Useful Source essay topics

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  • Curves Our Workout Plan
    620 words
    I will use the central route to persuasion because we are providing a high-involvement service. We want to show advertisements with strong, well documented issue- relevant arguments that encourage cognitive processing. The type of source I will use is informal sources because from reading the articles on Curves the formal sources thinks that Curves work-out plan is not effective. So we want opinion leaders to get our name out to the public. For the message appeal I will use factual appeal becaus...
  • Arab Sources
    2,433 words
    History Coursework: Assignment 2- The Arab Israeli Conflict 1. The author in source A appears to take a relatively neutral view in commenting on which side caused the war. Doing so he has looked at both how Israel caused it and how the Arabs caused it, thus leading to the conclusion that neither side caused the war. The author shows the Israelis felt that they had to go to war because they were 'too small and vulnerable. The source mentions that the Israelis felt under threat from Arab aggressio...
  • Test Of Evidence
    916 words
    The speech I chose was about sex and violence in the entertainment world by Robert Dole. I believe Mr. Dole gave a very good speech. The speech was well prepared and organized; it flowed well with appropriate transitions, and was clear and easy to understand. Most importantly he had sufficient amounts of evidence to back up his arguments There are a number of different specific tests for evidence. They include the test of recency, the test of source ability, the test of source identification, th...
  • Historians And Archaeologists About The Iceman
    2,937 words
    1. Explain why the iceman was so well preserved? (source one) It is said that a frozen body will stay preserved over hundreds, even thousand of years. During the first stage of investigations Austrian archaeologist Konrad Spindler researched the layout which had proved that the iceman's body position and placement of weapons were preserved in the same position from when the Iceman had died, it had also been proved that the body was initially covered in a thin layer of snow which had helped compl...
  • Open Source Software And Code
    1,449 words
    Open Source: Good and Bad Introduction: In the following paper I will be discussing the use of open source software as part of a larger project. Example uses of this include incorporating existing publicly available source code within another piece of software. Because the term open source has such broad implications, I will attempt to explain it within the context of this paper. Open source code comes with many different licenses such as GPL, BSD, and MIT. I will describe the most popular licen...
  • Class Lectures Use Many Primary Sources
    592 words
    questions about what you want to understand better about the past. 1) Identify the broad historical topic that you want to write about. Don't be afraid to think big at first! You topic can be taken from any number of the themes, events, or concepts that we read about or discuss in-class. For example, you might explore an issue that is addressed in lecture in greater depth, such as racial segregation in the military during WWII, conservative responses to the New Deal, or the use and support of ar...
  • Ad For Ortho Tri Cyclen The Source
    1,980 words
    Persuasion Theories in Advertising We are bombarded daily with a variety of communicative devices that attempt to influence our thoughts, behaviors, and attitudes in some way. The primary role of this advertising methodology is to persuade, to change the way we construct a certain meaning in our head. Persuasion is a very powerful tool in affecting our idea of how, what or who people should be. The media uses this tool in an attempt to create a need for their product in society. In the ad for Or...
  • Useful Source
    1,767 words
    Q 1. To what extent do the views in Source D support the information on the Final Solution in Source Source A suggests that the mass murders carried out by the Einsatzgruppen took place to the east of Greater Germany. This is supported in source B: In the course of the Final Solution, the Jews should be brought to the East. Source B goes on to say: Doubtless a large part will fall away through natural reduction. The remainder will have to be dealt with appropriately. It should be noted the vague...
  • British Opinion Towards War With Hitler
    3,941 words
    1. We can learn a lot from Source A about the reasons why the British Government adopted the policy of appeasement. Firstly, Britain (among other countries), lost a huge number of men in the First World War, seven million young men who were cut off in their prime and so avoiding another war would seem the duty of the Government to its bereaved people. Secondly, the government, especially Chamberlain, felt that another war was pointless, there are no winners, but all are losers, and so appeasemen...
  • Source F In British Newspapers In 1916
    3,219 words
    History GCSE Coursework Question 1 Study sources A, B and c. Use your knowledge of the First World War to explain which two posters were published before 1916, and which one was published after 1916. You must give reasons for your answer. The sources A and B were produced before 1916 and C was produced afterwards. Source C is an American poster and these wouldnt have been needed before 1916, as America did not join the war until 1917. Joining the army before 1917 when conscription had not yet be...
