Vietnam War essay topics

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  • Communist War Efforts In South Vietnam
    615 words
    Vietnam War The Vietnam War was truly one of the most uncommon wars ever fought. This conflict was so hostile and ironic, that the official beginning and end could never be identified, or pinpointed. Likewise, the enemies and the allies looked exactly alike. This turmoil made everyone in the war confused, because "anyone" could be a friend by day, and foe by night. Additionally, what made the war so difficult was the tactics used by many soldiers. These tactics were called "Guerrilla Warfare", w...
  • Diem And South Vietnam
    1,796 words
    What Caused the Vietnam War? The Vietnam War was caused by many factors that contributed to the warfare in Vietnam during the years of 1959 to 1975. Most factors were the beliefs held by people who wanted to change or to prevent Vietnam becoming an Independent Country. Many people suffered due to these beliefs and policies and that the Vietnam War is now considered as one of the most distressing moments in the 20th Century. So why did the US become involved in the Vietnam War? What was Ho Chi Mi...
  • Vietnam War
    603 words
    Chapter 10: A Generation in War and Turmoil: The Agony of Vietnam It has been known that the Vietnam War affected many American soldiers who were involved in the war physically and psychologically. The Vietnam War was one of the most memorable wars in history. Many Americans' lives lost for no objective at all. Chapter 10 informed us about how the Vietnam War started and what really happened during that time. It also gave us background information about Vietnam Veterans and nurses who were invol...
  • Vietnam War
    352 words
    The Vietnam War Vietnam was a long and vigorous war because it consisted of two sides that wanted different things. The main reason why North Vietnam was fighting South Vietnam was because the North wanted to spread communism. The south did not want that so they called the U.S. for help. I do not agree with the U.S. joining the Vietnam War for many reasons. First, it was not our war so we should not send over troops to die for someone else's civil war. Second, the U.S. would be killing million o...
  • Vietnam War Affected Veterans
    1,320 words
    Veterans and the Vietnam War Contrary to President Roosevelt's campaign promise in 1940, young men and women still go to war (Colombo). All wars have harsh results to the service men. They were not only adults, but young adults. It was different than that of trench warfare in World War I. Although what happened to many men in Vietnam did happen to other men in other wars, the cumulative psychological effects were much greater. War, to be sure, is hell. There are other elements that make the Viet...
  • Vietnam War With The War In Iraq
    696 words
    The war in Vietnam and the war in Iraq differ in many ways such as; the reason for war, US support, the cost, number of deaths, and the time and place. In this essay I am going to compare the Vietnam War with the war in Iraq describing three ways in which the war in Vietnam differs from the war in Iraq. Three ways the two wars differ are the reason for war, number of deaths, and the cost. The Vietnam War was a war over communism that started in 1950, when Ho Chi Minh, the national leader of Viet...
  • Monument To The Vietnam War
    824 words
    The new unified Vietnam became the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (SRV). the With Americans gone, however, Vietnam's military problems were not over. In neighboring Kampuchea (previously named Cambodia), Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge began a reign of terror in hopes of creating a pre-industrial utopia, murdering around 2 million people in so-called 'killing fields. ' In 1978, the SRV invaded Kampuchea to stop the Khmer Rouge, in what became known as 'Vietnam's Vietnam. ' While the invasion put an e...
  • Vietnam War Music
    766 words
    Abernathy 1 Phillip Abernathy Freshman English 111-04 Dr. Doyle 17 December 1999 The Effects of War and Music Together How are music and war related? Music puts a voice in the people's ears, and tells them whether or not we should be involved in that war. It helped out the troops when they were over seas to not be so home sick. Also, every war preceding the Vietnam War had music to help or support the war, but the Vietnam War is where music during wartime changed. The Vietnam War has been called...
  • Vietnam Veterans Against The War
    1,497 words
    U.S. Withdrawal U.S. President Lyndon Johnson's decision not to seek reelection in 1968 prompted serious negotiations to end the war to began. Between 1968 and 1969, contacts in Paris between North Vietnam and the United States were expanded to include South Vietnam and the NL. Under the leadership of President Richard M Nixon, the United States changed its tactics to combine U.S. troop withdrawals with intensified bombing and the invasion of Communist sanctuaries in Cambodia. Due to the length ...
  • Involved The Vietnam War
    515 words
    Vietnam: should the U.S. have been involved The Vietnam War created a great deal of controversy in America. Did America really have to sacrifice thousands of lives and millions of dollars Was it America's duty to be involved in Vietnam affairs Questions such as these are what derived such a constant debate during the time of the Vietnam War. Despite the consequences, USA entered the war in 1965. They fought for several years, loosing lives everyday. Soon the U.S. government came to realize that ...
