iron which added great power to its firing. The crossbow became a popular weap...
  • Major Differences Between Handguns And Riffle
    608 words
    When it comes to guns, there are some major differences that are taken into consideration when grouping them into categories. Handguns are smaller, cancelable weapons, while Riffles are larger, non-cancelable weapons. When looking at a handgun (or pistol), it is small, can fit into your hand and some models are able to add a silencer to it. There are two main types of handguns. The first is a revolver, and then you have an automatic. A revolver can hold anywhere from 5 to 6 rounds, while a semi-...
  • Major Nuclear Strike Against The Soviet Union
    456 words
    Major Powers The United States. Since the mid-1930's, some U.S. military planners have considered airpower a means of ending a war quickly. Before World War II, they thought that a war could be shortened by using bombers to strike a quick, crushing blow against an aggressor's homeland. During World War II, this airpower theory led the United States to drop many conventional bombs on Germany and Japan. However, this did not end the war. Germany surrendered only after its army was defeated by Alli...
  • Iraq's Weapons Of Mass Destruction Stockpile
    1,491 words
    Back in the early 1980's, there was a war between two neighboring countries, Iran and Iraq. At that time, the United States was an ally with Iraq. To help Iraq win their war, the U.S. gave Iraq some biological and chemical weapons. The United States Army also helped train the Iraqi military. The weapons the Iraqi Regime was given were used numerous times on the Iranians and the Kurdish population of Iraq. During the early 1990's, Iraq invaded Kuwait. The United States did not like the Iraqis inv...
  • Used Chemical Weapons
    823 words
    The issue of this article is that if Iraq and Saddam's regime is not disarmed of their weapons of mass destruction, Saddam will use his cover of his nuclear weapons to try to forcibly unite the Middle East to confront the Western alliance. I chose article number three, which is "The war against Iraq is also the war against global terrorism" and the writer of this article is Dr. Colin Rubenstein who is the executive director of Australia / Jewish and Australia / Israel affairs. The writer's conte...
  • Scientific Progress Through Invtrofertilization
    672 words
    With the use of scientific research technology have been drawn to great heights. This use of technology and scientific data can be viewed as beneficial and harmful. There are numerous reasons as to why scientific progress can be viewed as beneficial, such as its achievements in the human genome of genetic screening, the production of tailor -made drugs and genetic determinism. On the other hand scientific progress can be most harmful through the creation or bombs and nuclear weapons and cloning....
  • Severe Drawbacks Of The Past Experiment Side
    234 words
    Science can be used or misused. As we are inching towards modern era the destructive purpose is getting momentum. science can be a blessing as well as curse. Take the case of fission and fusion. We can use this for generation of power. But now it has got the most destructive side, Nuclear weapons, which can cause an end to earth population within no time. Again the use of halogen chemicals made our environmental inbalance. Nobody else in the world can bring the ozone layer into the former condit...
  • Dangerous Looking Weapons
    591 words
    It seems that in the present day a person cannot look through a newspaper without reading some tragic article involving children and firearms. Such as seen in the Columbine School shooting on April the 20th 1999, where two seniors gunned down 16 fellow students and injured many more. What I propose is for the United States to ban the right to own all types of firearms, which should in theory end all firearm related deaths. There are only between 65 and 80 million Americans that own weapons, and ...

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