  • War Time Supply Of Food Source F
    1,305 words
    Source F shows figures for food rationing. What does this tell us about the war time supply of food Source F tells us what was the typical weekly food rations offered to everyone. The source shows us what foods were available at that time. On the list there seem to be that daily products are in short supply this suggests that the farmers in britain would not have had a good year for produce and britain hasnt been able to import any. There are no vegetables on the list this implies that thay are ...
  • Sources Show
    2,177 words
    The Great Depression Sources Coursework 1. Source A clearly gives us evidence about the depression, which make it useful. It is an election poster, meaning that it would give the view of the democrats. The actual content is a made up advert for a smilette. The idea of this was to show the Laissez faire attitude of the government. They are saying that if you wear this smilette, and look happy, everything is fine. This is the attitude that the Democrats have towards the government. This makes it u...
  • Sources B And C
    5,957 words
    History Coursework 2 - The Great Depression The Great Depression, 1929-19331. Source A is an election poster for the democrat party which was published during the time of the Great Depression in the USA. It is basically saying that the Republican government, who are in power, are not doing anything to stop the depression. It says " smile away the depression! ". This is a sarcastic statement directed at the American people. It is saying if you smile, the depression will go away. It is meant to ma...
  • Poor And Unimportant To The Police
    877 words
    Jack The Ripper Coursework Assignment. 3. Source D is the eye-witness evidence of Elizabeth Long, recorded at the inquest into the death of Annie Chapman. It is Long's description of the man seen talking to Chapman before she died. I feel that this source is very useful because it demonstrates how the 'Ripper' might have avoided capture. The accuracy of Long's statement, regarding the description of the man seen talking to Chapman, is questionable. The man, who may or may not have been the 'Ripp...
  • Sources Regard Suffragettes
    3,162 words
    Waverley G.C.S. E History Coursework Assignments Assignment Two Syllabus 'C' 1327 By Ola Akin lade 7/11/03 Women's Right To Vote The right to vote (suffrage) in general elections was given to women over thirty years of age in 1918. This new law was passed by parliament at the end of the First World War (1914-1918). Although on 2nd July 1928 the law was passed allowing all women over the age of 21 to vote. Some women had been campaigning for women's right to vote for many years before the war sta...
  • Intresting Source As Kennedy And Khruschev
    2,383 words
    In the Yalta and Potsdam conference 1945 there was an agreement over the 'spheres of influence'. There was a separation between Soviet communism and capitalist America. USSR occupied East Europe and the West occupied Greece and Turkey. This caused great tension between the 'super powers'. At the end of world war II the 'super powers' came to conflict, U.S. A and the Soviets. There was great suspicion and hostility between the two, this became known as the 'Cold War'! A silent war as there was no...
  • Belly City And Belofin City
    451 words
    Po haku Kappa Social Studies B-6 Mr. O'Day 091402 Hammer Headia The continent of Hammer Headia is located on the equator and the prime meridian. Hammer Headia is a small continent, with five main cities. Each city is located near a water source, but has a different source of food. The paragraphs that will follow demonstrate how each city is connected to geography. Head City is located along the coast, right next to the ocean and Split Head Canal. The ocean is a source of food like fish, and can ...
  • Source 16 The Nazis
    4,713 words
    " The Nazis had nothing to do with the burning of the Reichstag. The young Dutchman, Van der Lubbe, did it all alone, exactly as he claimed. Hitler and the other Nazis were taken by surprise. They genuinely believed that the Communists had started the fire, and they introduced the Enabling Law because they believed absolutely that they were threatened with a communist rising". 1. The Communists were blamed for the fire according to sources 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Here is the evidence I have found to supp...
  • Very Useful Method The Police
    3,213 words
    Jack The Ripper Coursework Question 1 Source A, which is part of an article in the East End Observer describing the murders of Martha Tabram and Polly Nicholls. We learn from source A that the murders were brutal as the source tells us that the ripper uses an 'excess of effort' in the killings. The source tell us that the victims; Martha Tabram and Polly Nicholls were very poor, "the victims have been of the poorest of the poor". This suggests that the murderer is targeting poor women in the eas...
  • Source By Number Within The Text
    491 words
    Webvan was incorporated December, 1996, began commercial operations in June, 1999. Founded by Louis Borders (also founder of the bookstore chain, Borders Group), the firm set out to build a nationwide grocery delivery-to-the-home business. Having burned through between $800 million and $1 billion, it ceased operations July 9, 2001. Please build your own case history from any and all sources you can find, EXCEPT conversations with any members of the MKTG 500 WE class. In this sense, you should tr...

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