  • Responsibility For Americas War Effort In Vietnam
    1,727 words
    FOSTER 1 The Vietnam War is probably the most questionable of all American wars. First, it is morally deceptive. It was both a war against communism and a war to suppress nationalist self-determination. Second, it can be (and was) very confusing. American objectives were not always well defined. As a result, United States policy often wondered: the United States would Americanize the war only to Vietnam ize it later. Third, things in the Vietnam War were often not what they seemed. To attempt to...
  • Start Bombing North Vietnam
    371 words
    The U.S. A was unable to win the Vietnam War because they realised too late that the real war in Vietnam was not a military one but a political one. From the start when Eisenhower first began American involvement. They knew that the only way South Vietnam would win is with the support of the American army. Kennedy, the next President restricted U.S. involvement, but after his assassination in 1963 American policy changed sharply. His successor Lyndon Johnson quickly increased American involvemen...
  • Medias Role In The Vietnam War
    643 words
    The discussion of the Vietnam War and its affect on Americans. In this regard, the opinions and experiences of those who fought in the war, as well as those who stayed at home were taken into account. In addition, the purposes of the war outlined, and the wars effect on the indigenous people was assessed. The Vietnam War officially began for the United States with the Presidents order to send troops into Vietnam, although there was no official declaration of war (As was his right as stated in th...
  • Pros And Cons
    393 words
    gordon-news post] The pros and cons of an... had the effect of ceding the public debate to opponents... Americans, still afflicted by Vietnam War insecurities, grow... web 2002-August/003286. html - 18 k - Cached - Similar pages For Teachers... The Vietnam War was one of the most divisive in our history... You may wish to hold a debate about the pros and cons of US war plans... web teachers / rs 56 dd teachers. html - 9 k - Cached - Similar pages NewsHour Extra for Teachers: Social Studies: Geog...
  • Anti War Movements In Australia And America
    1,525 words
    SYNOPSIS Gerster and Bassett assert that "whatever their earnest historiographical intentions" may be, much of the literature written about the Sixties, "are contrived exercises in myth-making". This essay argues that the historical accounts and assessments, not only of the Sixties as a whole, but parts from that period, which, for the purpose of this essay, will be the Vietnam War and opposition to it, have also become "buttressed by conflicting myths". The reasons why the term 'myth' will be a...
  • My Opinion About The Vietnam War
    847 words
    The Vietnam war is something, that no one can forget. There are a lot of different opinions and emotions involved. They say the war started on August 7, 1964, when Johnson was president, and he sent hundreds of thousands soldiers into Vietnam to bomb North Vietnam. USA's Participation in the war was to stop Noth Vietnam in trespassing into South Vietnam. USA also saw communism as their biggest enemy, and felt that it was their duty to stop communism, America was very committed to a theory called...
  • Vietnam War
    270 words
    Vietnam war had a tremendous affect on Americans. Today, there are still so many people that have flashbacks of when they fought in this heroic war. Many people fought in this war and died fighting for their country. They received a purple heart for fight in honor of our men and women who faught in this war. The people who faught had pride, cour gae, and loved their country deeply. Vietnam was most likely one of the worst wars faught in the 19th century. So many people lost their lives fighting....
  • Vietnam War Veterans
    825 words
    Vietnam The U.S. war in Vietnam was the longest and sec and most costly in U.S. history. It last from the mid 1950's until 1975 and cost the United States over $150 billion. Most believe the war was a mistake, some, claimed they don't know what the U.S. should have done differently, and yet others don't have "a clear idea" what the war was about and can't remember which side we supported. The only thing most know is that it has hurt our country and its people really bad. The war statistics were ...
  • Biggest Threat To The South Vietnam People
    722 words
    The Vietnam War The Vietnam War is a great case study in critical thinking. The American people have many different opinions on the United States entering the war. Some Americans were hawks and wanted to go to war in Vietnam. They thought that the Americans were right for entering the war. On the other hand, people thought we had no reason for entering the war. The main reason this war makes a great case study is because it is very controversial. The first narrator thought that we were absolutel...
  • Vietnam War
    572 words
    The Vietnam war. It changed the lives of many people, eliminated those of others. For those back in America, the hardship was felt as their sons died overseas. In Vietnam, the hardship was felt as their sons and daughters died right in front of their faces as they fled to safety. From pictures that I ve seen, some of the kids looked so pitiful from suffering before they died, one would think that death was a better alternative to what they were facing. This war was a person changing experience. ...

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